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Everything posted by Seppius

  1. Reform will not win any seats, well maybe Clacton, but they will get a good proportional vote for sure, maybe more than the Tories. But, has anyone commenting on here actually looked in detail at Reforms "contract to the people", pretty good I would say if they could pull it off https://www.reformparty.uk/our-contract-contents
  2. It's a good channel, with footage of the war, mainly Russian tanks getting splattered
  3. So now you are here and settled, you don't want anyone else to have the opportunity? Maybe because it will spoil your life?
  4. I am pretty sure his days in Thailand are over
  5. Russians are such loverly people, aren't they? Shame on their supporters on here https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13485583/Kidnapped-Ukrainian-policewomans-two-years-hell-tortured-Putins-forces-Emaciated-officer-24-starved-beaten-abducted-fleeing-Mariupol-weeps-finally-returns-home.html
  6. Here is that story, I did see a dis-prove video on it also 8 mins long But I do believe if we are being watched that they would want to try and stop us destroying a "Goldilocks" planet, packed with natural resources
  7. Watched so long ago the first part, will wait till full 2nd season available and binge it,
  8. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/03/22/russian-navy-fired-on-civilian-fishing-trawler-killing-sailors-dozhd-a84568 The Russian navy accidentally fired on a fishing trawler during training exercises earlier this week, causing an explosion and killing three people on board the vessel, the independent broadcaster Dozhd reported, citing one of the victims’ relatives.
  9. Your stepson will learn a lesson When renting, 3 questions, rate for water, electric and rent ?
  10. A- can accept O- I am pretty sure
  11. Due to the, British very liberal immigration laws for the last 40 years, many people identity with being British, but are not in the true sense of the word , They actually hate the British way of life, they want to change it to the way of life they fled from in the first place
  12. No one was talking about nukes till Russia invade its cousins, Russia is the only country threatening nukes. NATO are left with no option
  13. Really you are funny, there was a status que till Russia invaded Ukraine, which was working well. Now Russia will get everything it deservers, losing ships, tanks and hardware faster than they can replace them, NATO now thinks Russia is a joke, corruption in a mega scale, nothing hardly works, they are allowing western weapons to hit Russia because Russia is so weak Even China is not backing them up, Russia is a joke IMHO I understand you are probably Russian or have a connection to the country, but Putin has ****** your country
  14. If that happens, it will all be down to one man who could stop this "MAD" right now, today. IMHO
  15. Sukhumvit is a nightmare Klang to North Pattaya road atm, all dug up
  16. Mr. Bryce Mahoney, I think he is more a traveler than tourist, he certainly has the haircut
  17. Joining a group with some of the most corrupt countries in the world, maybe Thailand would fit right in
  18. Two senior Biden administration officials Wednesday opened the door to allowing Ukraine to use American-donated weapons to strike inside Russia. The move, if made, would come as European allies, lawmakers and Ukrainian officials exert pressure on the White House to lift the restrictions, and as Russia has made major advances on the battlefield. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/29/biden-aides-signal-openness-to-allowing-ukraine-to-strike-russia-with-us-weapons-00160462
  19. How many people died from the flu during the pandemic?, usually it's around 700,000 a years https://ourworldindata.org/influenza
  20. Because the British owner's wife is very well-connected
  21. Ukraine won't lose The west will not let them, they have invested too much now to throw it all away, the security of many small nations around Russia depending on it Many countries now saying you can hit Russia with our weapons, F16s coming very soon, plus maybe French and Polish troops will be on the ground behind the lines soon, freeing up more Ukrainians to the front
  22. White shirt is in hiding, and does not want to be named because he does not want his mates back home to see he wears a handbag🤣
  23. A lot will depend on how well the Russian and his family are connected here, the Brit is the manager of a very big nightclub on WS
  24. Well here is another video showing them to be a bit wobbly, but fine. This does look like just after the incident. So yes, all three guys ok m2-res_480p.mp4
  25. That Facebook video is them on their way out to party, look at the sky, just gone dusk. Absolutely no way they would just walk away from a beating like that as if nothing was happening, It's still a mystery
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