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Posts posted by Chris.B

  1. My take on sizes is this.


    In the UK/USA the sizes are standard and enforced by the big clothing chains importing said items.


    The Asians sizes are generally supposed to be 2 sizes smaller than the West's however there are many thousands of manufacturer's and no enforcement of sizes so they produces sizes that differ from their own Asian standard. So these could be 3 sizes smaller for example.


    Then there is the big companies in China manufacturing billions of clothes. If they have too many XL size and not enough 2XL, then they just re-label them 2XL, job done! ☹️ That's my theory anyway. Unlike the Op, if I receive a size that doesn't fit, I return it straight away.


    • Like 1
  2. 29 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Excellent news!


    Russian Navy ship destroyed at southern port - Ukraine military


    The Ukrainian military says a large Russian ship has been destroyed near the southern port city of Berdyansk.

    In a post on Facebook, Ukraine's Navy says a large landing vessel - the "Orsk" - was hit and set ablaze in the Sea of Azov this morning.

    "The Orsk large landing ship of the Black Sea Fleet of the occupiers has been destroyed in the port of Berdyansk captured by Russia," the post says.

    Ukrainian media report that one Russian ship has sunk and two others are on fire, and that an ammunition depot and a fuel warehouse were hit.



    Hoorah!!!  :clap2::drunk:


    I would like to know, with what did they hit it with?


    • Like 1
  3. 33 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    It's the countries nearby to Russia, not surprisingly, that are advocating stronger NATO action for the very reason you mention.


    It's the far away countries like the U.S. that thus far have been opposing it, understandably, out of fear direct NATO involvement could lead to some version of WWIII and nukes being deployed.


    Hopefully, there's some way the west can DO MORE in a meaningful way that isn't likely to trigger the various nightmare scenarios.



    Not just that, If there is a nuclear exchange then it will be the nuclear armed countries which will suffer first i.e. UK, France and the USA. The French will probably surrender which leaves the UK and the USA bearing the brunt of Russia's ballistic missiles. ☹️



    • Confused 1
    • Haha 2
  4. 3 hours ago, itsari said:

    I have a question that is off topic but concerning wise .

    I have a British pound account with wise that I opened this week while residing in Thailand .

    I opened the account as i am waiting for money from a deceased estate .

    Can a solicitor send money to the wise account i have opened ? 

    I have no other bank accounts in the UK . 

    I was asked to transfer around 1000 baht  to open the account with wise . I am not sure if I was meant to do that for a private account 

    The account has a UK bank sort code and an account number so anyone can send money to it. Whether there is upper limit, I don't know.


    • Thanks 1
  5. On 3/14/2022 at 4:57 PM, RichardColeman said:

    Took 36 hours the other week for me - probably slowed down as the Russians were transferring their ill gotten gains about

    That is probably because you are using the "funds for long-stay in Thailand" option.


    Or you trying to do a transfer over the weekend or public holidays.


    Last night my transfer took 7 seconds.


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