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Posts posted by Chris.B

  1. The reason they go to such extents are, if the notes are found to be forged or are no longer legal tender, it's the branch manager who has to pay back the bank. I suspect he/she will also make the teller pay somehow.


    This is why they made so much fuss over your wife's details because they know it will be easier chasing her for the money then a foreigner.


    So lets not be to harsh on the bank teller, I am sure you would do the same if you were in her shoes.



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  2. 22 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

    I'm getting sick of these Russian backed IRA astroturfers. They are only here to spread propaganda. Their modus operandi is to appear to be fence sitters and act like the voice of reason while casting doubt on credible media sources as well as pushing outright lies or, at least egregious distortions of the truth, typically lying by omission.

    It's a forum mate, what is the point of only preaching to the converted? ????


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  3. 34 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:

    Will they also give them protection from the Kremlin hit squads which patrol the nations armed with lethal poisons?

    How will Ukraine have the funds to honour such a deal? There will be no wheat crop this year, and no reparations for rebuilding for their own survivors 

    World Bank Mobilizes an Emergency Financing Package of over $700 million for Ukraine


  4. 14 hours ago, Lemsta69 said:

    g'day mate, do these things actually work against mosquitoes? a mate of mine reckons they don't but he hasn't actually bought and tested one ????

    These are quite new and I have one in my bedroom...




    However it is a little to bright to sleep to so I only use it in the evenings. In the night I switch over to a Yage YG-5623. Bedroom only. 




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  5. On 3/12/2022 at 5:53 AM, jacko45k said:

    I see plenty of restrictions on job positions in Thailand, particularly the limits women appear to encounter. Surely trans will have similar issues.....or do they expect to be treated as men in this case?

    Correct, don't see many middle aged staff working in convenience store chains. Why is that?



  6. 11 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Lumen Technologies and Cogent Communications, providers of the internet ‘backbone’ Russia relies on have both announced they are withdrawing services in the region:





    Is that good news or bad?


    I would have thought the internet is beneficial to keep the Russian population informed. Or are we returning to the BBC short wave service as recently reported?


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  7. Yes you were lucky weren't you.....


    "luckily my family were not very short of money although by no means wealthy, I went to a private school for many years and then to a grammar school, had a good job" 


    At my school (state), it was considered an achievement if you stayed on past 15 years old! We lived in a council flat in a big old Victorian house where we shared the toilet and bathroom with two other families.




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  8. 29 minutes ago, rudi49jr said:

    Russia is apparently recruiting thousands of Syrian fighters skilled in urban combat to fight for them in Ukraine. Earlier Putin claimed it was reprehensible and immoral for foreign fighters to come to Ukraine to fight against the Russians. The man gives hypocrisy a whole new meaning. 

    Further signs of desperation. :cheesy:


    I have no doubt at all the Ukrainians with see off the Syrians just as they saw off the Chechens.



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