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Everything posted by NanLaew

  1. More importantly, how good are George's pizzas?
  2. The BRICS tried that and failed. I think the key to that flop was the amount of debt that's held in Benjamins?
  3. This is insightful? The non-American vernacular of, "when America s**ts the bed, the world has to lie in it" has been around a lot longer than you. But you knew this already.
  4. If you're so confident and composed and knowitall already, why bother with the childish rejoinders? Your cleverdickery needs some work. Seriously.
  5. clearly you are a fan of dogwhistle diplomacy
  6. As little as 160 years ago, the US citizens had up to 4 or 5 political parties to hitch their wagon to. Since then, the choices have been dumbed-down to where you're either a Republican or a Democrat and the polarization has really deepened since 2016. That's what you get when you prevent a once-upon-a time political dream of a 'land of the free and home of the brave' from maturing. You get a nation that's hide-bound by more federal and state legislation than one can shake an angry MAGA cap at. Freedom? Most Americans wouldn't know what to do with it if they had it. They need their laws, they crave their laws. They are a beaten and coven shambles with no clue that they're being played. In the meantime @DougieMax, I suggest you try and get over yourself. If you don't like what you just read, don't read anymore. If you really, really don't like what you just read, don't comment. You're not cut from the right cloth to either be clever or save anonymous souls on an internet forum. And try and take comfort that when your great country does go down the toilet, at least you'll be in (maybe?) Tokyo.
  7. Yes, it's quite amazing how that works. After my retinal detachment surgery, my depth-of-field perception was off, especially when doing something simple such as taking the change being handed over by a cashier. I was always 'undershooting' where their hand was. However, after maybe a couple of weeks, the bits of the brain that handles the optics made the 'adjustments' and it was back to normal.
  8. of course they do... I dom't go into bars but in restaurants, all the time. If they are employed as waitstaff, they aren't poor. They may be on minimum wage and like many, they may have difficulties managing a budget, but no, they are not poor.
  9. Do UK airports make the final decision? No. UK airports have to comply with the directives from the UK Department of Transport.
  10. I drink the tap water in east Lancashire, and it doesn't taste "like a swimming pool" or at least, not like any swimming pool I have used. United Utilities (northwest England) boasts 7,000,000 consumers and in 2022, there were only 4 detections of fecal bacteria in the water. I broke my calculator trying to get that as a percentage. Maybe someone didn't wash their hands after taking a dump? Happens.
  11. You've not bought water airside lately I take it. Who does? Both BKK and DMK, like many other international airports, have free water dispensers so you top up your own bottle. For free.
  12. And Trump is this beacon of moral rectitude who boasts being friends with despots while not changing a damn thing about their despotism? But maybe you are onto something, and Trump simply considers that Putin and Xi are already clearly his superiors?
  13. Agreed. But why do drivers here turn like they're driving an 18-wheeler and insist on making their turning circle wider by moving the steering wheel the opposite way first? This guy seems guilty of "driving while Thai". It looks like the "me first" and "shoot-the-gap" mentality of this scooter rider didn't work out as she planned.
  14. Nong Sai, just beyond the favelas on the east side of Udon Thani. Also known locally as 'Zombieville'.
  15. Spot the ultra-processed foods.
  16. No, I am independent too. Worse still, I'm not even American. I agree that there's little to cheer about from either party and their candidates, especially Kamala Harris. I can do that without bigging-up Trump. Try it.
  17. Buttered toast with Rose's lime marmalade.
  18. I also read somewhere that it's a software issue that's been sorted already but will need x amount of months of testing before they try and rescind the rules again.
  19. With a special note for @Cameroni, Pattaya has "internet at the beachfront".
  20. Independent Yes, independent. Of course you are.
  21. Maybe you don't travel with liquids, unguents and pastes like some do? I don't and can also claim that I've never had to remove them either.
  22. Swiss Air fly trans-pacific?
  23. It's OK. You won't need sunscreen in Nan.
  24. I would have to question why you did that? Is it unavailable in Phuket?
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