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Everything posted by Seppius

  1. When you do find a decent breakfast, you then find out they serve it on a cold plate
  2. I thought I was the only one!!! I totally lost the plot in the latest episode, I was doing ok till then
  3. Few weeks ago they were there, they don't appear till late
  4. If Labor get back into power, at least the Tories can return the letter that said (roughly) don't look for the money, there ain't???? none left
  5. President Biden, Trump cut their funding, Joe reinstated it
  6. Because there have been fewer tourists in the Pratumnak/Cosy beach area, the sois now have far too many strays, I avoid Cosy beach now because of this, been chased on my motorbike twice
  7. "German Inflation Soars to Double Digits for First Time in Decades" https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/29/business/germany-inflation-september.html 10.9%
  8. If you think what's happening in the UK is not going to happen in the EU (it already is) and the rest of the world, then you are deluded.
  9. Looking forward to the link once you receive to missing amount
  10. He can't, but he is obsessed with UK, Brexit, and Johnson knocking, love to know what Utopia he comes from?
  11. Blame Brexit lol, never miss a chance do they?. Do you think it's just the UK to having a problem? Germany to fall into recession as global economic outlooks darkens, OECD predicts https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/09/26/russia-and-germany-to-fall-into-recession-as-global-economic-outlooks-darkens-oecd-predict "The study paints a bleak picture of the world economy: business confidence, disposable incomes and household expenditure all plummet while the costs of fuels, food and transportation surge" The UK has always been in a different cycle to the EU. "The PMI surveys signal that the euro area is entering recession earlier than we previously thought, led by its largest economy Germany, and we now see the euro area 'enjoying' a longer, three quarter recession," said Peter Schaffrik at the Royal Bank of Canada. https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/europe-heading-recession-cost-living-crisis-deepens-2022-09-05/ Let's see what happens when the currency traders turn their attention to the Euro, at least the UK has been pro-active in trying to find a solution
  12. I think I posted something similar on another thread. Down on the beach at the bottom of Soi 5 Pratumnak, Pattaya, there are around 10/15 dogs in the area. Not heard of them biting anyone, but all poo on the beach, which is never cleaned That's an awful lot of poo day in day out, watching families picnic on top of it all turns my stomach. Add in the cats and pigeons in the same area doing the same, no way would you get me on that small beach????
  13. Would Russia have invaded Ukraine if they had nukes? Maybe not In 1994 UK and USA signed a pact to protect Ukraine from invasion if they gave up the right to have nukes. https://moderndiplomacy.eu/2022/02/25/ukraine-is-betrayed-by-the-us-and-uk/
  14. There is a lovely spot at the bottom of soi 5 Pratumnak on the beach. There are about 15 soi dogs in the area, all wild None have collars, and they scrap among themselves on the 7/Eleven patio. Also, the thing is they all poo on the beach, which is never cleaned
  15. I will know it's over when I walk into a 7/Eleven and the staff are not hiding behind masks anymore
  16. "Any other country" bit of a broad statement lol, UK not even the highest in Europe for inflation, Netherlands has the top spot, Spain not far behind them. Turkey is around 80% https://www.ft.com/content/088d3368-bb8b-4ff3-9df7-a7680d4d81b2 Know one knows if the new budget will work yet, but not many countries will be immune from the global recession, maybe slashing taxes is the way to go Global debt https://www.visualcapitalist.com/global-debt-to-gdp-ratio/ Again, not in the worst position of any country
  17. I would sooner be in a pub in Bangkok, than one in the UK any day. Fantastic bars in Bangkok
  18. Totally agree
  19. I joined the XRP recent hype, nice gains so far
  20. Anyone had good quality T-shirts made to measure anywhere?
  21. Well we are slowly getting to high season in a few weeks, you would expect the bars to be getting busy, just those damn flight prices. Just my own experience of friends not coming this year for that reason Jomtien and Romph market were quiet on Saturday just gone, busiest was the live music rock bar on the statue corner, that was packed, good band
  22. If you flew from Vegas to a state that has not legalized cannabis, would you have a problem carrying it in?
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