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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. A UK tabloid story following up on something that happened over 12 years ago in Africa is posted in the Australia & Oceania forum.
  2. Sounds like she's way too dim to even be getting behind the wheel of a car. I'll take care of it. PM me.
  3. Ridiculous how? You've been hesitant about getting an Elite visa for the best part of 15 years already yet admit to being tired of the immigration short-termism of your own indecision? Maybe if you had bitten the bullet and obtained that Elite earlier, you would already have decided it's not worth it and moved on and eliminated this 'who knows' exercise. There's only so much of this "kicking the can down the road" that can be attributed to waiting for Thai immigration rules to precisely meet your needs.
  4. Last month, airlines headed for Malaysia were checking for proof of vaccination. Singapore is doing the same. The airline check-in staff look at if for flights to Malaysia. Singapore needs the vaccination information uploaded within 72-hours of flight departure. On arrival at Singapore, the immigration officer asked to see my proof of vaccination. My business partner flew in a few hours later and the online upload was sufficient as his immigration officer didn't ask to see it. He did arrive when the airport was a lot busier though so that may have been a factor. Maybe land borders are more easy as they see that as only 'local' travel where any air travel involves a higher risk of mingling with other people traveling internationally in transit.
  5. Wurlitzer or Hammond? I thought you simply needed enough space to overtake safely. If you need to 'boot it' for an overtaking maneuver, there probably wasn't enough space in the first place, no? Don't see how a chip can make any overtaking space any safer. Just encourages one to take greater overtaking risks. A bend is still a bend and the ever-diminishing gap is still ever-diminishing just a lot nearer or faster than before.
  6. petrol or diesel in Thailand ? Diesel muscle cars? I knew they would happen eventually.
  7. Thanks for that. The local PEA will advise if any different from your suggestions.
  8. Who's "we"? If you are risk averse, let the Thai partner do the trip? Especially if they've been using the car without the mandatory insurance minimums in your absence. Anyway, the chances of a traffic check or a prang within those 5 km must be as high as winning the lottery, no? If it's just a traffic check, it's just a ticket. So you either pay the fine on the spot or surrender your license and get a ticket, go get the insurance and then go back to the issuing police station with proof of insurance and get your license back? I would be more worried about your delinquent road tax unless "we" have been taking care of that in your absence.
  9. One of those screwdrivers is probably mine! Last qualified sparky that worked on rectifying some of the original 'electricians' handiwork at our house ended up working on the Burj Al Arab and has never been seen since. Which is a pity for us as he never got to do the total rewiring that our pile needs (his recommendation). Great trade but the good money (and good and safe practices) is probably overseas.
  10. As it says on the the tin, what's the recommended/mandatory gauge of wire from the light company's meter to the house breaker/CU? No extraordinary power needs here, just a standard, +3 bedroom, single-floor new-build. If possible, what's the nomenclature on the labeling for this wire? Thanks! NL
  11. Your "visa representation" is not very bright. As offered earlier, a tenant can self-file a TM30 as 'Possessor' of the property. Also, since you already have copies of the landlords ID and the Tibian Bahn, you can submit the TM 30 and either you or your useless "visa representation" can sign it, copying the landlords signature. The IO doesn't really care to check that signature anyway. It's simply a bureaucratic box checking exercise.
  12. And if you calm down, you will see I was not disagreeing with you. The inspection and testing regime has been lucky dip for years. I was simply mentioning that the OP's experience of being challenged at a test station is something that has been noted by others.
  13. Good grief...what did you eat for breakfast? What 'line' is that? Immo's EVERYWHERE can have a bad hair day but universally they are the still ones in charge of any imaginary lines.
  14. MM2H = Malaysia My Second Home BYOB = Bring Your Own Bacon YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary The most peaceful and beautiful bits of peninsular Malaysia are the northern bits, nearer Thailand but where the northern states have integrated Sharia law and associated religious mandates, most of which foreigners struggle to accommodate. Southern peninsular Malaysia is where their successive corrupt governments have invested in impressive highways and other infrastructure. Most savvy locals and foreigners chose to live in a condo as house burglaries and break-ins are worse than Thailand. If you think the RTP are lazy and only motivated by money, you aint seen nuthin' yet. Over in Sarawak and Sabah, life is more laid back but the under-investment in infrastructure means terrible roads and messy cities with poor garbage and traffic management. Oh yes, once you decide to settle down, only then is their jumbo sized immigration can of worms opened.
  15. If you want all that other stuff tested, there's absolutely nothing stopping you taking your Vigo to a DIFFERENT test station. Just another example of life's variables here like immigration, amphurs, etc., etc..
  16. And only double that for someone to make it appear remarkable. Well done.
  17. Smiling, or rather a facial rictus with teeth exposed is also a broadly Asian expression of shock or discomfort. Hence some become confused or offended when they see Thai people 'smiling' after they've had a fender bender or knocked someone over with their motorbike. Same goes for pictures of the 'smiling' guys from those rescue services that are first responders at nasty highway accidents. The ones pictured after being asked to point at victims aren't really smiling.
  18. To the OP. There has been a trend over the past couple of years where vehicle inspection stations are actually doing what they're supposed to do with regard to roadworthiness and legality. A lot of owners with after-market stuff such as extra lights, especially LED type are also being bailed up. Truck owners who have added a Carryboy top, replaced the front air dam with a bull-bar or done a custom paint job are being dispatched to get their blue books updated. I am not surprised that illegal tires and rims are being pointed out but for now, there's still the option to try another test station.
  19. Thai Parents! Once again, there's plenty of juvenile delinquents wrought from broken family units created by discriminatory government policies and deeply ingrained cultural biases all over the world. In the grand scheme of things, Thailand just is not all that special or unique.
  20. You actually keep tabs on that stuff? Are you some sort of closet (farang) activist for radical social change in Thailand or what? I mean if it's not for the temples or the totty, is that all that's left?
  21. First they've got to talk about demolishing all the illegal restaurants/Go-Go bars on the beach side, no?
  22. I recall Helensburgh in Scotland has the largest community of Syrian refugees in the UK. If only the First Minister could take care of her own, eh? I am quietly confident that the OP will find all the help and assistance that he's entitled to. However, if the English keep him at the back of the queue, he could do no worse than 'tak the low road'.
  23. Have you totally missed the regular occurrence in our 'more civilized' west where when charges aren't pressed, the alleged perpetrators are mostly allowed to go free? If this biting incident happened in say London, there may well be some arbitrary public intoxication or public nuisance penalty applied by the police and they get fined but unless someone claims to have been the victim of physical violence, there's not a lot else they are legally obliged to do. Amazing England!!
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