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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. And Thai food is second only to black folks Texas BBQ.
  2. When a tree monger falls in the forest, does it make a sound?
  3. Give every prospective traveler to Thailand 28-days notice so they can go and get double-jabbed.
  4. It's just another variant of the same coronavirus. Boo!
  5. If the standalone temperature sensor's wi-fi connection is intermittent, that's got nothing to do with the browsers or the ISP. Sounds like the wi-fi hard/software on your machine may be dodgy.
  6. How do you spot the caddie that likes it (in the) rough?
  7. I 'roll straight over and pay anything' just to annoy the noisome farangs that claim they're here to reform Thai society. It's called a quiet life.
  8. Yes, and the bargirls got really upset when a certain liitle blue pill and its derivatives came available, making the sleepy, old, easy money duffer a raging, red-faced, all-night blue-baller.
  9. arent many of them divorced and raising children on their own? ie single motherhood leads them to this work in some cases, no? Divorced from the farang husband who lied on the first barfine when he told them he would love them long time?
  10. IIRC, back when C-19 was rife and Thailand's mandatory health insurance requirements were causing grief, there were plenty of cheap and acceptable Covid-specific insurance options, many that could be easily acquired online. One of the busiest quarantine hotel finders had an offshoot with half-a-dozen links to insurance providers that could issue policies that met all the Thai requirements. If this current panic grows arms and legs (which I doubt), I am confident that acceptable and affordable options will be available.
  11. A lot of time? V a lot of money. It takes one full day for me, no stress I have their list which hasn't changed for 5 yrs. 15-20K saved not using an agent, for one day, once a year. I went fishing with my wife while the agent took care of everything. Yes it's called corruption. But not getting on a high horse is a bonus.
  12. So you're not quite broke (yet).
  13. That may be the thermal imaging screen grabs (monochrome) that show different temperatures of the steel plate and the ribs in between. Early reports from rescued crew members suggested a hull breach on the port side, for'ard which would explain why see rolled onto her port side before sinking.
  14. Does Thai law state this is a requirement of their 'license' to trade? (rhetorical)
  15. Then we can ban you for displaying your ignorance. Deal?
  16. The politicians have "no idea what mutations and strains are going around in China at the moment" and it's driving them nuts.
  17. What you have forgotten is that mainland China has kept Covid bottled up with their zero-Covid rules since 2020 so there's been no need for the virus to mutate like it has in the rest of the world. The following is all you need to know on why Thailand faces a unique dilemma with regard to Covid in 2023 (my emphasis).
  18. Not wishing to pre-empt any response from the forum's most medically educated and respected member but I would consider the same advice and recommendations from home apply here. If you are over 60 and/or have per-existing conditions, then get a booster. If one is traveling frequently or socially active, even more reason to keep them antibodies topped-up.
  19. It's the gun that Uncle Bob gave the kid for his fifth birthday?
  20. A six year-old cannot ever be described as a '"young man", no matter how much you want to prejudice any future trial.
  21. This would have been an airline specific policy or perhaps an Indonesia/Singapore policy. Thailand did not require it. Correct. Last June, AirAsia required to see my vaccination status at Don Muang for a flight to Kota Kinabalu via KL. A week later, I had to register online with the Singaporean health authorities 72-hours ahead of my AirAsia flight from Kota Kinabalu to Singapore. Immigration at Changi specifically asked to see my vaccination proof but not for my friend who had just arrived from KL.
  22. No, not good enough. The forum's armchair sleuths will wonder why they are 'unable to say' as in the "who is stopping them from saying?" sort of Huayyai gangster kingpin nonsense conjecture. Easier just to say that the police haven't discovered a motive yet. I lived on the dark side of Pattaya and the Huayyai area always had a reputation of being a bit of a black hole for the bad guys, sort of the 'badlands' of the dark side. As I settle in my armchair, I think this is probably a gangland hit gone wrong and a case of mistaken identity. Someone, somewhere out there used to have the same model/color motorbike as the victim. RIP
  23. You following that thread too eh?
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