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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. My Canadian "pure blood" buddy delayed his visit to Thailand until his government let him out. He is quite upset right now since he had already decided he'd come here for a vacation some time after the Daytona 500. You snooze, you lose, eh?
  2. "NHS England has said the fears of a "twindemic" of Covid and flu have already been realised, with both viruses putting strain on an already stretched NHS. " So absolutely nothing to do with systemic and chronic underfunding of the NHS by successive Tory governments then? Just the pesky Covid and seasonal flu again? It's all politics.
  3. The scientists, virologists and specialists in that field say that China is very unlikely to be the source of any new Covid variants. Unfortunately, some politicians think otherwise.
  4. My friend flew in from the UK a few days back for a 30-day vacation here. I reminded him that he didn't need proof of vaccination to enter Thailand. He's 65, fully (2) vaccinated and double (2) boostered. I also told him to bring the proof anyway as things may be different next month when he wants to go home.
  5. No I didn't. I questioned why Singapore mainstream media would say they were effective while the scientific community broadly suggests otherwise. That's all.
  6. Yes. Whether you travel or not. I've flown over 45,000 km across three continent's and in and out of half-a-dozen countries in five months and two shots is still considered "fully vaccinated". A booster was recommended for the over 60's, but that's about it.
  7. Only for farangs maybe. When I boldly stride around the local Big C maskless up here in Bahn Nawk, most of the locals are masked up and most of the farang squatters, like myself, aren't.
  8. They're just playing follow the leader. The US says they will test arrivals from China, The UK says "no plans" for tests. Twenty-four hours later, UK requires tests. The EU said they won't and Von der Leyen herself goes on the record saying it's discriminatory. Twenty-for hours later, the EU follow the herd. The US sees Xi's U-turn on zero-covid at home as a moment of weakness and plays the the rest of the world. Why does EVERYTHING have to be a Thai bash?
  9. This China panic isn't remotely linked to China's in-country health struggles wrought of dictatorial rule or the fact that everyone going TO China has to be tested up the ying yang. This is about a politicized knee-jerk to their relaxation of travel restrictions for everyone coming FROM mainland China. The WHO says it's endemic. If China says it's otherwise, that's their problem but by relaxing the travel restrictions and need for testing, they are only doing what every other nation wanted and that was get back to (the new) normal. Reigniting the Chinese covid bogeyman arguments is a total waste of time, unless you are a politician with a marginal degree of popular support.
  10. I already posted FOUR links to support my view that Singapore nurtures a special relationship with mainland China.
  11. So your saying the US started all of this new testing? That's laughable. Tell me how and why.... Ah, grasshopper... First, can you tell me what value there is in PCR testing those arriving from China into a global community where close to 80% of the population are already fully vaccinated and most have already caught and shrugged off at least one bout of Covid due to being fully vaccinated or having a stronger immune system?
  12. Still no link? Link to what? This? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64119080 I was agreeing with the EU's comment in the BBC article. This is just another politicization of a disease that the WHO has already declared endemic.
  13. The "rules of the forum" require what now? You posted a single article from Singapore's media about how good the non-mRNA vaccines are. I posted a comment that Singapore would have a sound reason to fly in the face of medical reasoning with this stance. You asked for citations why I would say this. I posted citations that illustrate the special relationship. That's all. I may have been impolite with my hand-holding suggestion but maybe you should read more. I never suggested, postulated or posted "conspiracy theories and misinformation."
  14. But every developed country on the planet is also requiring tests for Chinese arrivals. The politicians of every developed country on the planet are ignoring the science and advice of their own, qualified medical advisers to jump on the "ban the Chinese" bandwagon by requiring tests for Chinese arrivals. There, that's better.
  15. Totally agree. However, the US sees the current domestic unrest in China and their u-turn on zero-covid mandates as a weakness to be exploited internationally and are undoubtedly pressuring their allies to toe the line. It's commonly called a pile-on.
  16. I don't need to hold your hand on a wander through the internet for evidence to the contrary if you are not really interested.
  17. I simply questioned why Singapore's state media (Straits Times is really all they've got) wants to big up the Chinese mRNA vaccines when real-world evidence on their efficacy suggests otherwise. I don't need to hold your hand on a wander through the internet for evidence to the contrary if you are not really interested.
  18. I have. But I have seen owners ditching bespoke OEM rims on more than just "tuna's" in order to satisfy some weird, local aesthetic.
  19. Butchers participating in this cosplaying exercise take tissue from the woman's arm and create a totally non-functional "penis". I'm glad that someone here has done this research but I won't ask why.
  20. And make Scotland a priority stop on this rescue mission, where Nicola Sturgeon's SNP, with the help of some of the more deluded or politically motivated opposition, has opted to make gender a simple case of self-declaration for 16 year-olds.
  21. Maybe because more than 70% of any SUV buyer's trade the factory rims for something bigger and blacker. The tire and rim shop seems to be the first place they stop at after leaving the dealership. I don't like Marmite much either but my half anodized and half grey stock rims look fine to me.
  22. Hope so. The current 'Transformers' styling is as dated as the Pajero they trolled.
  23. More to the point for me, does anyone know why? The current vehicle will have the badges and stickers shuffled and re-issued as 2024's 'new' model, no? Queue comments on after-sales service, resale value, etc..
  24. After he kicked the petulant and date-expired CR7 to the curb, ten Hag's authority and discipline mandates have gotten the attention of the rest of the dressing room. I was reading an opinion that he also started Shaw at center back with Lindelof and Maguire also on the bench. Maybe the latter's paying attention now?
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