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Everything posted by Iamfalang

  1. finally we have some rational thinkers here!!! well done.
  2. I wonder what was the biggest shipment to NOT get caught. probably 500 million pills. lol. Maybe 1 billion pills. I like these articles, but that looks like the amount cooked up in about 20 minutes in the jungles of the Shan state.
  3. Imagine if this type of story was published for every kid who this happened to... the internet would run out of space. I thought Thailand wanted this? I drank a beer and felt strange..........article!!!!!!
  4. Well, we will never know what agent this was. Overstay at a tune of 20,000 per person times 100.....maybe they say, "10,000, you OK?". I understand what the article says, and I understand how reality works. It's not like these falangs will make it out on top. never. Maybe 1900 baht for every two months.......I would be shocked if the falangs pay nothing. 0% Maybe some money changes from one hand to the other to the other and this agent is driving in a lambo...... Amazing how protecting an "alleged" (not convicted) and even convicted criminal is a thing. Falangs will never know. Maybe your agent has been convicted 10000000000000000x and you are not allowed to know. It's my country, so I have to account for this and do it myself. But I feel bad for the falang......
  5. Great news. Cracking down on corruption!!! Soon it will be gone. If not in the headlines, it's gone!!! It's always only bad news from certain countries, so why not go to those other great places that never have bad news stories????? End of corruption, finally. I am selling 982037489203473249283 bridges. Let me know if you want to buy one. Good price!! Pro-mo-tion!!!
  6. I understand we are not allowed to know her name, basically ever. Even if convicted, we can't name her in a bad light or we get sued. BUT I hope every school that gets a new female director does some researching, and this lady is never allowed around kids again. 2022......hmmm
  7. OMG we were thinking the exact same thing at the exact same moment in the exact same Universe.
  8. I'm trying to secure sponsorship, please help me!!! I will name this website as the greatest in the Universe if you let me post one ad!!! I will name Detroit, MI as the greatest city in the World if I get a free hamburger. I will name America as the best place to get an abortion if I get a free subscription. These "best" lists are really, really, really 20-years overdone. Please come up with better lists. I didn't read the article, only trolling the headline.
  9. In a former life I got convinced of swindling 1.4 billion baht. I had to pay back 800 million baht, which I did. You do the math.......I've living big now under a new name!!!! Don't do the crime if you can't pay the fine, and there ain't no time. all about that pay day!!!
  10. I agree, but who has time to focus on everything. USD is where it's at. More than 65 countries peg their currencies to the U.S. dollar while five U.S. territories and eleven foreign nations use it as their official currency of exchange. ------------------------ Even in China.....OMG they love the USD. Most debt must be converted into USD first. USD is the life blood of the galaxy. But I agree, focus on other countries if you have time.
  11. good username. no one isn't minority. MILLIONS in Thailand are wearing a mask. Tens of millions, likely. Go to 7-11 and don't wear one, yell at them to "get over it." Then do it at Tesco. let us know how it goes. The falang has choices where he (99% guys) lives.......he picks Thailand. Mask central!!! Masks in Thailand are great!!! Masks in Thailand are mandatory in certain businesses!!! tell them they are wrong. lol
  12. artificial demand. you give the drugs for free, force them to get addicted. then you own. I own a beer company and we have millions of sheep who need our product or they cannot function as human beings. I hate beer, but love money.
  13. I'll say it AGAIN. Thai Baht will go 50:1 USD. Give it time to get above 40....then the depreciation will accelerate. 50 is a conservative fact. 65:1 is possible. 30:1 is impossible. you understand.
  14. I have 100 million USD and I want to go on a vacation with my 100 friends. Thailand? Masks? What? Skip. Money speaks way more than anything.........I expect people will soon voluntarily not wear a mask. Oh, you have a hotel and want customers? Oh, you want tourists?
  15. If it's a PRIVATE business, they can demand almost anything. Today I did see more people not wearing a mask. Even in a few shops. Big stores, masks. Private. They can do what they want. Come to my 5.33 sq meter room in Pattaya on Soi 555 and it's 100 masks, 43 pairs of gloves, fireman pants and a helmet.
  16. Just the beginning of what? From the greatest country on the planet to Number 1 but not that much better over Number 2? Blame the pope for this one, go after the Church. Was the church the beginning of all of this? In 1929, during the crash, people asked, "is this the beginning?" Civil war.....the beginning? 1 million Americans died of COVID...I have a feeling that played a role in this. You gotta re-populate. more tax dollars. Just be glad you're not in 1000000 other countries where real freedoms are not allowed.
  17. I'm 90% sure the contract means nothing without the work permit, since then working "illegally." That means they don't have to pay her anything for the days worked. If she isn't a real teacher and needs the temporary teaching license from Krusapa, then I'd check to see if they did that already. If they did, it would be cancelled and another extension used up. Anyhow, I won't elaborate if not relevant. I'm pretty sure the new school has absolutely zero power except don't expect to get paid. The 30th is on Thursday, so if she worked there I'd wait until I got paid and never go back. Send them an email, "leaving the country." There's nothing they can do.
  18. 2005 no attitudes? maybe so controlled by certain groups of people that it was impossible to have a personality. NOW kids have personalities, before afraid. I remember 2005 in the world and it's not that much different now. maybe before people drank more, more drugs, more gambling......nah, same. It was 1999 when Thailand was absolute paradise. Not one problem. Everything perfect. Then the falang.......
  19. before they might have known one or two foreigners, now it's a new boyfriend every hour. technology, more tourists, etc.... before maybe you wanted to be naïve to enhance your experience of something new; now you realize it was and will always be the same here as anywhere else. oh, they are so beautiful and yet don't know about the world....I will teach them about the world, take them away!!!! Now you realize it was simply a language barrier and they knew more about the world than you did.... don't worry, there are still a few villages where the falang no go.....beautiful girls everywhere....no phones, no tinder, money not important....only love. they call it a dream. I think Laos is the next place to be "found" by the sexpat.
  20. go to another country, try to fit in........you came here for happiness. you came here to enjoy your life. now you want to mess with their police. good luck with that. pack your bags.
  21. Do you think cats will create time machines and change the Universe? Who will create the newest app that lets billions enjoy their lives? 8 billion people trying to enjoy life, ruined because a few are bitter? What if the next baby shows us how live on Mars in 80 years from now? Ruin humanity because we won't live to see it, so if we die everyone should die also? First, destroy cockroaches. Then ants. Then we'll talk.....
  22. Why do HUNDREDS of millions of people want to visit America? NINE million with green cards. Millions more trying to jump the border. Is the quality of life that much better? houses, food, safety, opportunity......................opportunity.............is this important? in LOS I can go to 711!!!! That's opportunity, right? It's all relative. Those that throw rocks live in the smallest, most fragile glass houses topped by the slightest wind from a fart of the tiniest mouse. 150 million Americans will be living in states that allow abortion, I'm guessing. I urge all to protest in the streets of America, it's allowed there. Change the world for the "better" and even write to the Pope. I'm pro-choice, but I worry more about beer prices in LOS.........I admit, I haven't changed the world with all my writing..........hello?????????????? lol
  23. ladyboys strongest names will not be published to protect the innocent. (insert Law & Order theme song)
  24. A few big stores today... NOT one person was NOT wearing a mask. I'm not going to be the first. Hope tomorrow things change........
  25. I'm a guy, I don't think I have a say in these matters. If I was a woman, it would be my choice. sad day for women.
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