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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. Maxxis Bravo AT700 should handle that 5% off-road. Their tread pattern is less slick than your stock Bridgestone A/T's that easily go all-slick in the mud (as you have already discovered). Cheap too. Mrs NL got them for the sports 4-by sports lorry while I was out of the country. Does the business IMHO. MT764 Big Horn are the next step up and will increase road noise on your 95% of regular driving. The thing is you may then be tempted to take your 2-by into something more challenging and still get stuck.
  2. I can, if you like, Mad Mick and Winston, both in their 60's, their parents from the West Indies, I think, came over in the 60's. Friends for near 40 years, from the Hotrod car scene.... Anything else...... Ah, thought so. Thanks.
  3. Oh! Redemption!! How sweet!!! On second thoughts, he took umbrage at his fellah being denied service. That was jolly white of our Enoch, eh?
  4. Weeeell, you are the one with this Brigadier/MBE fixation.
  5. Ah. So even back then, he was a bit of a dinosaur already? He'd be among friends on this thread. Thanks.
  6. Are you one of those people who feel compelled to say, "Some of my best friends are [insert race here]?
  7. Needs a lefty government. People have gotten soft on the Tory tit.
  8. I think announcements of longer stays for visa exempt entries and visas on arrival was an even clearer signal that they were switching to a different method of encouraging longer stays by tourists. Precisely my point. To keep my milk cow analogy going and not exclude the coffee drinking visa shirkers among us, there's always been Elite Visa, the 'Coffee Mate' of legitimate long-stay entitlement in Thailand.
  9. I think it's got more to do with a loose, empty sensation in their underwear. That and a penchant for black, sooty exhaust smoke and a grubby tailgate.
  10. Oh! Redemption!! How sweet!!!
  11. The definition of Racist is already in the dictionary. An example of Powell’s racist arguments has already been given. Refer dictionary and posts in this thread. (Or do you need definitions of ‘refer’, dictionary’, ‘thread’?). Easier to offer him a mirror maybe?
  12. Not so fast there Tonto. Hands up those who are using immigration agents?
  13. Nowt as trendy as woke, eh soft lad?
  14. Are you living 'around where he lived' now? Oh darn and blast! Another muddle-headed convert.
  15. hahaha where did you pull that 'fact' from? Pulled from a very dark, dank place. Hairy too. Probably. Well did you live near there as I did or not. ? The estate in Wembley was well know and has been pulled down and rebuilt on for years now. Oh. So you shave there as well? Marvelous.
  16. Yep completely. Immigration provided the affidavit. A simple tick box where most folk selected box 2 indicating that their embassy was not providing letter. Wake up. The government did not give a flying ...about reason for covid extensions. My guess is they were happy for contribution to economy from rather insignificant group. Bottom line is the Thai government provided the covid extensions and folk obtained them as they were legally entitled to them. End of. When the old cow stops giving milk, the smarter farmer sells it. With various government ministers and spokespersons saying for maybe the last six weeks that Thailand would be declaring Covid endemic some time late this summer, it's pretty obvious that those that prefer milk in their tea were being put on notice.
  17. That was quick. It was only maybe ten days ago that some Thai government wonks were off to meet with their Chinese counterparts to see if this on-again, off-again project could be kick-started.
  18. Maybe trying to suss out how a bike with two-up drove up the ass of a huge, stinking garbage truck at one o'clock in the morning on a holiday island?
  19. What on earth does that achieve? A n% overall saving in pvc pipe? I'm with the "run vertical or horizontal" brigade of running stuff parallel with walls, floors, etc... Also that's why they make elbows.
  20. Obviously a spokesperson for the Dry Cornflakes Fan Club.
  21. Why did the OP mention it if doesn't confer any immigration benefits in the first place? BTW, I like the way the OP says they 'found out' he had a girlfriend. How did they do that?
  22. Ignorant racist ? Well well Enoch Powells academic achievements were quite outstanding which means he could hardly be called ignorant. Now let's see, how do yours stack up against his so that we may have a fair comparison of the veracity of your comment ? Since when has academic achievement been the only measure of a person's broader knowledge, education and awareness? That's almost as absurd as this earlier, fawning but totally unfounded opinion.
  23. What's a shrink got to do with Powell. Depends. Is your dog white or black? Let’s see if you can work it out, there’s a clue somewhere. I checked all the way to the end of the thread. We've got some thickos here don't we?
  24. Same here. Why all my mates were getting their Triumph Dolomite Sprint, Cortina 1600E, Datsun 240Z and other zippy pussy magnets, I was happy with my stately Vauxhall VX4/90. It had a column shift and a bench front seat. The girlies loved it. They could lie down in the back seat too.
  25. You make good points and pose sound questions. As for them feeling uncomfortable using the phone while riding a bike, this must either bother only a few or is quickly dispelled as there's more teenagers and young folks zipping around with their phone firmly in their hand or stuck to their ear. As for the loss of braking effort, there are no lessons being learned when they find that their braking and stopping is severely impaired but they come out of a tight situation unscathed. The lesson should be learned when 'that was close' is replaced by a collision but if only the paint is scraped, the footpeg bent and another unused rear view mirror is shorn off, then it's climb back on and off like a bat out of hell, angrily shaking their head while scrolling to find their dropped conversation on their phone. The big lesson is when it ends badly like in the OP but it is the wrong person that is learning it.
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