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Everything posted by Seppius

  1. Sorry you got me wrong, I meant how many "cases" of bites they have treated
  2. In the last 6 months I have known of three farangs getting bit by dogs, one of these guys badly, he said never felt pain like it. Be interesting to know how many the hospitals treat for bites
  3. I bet the Russian is not looking forward to going home, straight into the military
  4. To honest not sure, I think they do a free trial Ivacy
  5. I have used Ivacy for years, some good deals, but more important, it works Have a look
  6. Just about any bank branch will open you an account if you tell them you want insurance as well, getting one to open without is the challenge
  7. Found an amazing site if you are struggling, mind you i do watch on a PC, but you could add to smart TV I guess You can find it from your country https://time4tv.stream/schedule.php
  8. Going to be awkward for tourists to watch the 2am games with the bars being told to close
  9. All games on here, if one does not work try the next https://worldcup.soccerstreams.net/
  10. Not available in Thailand is it? "Starlink is not yet available in your area due to pending regulatory approval. As we receive approvals our coverage area will continue to expand, so please check back for future availability in your area"
  11. Had it three times now, first was about 10 years ago, very painful. Two weeks of Acyclovir cleared it up. Then got it four months ago again strangely not so painful, but I only took one week of anti-viral, as I thought it was clearing up quickly, that was a mistake as three weeks ago hit again, still taking anti-viral. Looks like its gone, but doc said keep taking a smaller dose for longer All this happened in Thailand
  12. If you believe the ex employers all over TikTok, Twitter will not remain up much longer, no bugs are being fixed and porn is getting out of hand
  13. What is the issue with Santander? I have my pension paid into them, no problems so far, I still have a UK address
  14. More on the way, I predict worse than yesterday, if that is possible
  15. One of my favourite movies, "The Quiet American" if anyone not seen it, watch. One of Michael Caine's best performances. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0258068/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0
  16. Flew once with Turkish, every impressed with cabin class service, no limit on drinks, not like stingy LKM
  17. Sold out by lunchtime usually, but they do have a few copies, I go there about 2pm ish, if i see one I get it for the crossword
  18. 37 billion wasted on Track and trace 9 billion on wasted on PPE that could not be used 4 Billion on PPE that ended up being burnt 70 billion on the poorly run furlough That is why the UK is struggling, total incompetence by the government This is why they have the so-called black hole in finances, nothing to do with Brexit
  19. I am sure it is, Foodmart in Jomtien sell it. Asia Books in Beach mall would have it, newspaper shop around South pattaya market sell it. But to be honest it's not worth the price these days, except maybe Friday
  20. Argentina England Brazil Uruguay
  21. Why pick only on the UK? Hard times for most countries, not just the UK, they are just ahead of the curve from the EU, always have been "The German government and leading economists say that Germany is heading toward a recession. What constitutes a downturn and what does that entail?" https://www.dw.com/en/economy-recession-rears-its-ugly-head-in-germany/a-63444401 "Italy forecasts recession as Meloni seeks economy minister" https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/italys-economy-shrink-3-straight-quarters-treasury-says-2022-10-03/ "Netherlands in a "mild" economic recession: ING economist" https://nltimes.nl/2022/10/26/netherlands-mild-economic-recession-ing-economist "Eurozone heading to a recession at the end of this year, Brussels says" https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/11/11/europes-record-inflation-will-peak-at-year-end-but-remain-high-in-2023-says-brussels "US is headed for a recession, says head of JP Morgan Chase bank: ‘This is serious£’ https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/oct/10/us-economy-recession-jamie-dimon
  22. What time in Thailand is the T20 World Cup final on Sunday 2022? I can't work it out lol
  23. Now they will find more mass graves, the Russians have a lot to answer for
  24. I wonder if we ever hear any more of the story or what happens to him?
  25. A few coins are turning positive, if you have the b**** good time to buy maybe. Would be xrp for me
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