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Everything posted by Seppius

  1. Darren, you don't mention where you come from, but if UK an International driving permit "IDP" from post office easy with your UK license. £5 I think If you are staying in Pattaya, if fairly easy to get a Thai license, 2 or 3 visits to the testing station, in 4 months you have plenty of time to get one for car and motorbike, if you're planning future visits, good idea to get it done There are a ton of threads on here and other forums on the process how to get Thai license
  2. They enter France legally, but sneak into the UK and claim asylum for what ever reason, one reason being the benefits they are given in the UK https://www.etiasvisa.com/etias-news/eu-confirms-albanians-not-need-visa
  3. Nigel Farage is the modern day Enoch, he has been going on about the channel crossings for 5 years or more, 10,000s have crossed in that time
  4. Major influence of the 20th Century Could never understand why he had a map of the Korean Peninsula on his forehead
  5. Anyone found a supplier accepting Paypal as payment?
  6. They almost certainly come to join the growing Albanian mafia operating in the UK drug trade. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jan/13/kings-of-cocaine-albanian-mafia-uk-drugs-crime It's the job of any government, in any country to protect its borders. Miserable failure from Boris Johnson
  7. I have been active in several cannabis threads, and a smoker myself, I suggest to look at today's headline in the BP, I repeat, it does not look good. Links to BP are not allowed on this forum or else I would post it
  8. Take a look at today's Bangkok Post, future does not look good
  9. By the looks of today's (Sunday 28th) Bangkok post, some pretty harsh new laws coming in soon, that will close down all these places selling weed that are opening up
  10. There were 6 Apollo moon landings, all real. https://www.space.com/apollo-landing-sites-moon-observer-guide
  11. So how do you watch UHD movies?
  12. Wow, the UK inflation is a massive 1.1% higher than the EU, don't worry I am sure they will catch up to the UK, they are usually behind the times. The UK stands much better chance of surviving a recession/depression outside the EU than in it .Much as it did with getting organized for Covid vaccinations https://www.statista.com/statistics/225698/monthly-inflation-rate-in-eu-countries/
  13. Thank you, just added to LINE, but at the moment can't see anything "cheapo" than other sites. Is that coming?
  14. These days, it is plain stupid to get on a bike or drive a car when you have been drinking This guy is screwed. One way or the other going to cost him a mint A Bolt motorbike taxi is an instant away in Pattaya
  15. Waiting to sex mine, found this pic
  16. This one just opened in Cosy beach Pratumnak, no small investment. With police blessing, I am guessing Long may it continue
  17. It does not help when the police close all the bars at midnight, as they did one-night last week, a lot of unhappy tourists
  18. Send a message and you get an instant reply with prices, does seem very cheap
  19. Would love a link please to buy
  20. Sorry if already posted, Electric going up here in Thailand 18% The Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) has approved an 18% rise in the price of electricity for the September-December quarter, to a record-high 4.72 baht per kilowatt hour (unit).
  21. The police don't seem to welcome tourists, they shut down Nana and Cowboy dead on midnight Friday 12th., Cowboy was heaving at the time.
  22. When the shelves get stripped of "mama noddles" then you will know we are in trouble
  23. Stalls openly selling on WS, police walk straight pass
  24. Two places I know. Candyland B600 1gr Then I found this place Jomtien beach B500, advertised as Nepal hash, and very moreish and strong.
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