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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. Which would you prefer?
  2. Placing the people last again. I hope the great unwashed appreciate their double-scoop of happiness.
  3. Nice try to continue to try to pick a fight when you obvious do not know what to look for when it comes to quality products. Fake or stolen! Have a good day sir He made very valid points. There used to be a chain of clothing stores called Export 71 (or 77?) that was very popular with many foreigners due to the range of quality products in farang sizes. Most notably, all the identifying tags had been cut out but I bought Eddie Bauer branded polo's, Levi branded shorts and 5.11 ballistic work wear that were mostly perfect but had fallen foul of the retailers own final quality control,. They had a misaligned print pattern, a pocket seam that wasn't double-stitched or a button that had been sewn on the wrong way round but all ultimately wearable but rejected and destined for the local street markets. Unfortunately, their sources must have placed greater controls or maybe they moved their manufacturing out of Cambodia as the sizes available became more 'Asian' just before the chain stopped trading, maybe a couple of years before Covid hit.
  4. Ah, grasshopper... I'm a bit late to this absolute humdinger of a thread but on the above comment, any expat living in Bahn Nawk over 20 years would never have gone to HomePro for ANYTHING let alone a home refurb. That's akin to asking the checkout girl at Sainsbury's back home for a good recipe for the stuff you just bought. I will agree that decent tradesmen can be hard to find here but that's because these local artisans are busy doing quality work themselves without sub-contracting to an overpriced home improvement chain. Caveat emptor still applies here. Best regards, Never angry in Isaan
  5. You can keep Sunseeker's Camry. I'll stick with Abeking & Rasmussen's Maybach. https://www.yachtcharterfleet.com/luxury-charter-yacht-35085/cloudbreak.htm PS: Where you gonna park your helicopter?
  6. Change/upgrade the incandescent globe with a LED of the same socket type in the existing reverse lights first. If that seems inadequate, see about getting an after-market LED light fitted as well.
  7. Corporate downsizng or upgrading. I bought a Fujitsu i5 with Radeon graphics and USB3 for around 4600 baht on lazada. Maybe a 4 or 5 year model? Nearly new, minor cosmetic damage, 14" display. Runs Linux great and at 4600 baht, is considered disposable.
  8. Did you just get here then?
  9. I noticed several months back that Kasikorn ATM's are the first to have a Thai ID card reader slot. This is for certain transactions that only a Thai person can do on their account, either the bank or with another Thai person account. No foreigners will be discomfited by this security infrastructure upgrade. Nothing to see here, move along now.
  10. This can happen in any country if you are being pussy and don't care if your rights are violated. Any country including those that aren't labeled as third world. I ran the gauntlet of several of US Immigration's secondary inspections for about a year. This after almost twelve years of living and legally working there. They suspected I was (or had been) working illegally and one officer couldn't understand how I owned a house there, had a driving license, etc.. The first restriction they placed on me was I could only re-enter the US at Houston, all other airports would bar my re-entry. After my third secondary inspection in about ten months, it was eventually revealed to me that the issue arose by my using two different passports to enter the country over the preceding years; one had a visa and I used that when I was entering to do paid consulting work offshore. The other had no visa and I would use that with the 90-day visa-waiver system when I was on a quick home visit from Brazil or elsewhere and relax with no work involved. Apparently there's a US immigration law that if you have a passport with a valid US visa in it, that is the ONLY travel document that can ever be presented for entry to the US, ie. if you have a valid US visa anywhere (a 10-year US visa remains valid although the passport it is in may have expired), you are not eligible to use the visa-waiver system. This is not mentioned in any of the published terms and conditions for visa-waiver eligibility. I was told this law has been in place since some time around 1947, preceding the visa-waiver system itself. After this 'abuse' was agreed to be through a simple misunderstanding on my behalf, did US Immigration decide that was the end of it? No. Despite taking them almost ten months to find the precise reason I was being flagged by their system, they said I was no longer eligible for visa-waiver entry and I would need to get a US visa before any future travel to the US. When they ruled that foreigners can only apply for a visa in their home country, I couldn't reconcile my schedule (I had relocated to the Far East) with the 5-day rigmarole of getting a US visa in London. My friend in Houston is an accredited immigration attorney but he advised me that it would be a long, expensive process to challenge this ruling with a very high likelihood of being unsuccessful. The onus would be on me listing all my entries over the past twelve years, detailing dates and carrier and which ones were for work and which ones were for pleasure, complete with boarding pass stubs. At the same time, my attorney would not have access to the immigration history that we were challenging. Thailand's easy peasy.
  11. Yes, that's them.
  12. The OP is getting repeated punctures on the rim side of the tube, not the tire side. Before he clarified that, I was going to suggest a broken wire strand on the inner tire wall. I had that waste a couple of tubes for me.. I had to take the tire off completely and flex it hard, pushing the treads up while pulling the rims apart. That revealed a tiny metal spike that was totally hidden when there was no air on the tube and no weight on the tire. The OP is getting repeat punctures in the same place. Has he dismounted the wheel from the bike and removed the tire and tube completely and very closely inspected the rim only? Don't look for obvious big things like errant spokes but tiny things like an imperfection on the rim or a tiny bit of swarf. It could be something that's almost imperceptible to the touch but keeps pressing or rubbing on the same bit of tube every wheel rotation, causing friction and heat.
  13. The older, wood-fired cremation kilns are cheaper. Some temples are richer than others (they usually still have wood-fired kilns).
  14. If the OP plans on settling in Hua Hin, maybe he can open a thread asking about best local banks for a foreigner in the Hua Hin & Cha-am forum? It won't really be a duplicate posting or misplaced and may elicit a faster response? https://aseannow.com/forum/34-hua-hin-and-cha-am/
  15. Looks like Rishi and Liz can't stand the brickbats and have pulled out of the third debate hosted by Sky so it's canceled. The extra bonus is we don't have to put up with Kate Burley making a fool of herself and Twittering on about how good she's not (again).
  16. Not much probably but it's not about who the voters like is it?
  17. Was? Note I said the current political machinations. Google is your friend. I mean it really is.
  18. And this observation helps the OP how exactly?
  19. Your last sentence is spot on but I think it's simply awesome the way you skipped around mentioning the single person who's responsible for the current political machinations and why the world is having a good old wheeze at our expense. Well done.
  20. To quote our nadine Ms Dorries made the same claim on Monday, when she also criticised those who moved against Mr Johnson. “14 million people voted for the prime minister and a group of MPs, ministers, the chancellor, his sitting chancellor, via what is effectively a coup, removed him,” she told GB News. How could someone so absolutely and brazenly clueless about the British electoral system, voting, parliamentary representation and her own party's internal leadership selection procedures have gotten into anyone's Cabinet?
  21. Good post. I was going to paraphrase @CharlieH as well but you beat me to it.
  22. Yep, Liz or Penny are good..... Kemi. Less drivel, more substance.
  23. On that we are agreed. But sometimes she makes a very, very good point. "It was only in March that all of these Tories were cheering tax hikes in the Spring Statement. Now they are desperate to cut them to save their skins at the next election. " https://twitter.com/HackneyAbbott/status/1547147058754293760 Queue the "What's Starmers/Labour plan?"
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