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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. I see that Dr. Vatana Supromajakr at Bumrungrad is now approved to do the NMA Norwegian medical (previously only registered with OEUK). At the same time, Dr. Thanes Sinsongsook at Samitivej is also now registered with OEUK (previously only registered with NMA). Has anyone recently had either exam (or both) done at either Bumrungrad or Sumitivej and what were the costs? Can they bundle the exams into one longer session session? I have of course asked at both hospitals but patient experience is always good to know. Thanks, NL
  2. I stayed at Vogue when Chinese zero-baht tours were all the rage. The tour buses had priority parking outside and would sit with their engines idling to keep the aircon running and stink up the whole place, including the open air restaurant. Their underground parking was unlit, damp with half of it given over to junk and leftovers from construction. I never dined there as the restaurant was always full of Chinese trawling the buffet, smoking and gobbing all over the shop... and diesel fumes. The room looked like a nice layout with the bedroom separate to a lounge area but in reality, you got two, very narrow rooms, one with a sticky plastic sofa. The bed was OK and the shower functioned as it should with plenty pressure and quick drains. There were signs in Chinese saying not to hang your laundry on the light fittings and the airconditioner vents which were already mangled and bent. The room aircon was rubbish so I opened the balcony sliding door and got the diesel fumes from the buses instead. The walls were typically thin and with the Chinese being by nature rather noisy... Having said that, the Chinese have vanished and looking at recent pictures, it appears to have had a facelift but interesting to see if it's just the outside that's been tarted up.
  3. Them were the days, no?
  4. Good grief. You English are a droll lot. Next thing you know, we'll be having a rash of 'Love Thy Neighbour' YouTubes.
  5. And there's also insurance to think about as a homeowner. If there's an accident in the unit while it is being 'illegally' rented out, will any insurance be voided?
  6. That's just creepy. Your choice of words I mean.
  7. I noted while picking up my Blizzard that a couple of the lasses at our local DQ have discrete tattoos. Also an older woman who's working the Mr Sushi stall has the top of a Sak Yant tattoo just visible. The lady cashier at Amorn as well (the one with the school ma'am glasses).
  8. But what happens if he meets a girl?
  9. I wonder why they were towing the defunct Jumbo floating restaurant from Hong Kong to the Paracels?
  10. I thought they were part of Ptt. but I may be wrong. Thai Oil Public Company Limited or simply Thaioil is a Thai public company. It is listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand. It is a subsidiary of PTT Group. The company was founded on 3 August 1961 as Oil Refinery, Ltd. Thaioil is the largest oil refinery in Thailand.
  11. Same as me. Here's Ford OEM (500 baht + shipping) and a 'premium' set (369 baht +shipping) on lazada. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/ford-ranger-t6t7-everest-2016-1524-2-noeb3z-17-528h-eb3z-17-528j-i3610387050-s13518380991.html https://www.lazada.co.th/products/diamond-eye-002-2012-2014-24-16-wiper-blade-for-ford-ranger-2012-2014-i3730303397.html Mr. DIY has several items that are both a bargain and decent quality. Their windscreen wipers aren't in that category. The last set I bought were 3M brand from Tesco-Lotus. They lasted well for the bargain price of around 300 baht/pair IIRC. That's what I have fitted currently. I bought them from Halfords in the UK on my last trip home but they are available in the stores here and on lazada. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/official-bosch-distributor-bosch-aerotwin-plus-1624-push3-arm-ford-ranger-t6-t7-year-2012-2021-1213141516171819202155565758596061626364-i3759107092.html
  12. Ford Kanchanburi obviously doesn't at the moment. Chances are they keep a small stock of wipers as most people get these changed at accessory shops or DIY (most all accessories available on lazada and shopee). Despite the ridiculous price they will charge you, there's no profit in them holding a large stock. In the past, I have seen them offering discounts on wiper blades, batteries and tires but not recently. Since rainy season has kicked in, maybe they've replaced more wipers than usual, hence being suddenly out of stock? What Ford do you have? Model and age. I can send a link for them on lazada. Otherwise, your local accessory shop will do it cheaper/quicker than any dealership can.
  13. The self-stick soft plastic holders I have received in the past from LMG, AXA and more recently Roojai all stick like catsh*t on a blanket, Maybe the OP can try and clean the corner of the windshield with any (blue) glass cleaner, dry it and try again? Also, don't try and apply it when the glass is hot or in the direct sun. That way you can get any air bubbles out better.
  14. Crosswords in this liberated day and age? Haven't you Wordled yet? (by the sounds of it, your missus already has)
  15. Could also depend a lot on precisely where one is kissing them, no?
  16. Well you must be a busy bee to have stated that "most every town". Seems like a grossly over generalised statement based on an absurdity to me but still, are there any towns in Thailand that you have not been to or is it your hobby driving around Thailand stopping at malls, markets restaurants etc. on the off chance you can spot a lady with and elder partner or not ? You're surprisingly non-analytical today. What happened? Not getting out of the box so much?.
  17. Seldom seen at the shopping malls, markets, restaurants and clubs in most every town and city outside of the usual Thailand monger traps either.
  18. To an American man's heart maybe. IMHO, they are way over infatuated with BJ's. Fried liver with bacon and onions and mashed spuds first. Washed down with a pint or five of Strangler's Old Misty. Then a bit of rumpy pumpy.
  19. Yeah, you're right. She's 24. Hopeless
  20. Good grief. Seriously?
  21. Both of my wives, that's the ex- and the current one, are mad, passionate kissers. But enough about my problems. Somewhere I read that hookers aren't big on kissing either?
  22. Interesting. Accounts that are used as proof of funding for extensions at immigration can't be joint accounts. What was the procedure to allow your wife to become a co-signee but not appear on account ownership? This could be beneficial to those with living wills and the like. Thanks NL
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