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Everything posted by Iamfalang

  1. record them after saying, "Listen you phat f.......... don't u f harass me!!!" lol
  2. probably a temple, school, or simply leave them somewhere. I've done all three. Do you have any pictures? I simply can't buy the cheap frames I see everywhere.
  3. projectile diarrhea as I was on my stomach. Like a fountain from the depths of h....... It was so strong it made a hole in the roof and is being watched by NASA as it circles the moon. I tipped 10 baht, felt bad.
  4. The super rich. Where did you money come from? In many parts of the world, nobody cares. If you have money, you are a GOD. A living God. As 10,000 expats living on 20 baht noodle soup yell, "Life isn't fair!!" No, it is not my good backpacker, expat, noodle drinker........no, it is not. 4 billion super yacht. It's not like the war just started, and yet they roam free...... living the super rich lifestyle..... OK, time to eat my noodle soup
  5. I agree with you, and I don't drink or smoke the green stuff; HOWEVER, we don't know the alternative. Maybe they are super depressed and want to die......a drink calms them down. Sometimes I think I might need a couple 2 meter bongs......but a massage usually does the job. imaginary happiness might be better than some dark cloud of despair. not saying that's going to fix it, it won't....that's for the online doctors.
  6. that's no fun, and that would destroy all forums on Earth. Forum = criticize. I really expected more of a story from the OP. I don't get it, said (maybe yelled) 100 baht and left a beer. That's it? That makes a thread? Well, I'm here so I better criticize. First, start filming!!! Upload to Youtube. Troll the guy before you hit record so we only see him flipping out. Follow him home. Call the police. Disrespecting Thais, OMG, can you get him blacklisted???? Can you go back to the scene of the crime and take crime fotos??? maybe a re-enactment. I've seen guys hit girls, slap girls, kick girls, knock out girls......and luckily I was old enough to mind my own business. If a kid, well, I'd have to help and likely die. lol. Anyhow, this takes the cake!!! keep us posted OP!!!
  7. gotta generalize. sorry. India hates China, or China hates India (definitely) or both. Burma has a military killing people. Thailand hasn't said that's bad. America has. China, probably doesn't care or supports Burma. Vietnam might split, again. Cambodia, China. Already done. Laos, China, already done. Philippines, America, already done. Japan goes with USA over China, already done. S. Korea, America. done. Maybe we get a different shape of Thailand, wider in the bottom (taking some of Cambodia like before) and lose some at the top (CR, CM maybe......) Thailand is definitely leaning America, but there is no need to decide now. Don't worry TVFM, I'm on it...... 100 million baht is my fee, and I'm drafting the world constitution. I'll solve everything!!!!!! Oh, and falangs..............yea, you definitely lose. lol.
  8. It took me about three trips, and almost a year in total to understand the basics. I have money, I have fun. I have money, Thai like money. No money, die. It's hot. Really hot. Air quality is garbage. Traffic is filled with complete morons (pretty much par for the world). Everything might be a scam. Overall, people are nice. Overall, as a guy you have an edge. Ladyboys exist everywhere. No, you cannot buy everyone Thais are smarter than you think, in some things. Thai guys are very nice until they drink. Might be the same with me. Your life is worth zero. Nobody cares. It is an escape, and that's fine.
  9. experience. 5 schools. 2 didn't pay, one lied, and one changed the contract to only 10 months. you do NOT need any in-person garbage.....teaching in Thailand is super, super easy and many NES teachers can barely speak English. Other teachers, even worse. But you should not be ugly, and white. I'm not joking, wish I was. It helps a lot. Good looking is a massive plus. Kids are wonderful. It's exhausting, but the kids really are great. If not, I wouldn't have put up with the other stuff. I'd never put a name of a school online, good or bad (impossible, get sued). So you are on your own. Be prepared to get frustrated, but the kids are great. Expect 30 to 35,000 for 11 months. I've seen over 100 falang teachers leave, including myself. You will understand soon enough. Haven't been in the "game" for a few years, but it's funny to think back to how crazy it was. Don't think you will save money........money is in Falangland. Only teach to kill boredom and let the time go.......you will NEVER be considered a real teacher, only a clown, until you get the cred. and get to a "real" school.
  10. I heard this in 1910, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60. 70's. 80. 90's, 00's, 10's... it's usually the old guys who are nearing the end; they want the world to near its end as well. you could spend your entire life giving reasons why every country will fail.....and not one reason how one country will thrive. yes, you are right...............this time.... same same not same not same.........DOOMED!!! 2024 will never be seen by Earth!!! The guy that created the smartphone didn't think like this....only the falang
  11. Probably send them a postcard with an upside down smiley face. That will teach them!!! This is politics. blah, blah, blah, do nothing, blah, blah, blah
  12. I saw the same thing in Chiang Mai. white guys going crazy, motorcycle gang, loud, disruptive......... said nobody ever.
  13. I want to be like a Native American. I will give them EVERYTHING. They will give me a map of where my 0.000001 Rai is.... I will walk to my paradise. I'm sure it's in a great place.
  14. "all animals deserve to live" until they rip the face off of your child. most, yes. Not all.
  15. who went to help them drown............................ really? I'm not seeing that part.
  16. LOS Land Of Siphoning the money of the falang. 100 baht fee if you go to another province. 1000 fee coming back from Laos 500 back from Burma 300 baht!!!!!!! OMG, this is going to be 900 pages of complaining. Relax falangos ....... In America you pay $2000 for a room, $500 for gas and $1000 for food. And that's called Monday.
  17. It is interesting how we believe everything. Not one thing in this article we will question. I don't know the guy, I don't care........But I'm thinking the CIA could wack a falang and do a very similar story. I do think this story is correct, but it is interesting I don't even question it (of course I do, but not in a serious way). 20 shots seems excessive...and they found meth. convenient. who's knocking on my door??
  18. Not a crazy question: I wonder how long she would've lived if she didn't get caught up in the public eye. Who needs that extra stress?
  19. It's all about the odds. Statistics, people. The Shan state is one of the biggest Opium producers in the WORLD. CR isn't that far away. Burma, Thailand, China, Australia.......the drugs flow. This is the main reason I don't live in CR. When there's a crazy amount of supply, things can happen. Live in the zoo and you worry about animals. Live in the ocean and you worry about drowning. Not saying CR is 100% unsafe.....but you gotta bump up the odds by about 10 to 20%. I wouldn't live in Ukraine or Russia right now, not saying everyone there is dead. you understand.
  20. Every store.........Vaccine shot before entering. Every time you enter. New mask purchased before entering every store. Smartphones can NEVER get 2 meters from another smart phone. Only allowed to be outside between (xxx and xxx) to keep things not congested. 100,000,000 baht surcharge for no reason. We MUST stop this Death/Flu/Cold/Mild Cold thing regardless of the sacrifice!!!!! Falangs!!!! Unite!!!!!
  21. This is impossible. You (Thailand) are aware of hundreds of millions of baht being made.... impossible nobody puts their hand in the cookie jar. impossible. Hey, look, Chinese guys are making 100 billion baht in Udon Thani. Thais don't get anything. This scenario has never existed in the history of scenarios in all multi-verses
  22. For the last twenty-years I've had a premonition I would die in the ocean. I "almost" (young kid) was swept away by a large wave on a boat, but I jumped into the stairwell as the wave hit. Behind me was only a rope to stop me from going out to sea......... Water.......nothing is more powerful.
  23. I want to go. Can I rent a jet ski? Everyone still wearing masks? Can I buy alcohol today? Is it rainy season?
  24. I do. NOT forced to drink 20 beers a night. Can sort-of pick the fat falangs over the smelly fat falangs. Smarter to know Tinder is less work. The question is.....How much better? We're not going from 10/100 to 90/100
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