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Everything posted by Chris.B

  1. Wow! Good news although 17,500 doses short. Still won't quibble over that! ????
  2. Expatvac started on 1st August calling for all foreign residents to register and receive vaccinations which turned out to be 2 shots of Pfizer from the USA. How comes you and your "many" friends didn't get "properly" vaccinated then?
  3. So what are you trying to say? The millions of Thai people who booked Moderna are wrong because it (Pfizer) is all out if they keep their ears to the ground! ????????????
  4. Many farangs got Pfizer in September through Expatvac. It's hardly a secret!
  5. If they are fined they should be given an official receipt. No receipt = corruption.
  6. How many years studying structural engineering did you do then to be able to make such a statement?
  7. You don't even know the correct terminology for the building's structure but would take walls out on an assumption. ???? In China, people are executed for causing collapse of buildings. How do you know the walls are not bracing the buildings frames against lateral loads? It's a rhetorical question so no need to answer. It is clear you know nothing about building construction. ☹️
  8. You need a structural engineer and he will need the full set of structural drawings and structural calculations for the building.
  9. That's what I thought! Do you think they might have them in VHS instead? ????????
  10. 1.4 million doses of Moderna is due by the end of November or early December. Will the Thai Red Cross forgo the Moderna they ordered with the PHA now that Thailand has received 1 million Moderna doses free from the USA?
  11. There is a big difference between the quantity of Pfizer made available for the 60,000 expats through expatvac and the Pfizer needed for millions waiting on the Moderna lists.
  12. 560,200 Moderna doses were delivered to Thailand on 1st November not 1.9 million.
  13. "Thailand’s Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul is urging unvaccinated people, who are waiting for Pfizer or Moderna vaccines booked with private hospitals, to cancel their bookings and get free jabs of Pfizer vaccine at state vaccination facilities." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- But the private hospitals won't allow cancellations! Where and when will the Pfizer vaccinations be available?
  14. Okay, a good idea.! Where is the Pfizer coming from? They lost a million doses a short while ago. “Ditch your vaccine orders and come for vaccines from the government. Those who have ordered a Moderna vaccine but have yet to receive it, come to us and we will give you Pfizer instead.” https://thethaiger.com/coronavirus/cv19-vaccines/still-waiting-for-moderna-anutin-says-give-up-and-get-pfizer-from-the-government Where and when?
  15. The Thai people respect and look after their elders and need no lectures from the likes of you. ☹️☹️
  16. Must be a secret business then and you, the secret business owner!.......
  17. Errr...... they have been giving priority to the over 60s, didn't you know that? ????????
  18. Up to you mate, but just don't go outside and start spreading the infection to others.
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