KLM changed the seat I had selected at online check-in the previous evening. They did it when they scanned the boarding pass for boarding at AMS, loud beep from the scanner, tore up the one I had and gave me a new seat, about six rows further forward. When I asked, I was told it was so they could seat a family. I had a look back there once the plane was full and doors closed ready for pushback and there was no family group there and the aisle seat was empty.
The reason I asked for that particular window seat as that 777-200ER seat configuration angled slightly as the cabin tapered towards the rear so you got an extra couple of inches of legroom for free. Being 6'4", and KLM being my then preferred carrier, the A or K seats on this row were my automatic choices. I gurned at the Chief Purser about the relocation, but she told me I was wrong and, apart from exit rows, the seat pitch was the same from front to rear of coach. I asked her to go check, but she gave me the "I've flown hundreds of thousands of miles on a 777" argument, so I left her to her delusion. A few hours later, she came up to me and apologized as there was a seat-pitch change on that row on 777-200ER but not on the regular 777-200's, and she was unaware of it. So for compo, I got a couple of glasses of port from the Biz class section after dinner. On deplaning, she handed my a wallet with some discount vouchers that could be used for lounge access, duty-free purchases and discounts on tickets.
KLM got worse after that.