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Everything posted by Chris.B

  1. errr, the bit about "twin cities straddling eastern river" could be a clue?
  2. Yes, lets have an all-out nuclear exchange to satisfy your lust for revenge. That way we can turn this earth into a bowl of radioactive dust and no one will get anything.
  3. Russia launches all-out assault to encircle Ukrainian troops in twin cities straddling eastern river Bloody battles are raging on Ukraine's eastern frontline today as Russia launches an all-out effort to surround and capture two key cities in the Donbas in what could prove a pivotal moment for Putin's war. Heavy fighting is today underway to the south, west and north of Severodonetsk and Lysychansk - sister cities straddling the Donets River in Ukraine's industrial heartland, where it is thought thousands of Ukrainian troops are trying to hold the line against mounting assaults. Lung-crushing thermobaric rockets were filmed pounding Lyman, 30 miles to the west of the cities, late Monday and into Tuesday as Moscow's forces stormed into the outskirts in an attempt to capture one of the last remaining Ukrainian stronghold on the eastern bank of the river, opening the way for a pincer movement to the south. Daily Mail
  4. Putin humiliated as Russian forces lose 184 military vehicles in Donbas within ONE WEEK They wrote: “Armed Forces: Russia loses 184 military vehicles in Donbas within a week. “The list includes, among others, one anti-aircraft missile system, 43 tanks, 20 artillery systems, and 79 armoured fighting vehicles. Russia has also lost three aircraft.” This news comes as the Kremlin’s forces batter Donbas and the southern Ukrainian region of Mykolaiv, reported The Guardian. Express ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can't how Russia can keep this up. I will give them two weeks and they will be back to their own borders.
  5. ‘F*** the war!’ Putin backlash begins as thousands stage revolt at St Petersburg concert Russian people screamed condemnation of the war in Ukraine at a concert in St Petersburg. Footage from the concert records a crowd of thousands of Russians chanting “<deleted> the war” over and over again. The defiant display of opposition to Putin’s ‘special military operation’ suggests the Russian leader’s propaganda machine of state television is failing. Express
  6. You will be arriving in Thailand on a 30 day exemption from visa. Not a tourist visa.
  7. CNN captures moment secret police find and arrest suspected spy CNN's Sam Kiley follows Ukraine's secret police as they apprehend a suspected spy who allegedly provided Russian forces details about the Ukrainian military. - CNN Spy gets paid 10 USD for reporting military secrets. VIDEO:
  8. I am not sure what good Sweden's 6,850 troops is going to do?
  9. Well Ukraine didn't before 2014! ....and nobody else did before February this year! ????
  10. The link to that care home is here.... https://www.careresortchiangmai.com/ That looks okay, where do I sign up? ????????
  11. Why do we want them? What military contribution will Switzerland be providing to defend Nato's borders? Why should we sacrifice men and weapons for the defence of Switzerland?
  12. Nothing "fabled" about there neutral status. They are just interested in looking after themselves and their banks. They have done nothing to help stop Ukraine being decimated by Russia. ☹️☹️
  13. Don't you think the Russians would know where they are by now what with bloody great big Howitzer shells landing on their Orc heads!! ????????
  14. It is desperation from the Evil Empire. Russia can't win with normal tactics so they are throwing everything into the pot to get a result.
  15. No, I must be old school! I thought in a war for the survival of one's country , all able-bodied males joined the armed forces and fought for their nation. However you are now telling me it is quite legitimate for them to publish blogs instead and make some money on the side. Hahaha ????????
  16. Indeed, it has already been reported Russia is running out of missiles. They will be chucking spears next.
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