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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. The forum ignore list. The last redoubt of the feeble. Oh look! Here's Johnny come Lately. You're skipping classes. We wrapped up the "intelligence debate" around page 12 already but we're happy to doggy paddle for a spell so that some other members can keep up.
  2. Oh... So you living in the UK now @transam? That's an awful long swim.
  3. You wouldn't understand, move on... Swim @transam! Swim!!!
  4. Absolutely agree 100% again (this is uncanny). However, you have to allow that despite the 'real world people' possibly having a firmer grasp on reality, there's a not insignificant amount of them that dwell solely in the Twitterverse and things of that ilk. Bloggers and so-called influencers and other charlatans play fast and loose with the truth solely for monetary gain and a tribe of 'followers'. On a broadsheet newspaper, there's typically a bold-face leader saying 'Opinion' or a commentary is clearly labelled op-ed with an editorial disclaimer. On t'internet there's no signage on the rabbit holes.
  5. You would if you lived in a town like that,another drug dealer stabbed to death in slaugh yesterday by two others,by the look of them and their names sound Muslims. That in "the paper" is it? That "their names sound Muslims"? Try reading a different paper maybe? Maybe even try reading.
  6. Upped? You mean that the UK's immigration laws nowadays are more restrictive than in the Brigadier's time? That this "uncontrolled" immigration thingmabob that's consumed nigh-on 20 pages of dissent and opinion on this thread isn't really possible? I mean, if one of the few remaining full-service Commonwealth nations was to be suddenly overthrown by some evil, despotic chap, we poor disenfranchised white folks wouldn't be duty bound to welcome their robbed, raped and pillaged?
  7. No, it is not racist. It's a rubbish PhotoShop job.
  8. Huh? anti Brit? How did you infer that from my post about Australian racism? Don't panic. It happens a lot when some members stray into the deep end.
  9. The fact that there is no middle ground these days and political parties of many nations have allowed themselves to be browbeaten, railroaded and hogwashed by their own extremists is a valid view which I share 100% However, in this instance, you (we) are off topic.
  10. Good grief man. You had at least an hour to find a credible picture from t'internet and that's the best you could come up with?
  11. Its a fact .doesn't matter who says it At the risk of some getting their panties in a bunch about being off topic, didn't a certain White House advisor introduce the greater unwashed to the perfectly acceptable (to them) concept of "alternative facts"? At least you're nailing your editorial colours to the mast here and not like that other chap who keeps carping on about terrible stuff he's reading in "the papers"? Well, sort of.
  12. So you never read it then and just made up the 1991 part and really want to believe he meant actual butchery in the streets? Well, if you look at the list of stabbings in London alone this year perhaps that is not too far off. So your almost convinced that he was predicting the future rather than spouting the illusory, self-serving rhetoric of a decorated* but otherwise untalented politician? * that OK @transam?
  13. Yup, it's right up there with their, "Some of my best friends are black lesbians" defense.
  14. Hmmm... OK. If you say so. Oh, so you were there @transam when @proton had this epiphany? That was indeed either a remarkable coincidence or an amazing stroke of luck, eh?
  15. Another Google search that fails to propagate the illusion that someone knows more about their beloved (Brigadier) Enoch (MBE) that anyone else. That sort of worked for @transam but he got here first. Oops. There's that "in the paper" thing again. Excuse me while I don't panic.
  16. I read that as well! Shocking. Daily Mail wasn't it? Or the Express?
  17. You're right Mick. I have am sure real dinosaurs would be greatly upset at being associated with the likes of Powell and his sycophants.
  18. Yes, back when people could discuss things without just calling each other names . Oh my. Did I just use the 'd' word?
  19. You sound like a proper 'love they neighbour' sort of bloke. She's not a favorite of mine but immigrant? So Islington's a whole different country now? And me too. Oh look! Another one!
  20. Obviously. Maybe an eye opener for you but having to Google one's newly found national hero? Honestly...
  21. Yeah. This is the (increasingly irrelevant) dinosaur fan club thread.
  22. He did,the most violent one,in the paper today 19 teenagers kicking a girl on the floor, the picture says it all ,all black Oops, here we go again. It's in 'the paper' again. Shock...horror...fear(mongering)...
  23. ... and CDC, FDA, CIA, FBI, NSA, Congress, WH, Pentagon, UN, MSM ...and AseanNow
  24. What do they mean "once famed"? It's always been famed and always will be even after they decide to demolish it. As for the entertainment establishments on the west side of Walking Street not being able to provide an alternative exit to the street entrance, that's what jumping into the sea is for, no? It's always been the 'emergency exit' and safer than staying inside (as long as you don't ingest any sea water while escaping).
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