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Posts posted by Chris.B

  1. 2 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Well he knows a photo opportunity when he sees one.


    Has he done his ‘Fight them on the beaches’ pastiche yet?


    Rest assured, it’s coming.

    Bit of a cynical and predictable comment. ☹️ There you are in your armchair critizing someone who is risking his life in the middle of a war zone.



    Daily Express


    • Confused 1
    • Haha 2
  2. 4 minutes ago, placeholder said:

    Preparing for the first winter without Russian gas

    The European Union can manage without Russian gas next winter, but must be united in taking difficult decisions, accepting that in many cases it won’t have enough time for perfect solutions.


    They were warned by the USA and UK not to become dependant on Russian energy and they choose to ignore those warnings.


    Boris Johnson Warns Gas Pipeline From Russia Puts Stability at Risk  


    • Thanks 2
  3. 8 minutes ago, SooKee said:

    Always an interesting topic.  I'll be due for renewal before long and am currently with April International.  My renewal premium has gone up by 8% and will be around $2,400 so I decided to look around.  The premium hike I can stand and it's probably not unreasonable, what bugs me though is that I have to pay using a GBP credit card (I have looked at all, I think, other possible methods, the problem being their account is in USD in a French bank so all the payment systems are expecting a Euro payment) and each time I do that I get stung an extra £50 by the bank, on top of the premium, because of a non-sterling transaction.  April's payment system is garbage IMO with confusing messages and website re-direction that resulted in me being charged twice last year and then messing around chasing a refund.  Their communication sucks as well, or rather the lack of it does, and problems getting replies about anything!

    I've had a look at HCI International which has quite a lot lower premium (£1,400 or so vs £2,000 for April) but I just worry that this is a bait premium to get you hooked after which it will sky-rocket, as another poster alluded to in another thread.  This thread puts me off David Shield (or whatever their name is now) and the WR Life I'm reticent about due to their newness.  

    AA brokers suggested another policy to me, Globality, their 'You Genio World Plan' with very high coverage rates, a GBP policy and, while it's more expensive than April by £150, that drops to only £100 more for me as I can pay in GBP and take the non-sterling transaction hit.  As ever, one wonders what the increases will be in the future but that's an issue with every company, including April.  The Globality policy though provides far higher coverage and fewer restrictions than April for an only slightly increased price so I might look harder at that.  HCI I'm on the fence about.

    What age are you?


  4. 29 minutes ago, friendofthai said:

    The resistance of the West stems from the Russian inability to use nuclear weapons now. So the West behaves as if Russia did not have nuclear weapons. As If Russia were Iraq or Lybia.
    This inability will persist for several more months for this reason:

    I think everyone here should stop feeding this troll.  Just ignore him. In fact I have just remembered the ignored users list so I shall add him to it on him now.


    • Like 2
  5. 10 minutes ago, rudi49jr said:

    Absolutely disgusting:




    And that’s probably just one of many examples of war crimes being committed by Russian troops.

    Normal day's work for the Russkies.



    How do u spell Russkie?
    noun, plural Russ·kies, Russ·kis. Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a Russian.


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