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  1. I do and if the option is not there for COD i won't buy.
  2. and you're all mouth, like normal.
  3. Not really, i'm sure others would like to see the comparison too. Like i thought, all balls and no cock?
  4. Diclofenac is only a pain killer as far as i'm aware? Also not very good for you if extended use.
  5. send us a photo of your current 'jump' then buttercup to make a comparrison, 20 baht says you don't...
  6. What, about spotting a hot female? I'd imagine quite a few people think the same, not sure why you find it such an unusual comment?
  7. furthest right of the pic, unless i'm mistaken that's the female of the human specimen?
  8. Hot police lady, they seem to becoming more popular now.
  9. The 1st aider with the blue gloves looks hot.
  10. Try and book one during Moto GP week and let us know how you get on...
  11. Don't think so, maybe you do?
  12. Much much more than Thailand.
  13. Ok, excellent - thanks guys
  14. Thanks guys, i'll increase the dosage. Any diet changes, food(s) / drinks to avoid. Had a look at a few different website and it almost suggests to avoid many foods, seafood / red meat etc?
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