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Posts posted by Chris.B

  1. 1 hour ago, tgw said:

    I hope one day Putin can be taken prisoner and put before a court.


    Maybe Ukraine can one day conduct a "special military operation" in the style of operation "Neptune Spear" and extract him from where he will be hiding in Russia.


    By the way, as oligarchs and their families are "under sanctions", I do hope that also applies to Putin's girlfriend and their children.

    Unfortunately, they are in Switzerland which are famously "neutral". he has probably got some bank accounts there as well. ☹️



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  2. 52 minutes ago, Lacessit said:
    Key Event

    Senior Russian politician suggests nationalising foreign-owned factories that shut down operations



    It's getting comical now, AFAIK nationalising anything has never worked, because the people taking over are clueless on how to run a business.

    One Red Big Mac please and a Commie Coke, thanks.  ????????



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  3. 3 hours ago, Hummin said:

    Iconic U.S. brands Coca-Cola, Pepsi, McDonald’s and Starbucks suspend business in Russia



    This will be a symbolic wake up call for most Russians who remember the “cold war”!

    First time I came to Russia, it was the same day the very first Mc Donalds openend in Moscow, and I remember the line of the que that must been 500m or more when we passed by. I also remember how Gray, dirty and how little they had in the shops of variety of food and basic things. 

    Actually the elderly people missed Stalin at that point, not so different most elderly Chinese in the villages in China still remembered and cultivated the memory of Mao when I visited in early 2000.

    How the russians will react to the closure of these major western brands will be a interesting study to see how influencial they are now. American brands represented freedom back then, and even Rambo was a symbolic freedom fighter for the young russians. 








    No more Big Macs and Cokes for the Orcs. Serve them right for letting their country invade or threaten everyone!  :cheesy:



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  4. 5 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    So Ukraine has offered the equivalent of Rubles5,000,000 and an amnesty  to any Russian soldier who surrenders, they only need say ‘Million’ when they do so.


    This to my mind is a great idea.


    Poorly trained, I’ll equipped conscripts given the chance to get out of a war they want no part in.



    Hmmm, about 30 grand GBP, not bad! ????


  5. 9 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Not only that:


    He’s done a fantastic  job reestablishing support for NATO.


    He’s isolated the Russian economy.


    He’s isolated Russia on the world stage.


    He’s demolished the credibility of Russia as a safe place to invest.


    Added to which he’s now learning Ukraine is no pushover.


    I can only assume he’s surrounded by people who have for some time now been afraid to tell him the truths he needs to hear.

    After Russia's performance in Ukraine, I would suspect Nato are rating their chances in a conventional clash.


    Also, I think Putin's threats will wear off, good on Boris for not backing down.



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  6. 1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Despicable manipulation from Putin and his Russian forces, having already broke two cease fires for humanitarian corridors he is now setting conditions on where the refugees should go before another cease fire is implemented.


    As of two days ago at least 505,000 Ukrainians have gone to Poland, 139,000 to Hungary, 97,000 to Moldova, 51,000 to Romania, 72,000 to Slovakia, and 90,000 to other European countries. Nearly 48,000 have also gone to Russia and a few hundred have gone to Belarus. 


    However announced just now new cease fire corridors will be mainly leading only to Russia :


    Ukraine anger as Putin offers evacuation routes to Russia


    UK government minister James Cleverly has called Russian plans for a temporary ceasefire - to allow civilians access to humanitarian corridors which lead to either Belarus or Russia - "cynical beyond belief".

    "Providing evacuation into the arms of the country that is currently destroying yours is a nonsense," the minister for Europe and North America told BBC Breakfast.



    It's the propaganda value. He will make TV and movies of columns of refugees leaving Ukraine and seeking refuge in Russia. ☹️☹️


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  7. 10 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    From TASS Russian news agency today:


    "When clarifying the unfolding developments, the Russian Defense Ministry reassured that Russian troops are not targeting Ukrainian cities, but are limited to surgically striking and incapacitating Ukrainian military infrastructure. There are no threats whatsoever to the civilian population."


    From Sky News in just one city and similar in may more.



    Targeting civilians not military. Those were Russian trucks at the end of the video shown blown up?


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