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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. NanLaew

    Makro Bread

    Yes, and due to the global wheat price spiking, maybe Thailand's is exporting a greater amount of their wheat? I can't imagine that Russia is filling any void with bargain-priced wheat. I also understand that the Russians are being challenged for exporting misappropriated Ukrainian wheat. While the conflict persists, there will be more frequent and more prolonged shortages.
  2. Hasn't the OP got a friend who can accept these surprise packages at their home?
  3. It will cause considerable distress to our resident moaners with a commensurate drop in forum revenue.
  4. I simply addressed each of your flawed premises. It was really easy. It's also really easy for you to report my post after you've stopped giggling.
  5. All countries will have a quotient of 'naughty folk' in their refugee intake. The bad ones are NOT all saving themselves solely for the UK. Traffickers are promising a rubber dinghy and maybe a quick training lesson on an outboard, nothing more. The UK has a problem housing it's OWN folk. That's also due to bad government. What's an example of those with no real problems? No. No they are not. They don't want johnny foreigner in any shape or form. It's cultural. Last time I looked, there was no realistic chance of 'Corby' being in control of anything. Do you want to chuck in a Diane Abbot trope while you're here?
  6. It may make more sense if you scroll back a bit ? I don't have the time to explain the context Is that because you can't?
  7. At the risk of being accused of going off topic (again), what's your opinion on the incremental implementation of the new Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill in the UK? The restrictive and invasive new laws being slipped in while you are hard at work? Sir Winston Churchill participated in the promulgation of the EHCR because it was precisely what the UK and the free world needed in the human rights vacuum that existed in Europe after WWII. Is that a victim card I see you waving?
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