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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. But the "British people" didn't chose Boris Johnson. They chose candidates from the Conservative party. It's Johnson himself that feeding your confusion about what the vote of the "British people" actually means. You're aware that he has only relinquished the leadership of the Conservatives. He still thinks he has a man's work to do as PM because that's what the "British people" voted for.
  2. The E,U banned the food colouring artithrazine and Prawn cocktail crisps contained artithrazine and were banned , until they found an alternative food colouring . So Boris was correct when he stated Prawn cocktail crisps had been banned , although I seem to recall that it was Worcester sauce crisps that were banned (maybe both were ) Thanks for the back story but that only proves that Johnson incorrectly claimed was lying that the EU were specifically banning the prawn cocktail crisp.
  3. It matters not a jot how long it took them, the point is that any shape of banana was permitted under EU rules (contrary to what Johnson and his acolytes would have had us believe). Glad we settled that one amicably. Now, what about Boris's claim that the EU wanted to ban the great British shrimp cocktail flavoured potato crisp?
  4. Which ones? The Met or the Durham rozzers?
  5. He is innocent. Your man is guilty. And Boris had a FPN to prove it!
  6. Just accept the result and move on? It’s only two days after these policing double standards are exposed and you want to quickly brush them under the carpet. That’s rich, coming from a group who have still not accepted the Brexit referendum result after six years. Do you think the same people that lauded Durham police for not penalizing Dominic Cummings are the same ones who are gurning about the Durham police not penalizing Starmer? Are you one of them?
  7. More diversion. No attempt to address the actions and lies of Johnson. Yes, they do love their whataboutery don't they? Last time I looked, the bump in the log that's Starmer was leader of the Opposition. Labour has nothing remotely to do with serial abuse of power and contempt for the voters there.
  8. I think the need to show your boarding card isn't new. Maybe it has not been rigorously enforced but I recall once seeing it mentioned on the scrolling list of documentary requirements behind the IO's desks. Either way, I used to place it in the passport along with the TM6 so never had any issues. As for email address, phone numbers and address where you're staying, that was always made up but only for brevity and my convenience and not in any way to protest the futility of it all. I always travel with a pen. I also never loan it to the inattentive who didn't bother fill in their TM6 on the plane either.
  9. Yes. I don't typically read 49-page threads but it looks like we've both done it this time.
  10. TJS5MB Refresh if/when they are really unreadable.
  11. I take it as a positive that nobody's blamed Biden. I would guess that most US citizens choosing the north are probably Democrats.
  12. No. Just proof that Covid doesn't check on people's jobs or nationalities or anything when infecting them.
  13. Sorry, you'll have to take a number on this. There's a sadness* of Brits who reckon the UK Foreign Office beats the UN and the WHO. (Collective noun for whingeing poms) Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Funny movie. Fuuuunny. Don't you worry yourself, it's already been tried and tested by many with greater faith and fortitude.
  14. The OP's narrative is a bit confusing but it seems that the 'lad' had refinanced the bike but fell behind on payments? Money has been paid to bring the account current? If the finance company had been paid off in full, why would one worry about the bike being 'lifted'? Maybe hiding the bike is in anticipation or expectancy for the 'lad' being unable to make on-time payments again? Regardless, late payments incur fees: it's in the small print. In my limited experience, these fees are levied at the mutually fulfilled conclusion of the terms of the loan rather than arbitrarily added on the fly during the term of the loan.
  15. Did I mention you specifically? I hope your lunch went well. Mine was in the shade on the patio. Hot here too but hopefully the rain will break in the evening as I'm playing basketball with the boys. Well, trying to anyway.
  16. An acquaintance of mine used them and the BKK-LGW leg was on time with good service and knowing it was budget, he packed his snacks and reading material. However, his return flight departure was delayed over two hours, service was very poor and it was chock full of backpackers. He did max out on excess baggage on the return leg which he reckons made up for the generally poor experience.
  17. The oil price has been dropping since the first week of June. Airfares are already lower for September-October, aka the off-peak season. There's no denying that collectively, the whole travel industry got caught on the back foot with the global easing of Covid-related travel restrictions so this isn't just restricted to the airlines. Makes one wonder if all these various business planners, department managers and the like, probably working from home, completely lost touch with reality? The only thing I note is that the era of cheap one-way fares that prevailed for as much as eight years BEFORE Covid, is over for the time being. Right now, the airlines want your bums on their seats on BOTH legs of your vacation travel.
  18. Isn't their business perspective to sacrifice a chunk of the short-haul sector to sustain the long-haul sector? What has more intrinsic value here, a BA A320 doing four or five flights a day between European airports or a Scoot 787 chock-full of backpackers headed non-stop for BKK?
  19. You don't sound like it with your comments Really? Do you see me moaning about Thailand? I am already on some member's 'ignore' lists because they perceive me as as the consummate Thai apologist. I just see life here as it is and acknowledge that there's nothing I can do or say to change much of anything. I moan about siblings not picking up after them or not closing the gate properly. You know, the stuff that affects me and I can mostly control or change? Nothing makes me happier on this medium than rattling the bars on Thai basher's self-imposed cages. I guess there will always be moaners who like to moan about everything. However, I have a soft spot for the moaners who like to moan about everything but then claim they avoid exposing themselves to the things they're still moaning about. That about right @2009? Even better are the ones that have abandoned all hope, forsaken Thailand, fled to their homelands or third countries... and still moan here about Thai things. You lot, too numerous to mention, are real special.
  20. Interesting point. I wonder how many RETURN tourists there are? Except from sex tourists, of course. I am able to avoid most things on my list by not going to tourist areas, driving my own car etc. etc. Whatever makes you happy. I'm happy here too.
  21. Why would you need to know why I mentioned it. I didn't say I need to know why you mentioned it, did I? I didn't ask you anything.
  22. When did I say I watch CNN. I do not get CNN on cable tv. OK, you're the one who mentioned CNN International. Now that you advise that you don't watch CNN International, I have no idea why you mentioned it.
  23. Correct. The Covid extensions are issued at 60-day intervals so you already 'check-in' often enough with immigration to satisfy the arcane requirements of the 90-day report.
  24. How long? You're the one watching CNN International, not me.
  25. Those are Malaysia's hotel rules and regulations and they've never been a problem for me on my business and personal visits, ie. doesn't stop me going there. Does that make me a Malay apologist as well? If yes, where's my prize?
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