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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. ...he says while posting a picture of a political rally in Pakistan.
  2. The problem is the computer only shows days-in-country and no specifics about beaches, temples and markets. Good luck and honestly hoping there won't be any confrontation.
  3. The NIDA poll did look a bit rosy but a month later, after losing a couple of 'sure thing' local elections and otherwise being unremarkable at 'the office', the momentum is ebbing. Their current leader is a bit of a bump on a log, lacking the charisma and oratory skills of his predecessors. No denying that there's a whole slew of disenfranchised 'red shirts' that shun all things Thaksin, but PP needs to get their act together, and quickly if Ung-Ing is going to dissolve parliament.
  4. I have bought a couple of boxes these "Shine Muscat" grapes over the past 2-3 weeks from my local Makro. I would assume by now they've been removed, if they hadn't already sold out.
  5. For basic documents like letters or simple spreadsheets only. My work doesn't embrace basic/simple.
  6. PP has totally lost momentum and most folk have forgotten about Pita already.
  7. I seriously doubt a non-Vietnamese person on either a visa-exempt entry to Vietnam or a Vietnam tourist visa will be allowed to apply for Thai eVisa. However, I will accept your "chances are" opinion until someone proves otherwise.
  8. Seems to be a contradiction if one can provide both - apologies if I am misreading. I suggested that since the IO's database will show a long history of your living in Thailand, you should bring evidence to prove that you do not, just in case the IO starts to gurn about it.
  9. What's being scholarly or otherwise got to do with anything? It's a Joe Rogan interview, FFS. Sheesh...
  10. You seem obsessed with Trumps supposed lies, so I would say by your standards it matters a lot. Oh, so Donald the Great Orator didn't go off script in front of about 67 million people during the 'presidential' debate and claim Haitian immigrants were eating the pets belonging to Springfield, OH residents? Damn! I hate fake news!!!!
  11. Ah yes, the puerile "Michelle's a man" trope that still keeps the MAGA cohort rolling in the aisles after all these years. Simple minds... not just a great Scottish rock band anymore. Of course Musk's X is going to take down any tweet that dissembles on Trump's gross incompetence. So moving right along, here she is. Enjoy.
  12. I accept the challenge and hereby state unequivocally and without fear of any meaningful contradiction that Kamala Harris simply exudes presidentiality whereas Donald Trump just talks smack and sweats a lot.
  13. A 'track record' that Michelle Obama EASILY and ELOQUENTLY eviscerated in less than five minutes. Back of the class now, face the wall.
  14. If you think the questions they ask Trump are difficult, and the answers he gives are well-considered, meaningful and honest, then maybe you should have paid more attention in school. Don't worry, you're not alone.
  15. A visa, any visa for any country, does not guarantee entry to said country. Thailand is not unique in this matter. If you encounter an ornery IO, you should have the proof that you don't live here... and a long, long history of living here on their computer. You are a frequent tourist, so you can get a METV. Since it is all done online with an eVisa these days, it's even easier.
  16. Does the "Pay at desk option" mean you can pay for your air ticket at the airline desk on the date you travel? My mistake. Of course you cannot do that with air tickets. But if you can't even afford the air ticket in the first place...
  17. Oh God please no, not this again? I've made my mind about your... your... gullibility. And nary a word about how Trump always seems to get the low-brow questions rather than hard-ball ones. Granted she is ineloquent and untested in high office but somehow the MAGA collective overlook the very same traits in their chosen dear leader. They seem to hold her to some much, much higher standard. A standard that Trump hasn't a hope in hell of attaining.
  18. I don't use them as a bank either. Anyway, you're covered if you ever get APP'd.
  19. Unfortunately, since the MFA issues a visa and the RTP handles the subsequent immigration, the fact that the former has accepted proof of overseas domicile and issued a visa doesn't mean the RTP automatically accepts that you are just visiting. Despite foreign ownership of condominiums in Thailand being legal for decades, the concept of 'snowbirds' appears lost on Immigration. It took them long enough to come up with a visa that (sort of) accommodates the digital nomad. When confronted with a history of visa-exempt entries in one's immigration history on his computer, one can (almost) appreciate the IO's reticence.
  20. With my passport almost full and already non-compliant with EU rules on 6-month validity, I have deferred on getting the proper Thai visa and subsequent extension in country as I am quite busy this year, popping in and out for work. I plan on renewing both my passports in the UK early next year. In the past calendar year, I have done six back-to-back visa-exempt entries and leery of an IO seeing my long history of previous marriage and retirement extensions and breaking my balls. So far, no issues although on IO politely asked if I was going to Udon Thani to which I answered in the affirmative. The agency I work with provide me with an onward one-way travel itinerary before I repatriate to Thailand, just in case an IO asks for one.
  21. no, it's because the media cannot control the narrative. Since when has anything, anything that comes from Trump's wrinkled and atrophied cerebellum ever, ever been construed as a narrative?
  22. Q. What's a "convenient" visa? A. The one you don't apply for. There are options for 6-month stays using visas. Using back-to-back visa-exempt entries is only convenient until it isn't, as the OP and many others have discovered. This is what my mate in the UK provided for his TR visa. Biodata page of Passport or Travel Document. Easy. Take picture with his phone. Upload Photograph taken within the last six months. Easy. Took picture at a photo booth then did as 1. above. Upload Document indicating current location. Easy. He used tax bill (bank statement, mobile phone statement, credit card statement, etc.,wlll work), as 1. above. Upload Travel booking confirmation. Easy, He just made a booking on agoda that DID NOT need prepayment. Pay at desk option. Download, then upload Proof of accommodation in Thailand, e.g. Accommodation bookings, invitation letters from family/friends in Thailand. Easy. They only need proof of the FIRST address (see 4. above) Then he got an extension. You are just being lazy. Comes with age, I guess.
  23. Is old age one of them? Does the fact that most insurance companies won't take on anyone +70 answer your question? Can't have a claim denied if they won't sign you up from the get-go.
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