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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. Australian regulations on preventing invasive species reaches beyond fining people for bringing Subway sandwiches into the airport. Typically a vessel needs a major hull scrape with smaller vessels dry-docking for a thorough inspection and scrape at their last port call before entering Australian waters. Once in these waters, the vessel can only lay-to or go on anchor for a maximum of 10 days before a mandatory sea cruise is required to dislodge whatever has grown, be it local or a persistent hull growth from overseas like this passenger liner seems to have encountered while in transit.
  2. My post and links were about the efficacy of the Chinese vaccines in preventing serious illness. How does the special relationship discredit those findings? Why would the Singaporean media wax lyrical about Chinese vaccines? I'm not discrediting anything but I do believe in keeping an open mind. That's why I read your citation. You asked for citations from me and I duly responded. I read yours, maybe you could read those I provided instead of being so sensitive. You're beginning to act like a Singaporean.
  3. Nowt wrong with being an HP sauce Luddite but are you sure those things in the Branston beans cans are really sausages?
  4. Yeah, just ignore all the links I provided and post none of your own. I didn't ignore your link, I read it. Your link was why I made my comment about the special relationship that exists. After all, it is the only country outside Northeast Asia where 76% of its population is of ethnic Chinese descent. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China–Singapore_relations https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/24761028.2021.1951480 https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/10.1142/9789814713566_0003 https://www.fpri.org/article/2019/12/the-odd-couple-singapores-relations-with-china/ But don't let me stop you searching the internet by yourself for your own enlightenment.
  5. This sounds so much like the cry, "I want my CD's back!" when love dies. I would walk away completely. Chances are if the OP has already paid for the car in full and it's in her name, she has already refinanced it.
  6. Nobody told me anything so why the 'scam' call? Your sales agent 'arranged' it and got your name in English in the blue book. Well done. I am sure that if I thought it important to have that, my salesman could have done the same for me.
  7. And to think that the UK government health mandarins have just decided that the R factor is no longer relevant and will no longer be publicly updated (but still available). https://www.gov.uk/guidance/the-r-value-and-growth-rate
  8. The same Singapore that for decades has had a special relationship with mainland China.
  9. There's a 'bigger picture'? Where?
  10. But unlike the knowitall dirty farangs, the Chinese wear their masks. Relax. He's probably changed his mind already. Same as the flip-flopping British politicians who ignored their medical advisers and said 'no testing needed' then, within maybe 48-hours, decided to keep America onside and went with PCR testing for the great unwashed coming form China (that includes dirty farangs).
  11. My original, 15 year-old 255 had pinholes in the tank. Replaced with a 305 to keep the natives clean and watered. Bought a replacement tank on lazada for under 3000 baht and fitted to the old pump. Yai used that pump for a couple of months for her allotment irrigation so it is kept as a tested and working good spare. It's possible that the tank is over-pressured. I just had the same happen after a filter change and replacing the pressure switch on my 305. Follow the instructions in the message previously linked. If you are talking about the pressure switch, no good will come of opening and adjusting it. There's a reason there's a tamper-proof screw on the original pressure switch housing and a label saying don't open and adjust. A new pressure switch is maybe 500 baht while a generic one from Amorn is less than 200 baht and does the job (but make sure you plug the gaps in the base where creepy crawlies can move in and make life-shortening nests!). Also make sure you buy one with the correct cut-on/off pressure range (it's stamped/labeled on the original switch casing). Not having the screw lugs for the cover is inconvenient if the pump is more exposed. The chooks used to knock ours off until I placed a bamboo chook cage over it. Gusts of wind would dislodge it on the allotment. Placing a brick on top kept it in place.
  12. Regardless of your claims of being better than the "pattaya embarrassments", fundamentally you have made the same mistake(s), no?
  13. For this to work properly, one must know what one's name looks like in Thai script. Heard a story a few years back where unbeknownst to both the love lorn farang and his Isaan rice famer missus, the dealership's salesman's name was in the blue book. This was only discovered after they had fulfilled the financing and got the book back from the finance company. Apparently it was a 'favour' towards the couple where neither of them qualified for finance in the first place. Nod, nod... wink, wink.
  14. Hypothetically? He should get a lawyer to draft a Power of Attorney and get the ownership legally transferred* at the local Land Transport Office. * HIS name in the blue book.
  15. What's tricky here? The OP is in possession of his ex- girlfriends car. "Sell their mother"? Try and keep your misguided conclusions to yourself.
  16. I once saw a repo tow truck doing a collection in the parking garage at Suvarnabhumi. Two trolley jacks to get it out of the parking bay and "Gone in 20 minutes." OK, so how about grab the "owner"?
  17. I just bought a couple of xiaomi branded 512Gb SD cards on lazada for about 250 baht each incl. shipping. One's in a tablet and the other's in the new laptop. Capacity is as advertised and I transferred some stuff to the one in tablet and that went fast enough. I understand that read/write cycles may be an issue going forward but so far, so good.
  18. I prefer Branston baked beans to Heinz but the best substitute for the latter is Fiamma in a yellow can. I've bought them at Big C but pretty sure they can be found at makro and other places.
  19. Who ate all the (Brooks) beans?
  20. Noooooooo.......
  21. Tried activation online in my smartphone via DTAC's own online registration. Accepted my passport photo but rejected my face shot 3 times with "didn't meet NBTC requirements." I guess I need to shave! I went to the DTAC emporium with my passport (and face) and the young lady there did it all in less than a minute using a tablet, her smartphone to take the pictures and scanning the barcode on my SIM packaging. Simples.
  22. Thought the vaccine was only going to be available to foreigners? Once they get their hands on a supply of Pfizer's Covid-19 drug Paxlovid, that's supposed to go to all I believe. Just what I heard on the radio so no citation was offered. Their belated approval of mRNA vaccines does appear to have caveats but I hope it's the thin edge of the wedge. When the locals get disgruntled about quality foreign vaccines being imported only for the 'gweilo', maybe they'll protest again?
  23. back to a euro girl these days But aren't cars more expensive over there?
  24. Good tip on the full-speed day packages, thanks. My router arrived yesterday and the SIM will be here tomorrow. In the meantime, I have already slipped my smartphone DTAC SIM into the router for basic tests. I get 75% signal strength and with a couple of machines connected (one on LAN and the other on Wi-Fi), I'm just testing my usual stuff first. Looks fine so far.
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