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Everything posted by Chris.B

  1. Bit of a cynical and predictable comment. ☹️ There you are in your armchair critizing someone who is risking his life in the middle of a war zone. Daily Express
  2. They were warned by the USA and UK not to become dependant on Russian energy and they choose to ignore those warnings. Boris Johnson Warns Gas Pipeline From Russia Puts Stability at Risk
  3. No way, Russia is running out of money and spare parts for it's military equipment. Wait to he stops paying his armies because he has no money.
  4. Haha, where do you think they are living, in the Amazon rainforest? Of course they have mobile phones and TVs.
  5. The Russians are fighting an increasingly dirty desperate war.
  6. Didn't bother the Swiss who they dealt with 77 years ago as well.
  7. Czech Republic T-72 tanks sent to Ukraine Daily Mail (pictured, tanks loaded on a train bound for Ukraine on Tuesday)
  8. I think everyone here should stop feeding this troll. Just ignore him. In fact I have just remembered the ignored users list so I shall add him to it on him now.
  9. More likely 30 million nancy boys wetting themselves at the Front.
  10. How does the flu vaccine work with Thais? Is it free over a certain age? I was told previously foreigners can't get the free vaccine so I pay 590 baht in a private hospital where we live.
  11. Two Russian soldiers have died and 28 are in hospital after being POISONED by pastry delicacies offered to them by civilians near besieged Kharkiv Daily Mail
  12. Normal day's work for the Russkies. PS, How do u spell Russkie? noun, plural Russ·kies, Russ·kis. Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a Russian.
  13. Count Vlad is a sick man, seriously. Apparently he has a tumour on the brain. Where is he hiding now? Some say he is in a nuclear bunker in Siberia over the Urals with his family.
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