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Everything posted by Seppius

  1. Don't worry about what I do or don't understand Mr U-Turn Starmer, don't believe a word he says. He wanted PR now he does not Recording 2024-07-08 124229.mp4
  2. I think the stats prove you wrong https://www.uefa.com/uefaeuro/match/2036208--england-vs-switzerland/statistics/
  3. Did you watch the game last night? England were very good, they broke up the play of what was previously excellent Swiss team, played with energy and with a persistent "push" on the Swiss There are no easy games in the 1/4 finals of any football competition
  4. Simple fact is, more people voted for Reform and the Tories than they did labour.
  5. "astounding win" Not when you look at the facts Reform did rather well, they won 5 seats were second in 103, not bad when you think Farage only took over 5/6 weeks ago Only 20% of the population 18+ voted for labour. Jeremy Corbyn did much better Reform would have won 94 seats with proportional representation they got a whooping 14.4% of total votes cast, The lib/Dems had 12% of the vote yet got 70 seats, does that sound fair? This wasn’t a Labour win, it was a Tory collapse, mainy caused by Reform targeting the core Tory voters, and when that sinks in the reality of a Starmer government will be seen for what it is Here is the map would have been with proportional representation, Farage and Reform did rather well, roll on 2029 when they really will have their act together
  6. Heinz beans are now B90 to no more than B120 in supermarkets around Pattaya and Bangkok, they have increased from about B75 last few months Their post was for views on social media, and it worked
  7. My friend arrived 3rd July, only got 30 days , just for info
  8. Germany will beat the Spain, England will beat the Swiss IMHO
  9. But do you want Russia controlling "The Grain Basket of Europe"? I would say Europeans don't, and will fight to stop that happening
  10. I think a lot of the undecided will vote Reform when it comes to it
  11. Just seems to affect food places in the shopping malls, as far as restaurants go
  12. Except, as far as we know, no one is getting 60 days on arrival
  13. Beer prices in 7/11s have gone up once in 3 years, considering how inflation has been, a good result
  14. I am pretty sure you can sing Elvis songs on TikTok, as The Beatles traks also TikTok has deals in place with distributors and labels in order to license music for the app. Artists then receive royalties from having their music used on the platform. https://blog.audiosocket.com/blog/tiktok-music-royalties-how-does-it-work/
  15. Let's suppose DT does withdraw support for Ukraine, I believe Europe will continue their support, what do you think?
  16. Possible, the guy I know will only be 4/5 days over the 30, so he should be ok
  17. What are you paying for that? 3BB 1GB is around B700, i pay 630, but had it for a while and they never have increased original cost Speed has dropped recently, only getting around 300 mbps
  18. There is a thread running here about this I just posted this on there Channel4 NOT lying when they said they never paid him Because these guys probably did, as they are the production company that Channel 4 bought the video from https://www.leesorrellmedia.com/ "Lee Sorrell Media, in partnership with Coco Mocha Films, specialises in daring, innovative investigations and hard-hitting documentaries that create headlines and reach out to people across the globe."
  19. Channel4 NOT lying when they said they never paid him Because these guys probably did, as they are the production company that Channel 4 bought the video from https://www.leesorrellmedia.com/ "Lee Sorrell Media, in partnership with Coco Mocha Films, specialises in daring, innovative investigations and hard-hitting documentaries that create headlines and reach out to people across the globe."
  20. That comment sums it all at, not his normal way of speaking
  21. Called Tuk Tuk, and yes was the old Champagne, now open air music bar
  22. Sounds by the way he talked, he did it for free drinks, and made the most of it😀
  23. Well whatever it was, I bet we are going to hear a lot more from Andrew Parker soon, he will enjoy and capitalize his new-found celebrity status, fully paid up member of Equity I bet Piers Morgan has him on soon
  24. told Sky News the sting operation had "proper taught me a lesson". He said: "There's lots of old people like me who are sick to death of this woke agenda… but on that particular day, I was set up and set up good and proper. "It's proper taught me a lesson - I was a total fool." When the Telegraph spoke to Andrew Parker earlier he denied being an actor. I think he was Playing Alf Garnet that day
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