As little as 160 years ago, the US citizens had up to 4 or 5 political parties to hitch their wagon to. Since then, the choices have been dumbed-down to where you're either a Republican or a Democrat and the polarization has really deepened since 2016. That's what you get when you prevent a once-upon-a time political dream of a 'land of the free and home of the brave' from maturing. You get a nation that's hide-bound by more federal and state legislation than one can shake an angry MAGA cap at. Freedom? Most Americans wouldn't know what to do with it if they had it. They need their laws, they crave their laws. They are a beaten and coven shambles with no clue that they're being played.
In the meantime @DougieMax, I suggest you try and get over yourself. If you don't like what you just read, don't read anymore. If you really, really don't like what you just read, don't comment. You're not cut from the right cloth to either be clever or save anonymous souls on an internet forum. And try and take comfort that when your great country does go down the toilet, at least you'll be in (maybe?) Tokyo.