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chiang mai

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Everything posted by chiang mai

  1. I'm expecting one from my bank because I recieve US SSc, even tho I'm a Brit. I think the FATCA part is for anyone having any financial dealings with the US.
  2. I personally have always understood it to be that way. Subsequent to the earlier debates, many more people appear to have agreed with that view. A main driver is that there is nothing in the TEDA instructions or the Code, that allows for an exemption on income that is subsequently gifted, only a reduced rate of tax to the Giftee, above certain limits.
  3. RW, quit trolling the tax threads, if you don't have a useful contribution to make, stay quiet.
  4. You seem to have the main details already, only thing to note is that the gifted funds are still assessible on you, if tax assessable funds are used. In other words, you cannot use Gift Tax to avoid tax assessment on remitted funds, just by gifting them to another.
  5. My pension has remained the same as 2019, it has neither been uprated or reverted back to the pre 2016 rate.
  6. Read what I wrote again. My UK State Pension is paid directly into my Bangkok Bank account in Thailand. My pension has not reverted back to my pre-2017 level but it has not been uprated since I stopped visiting the UK in 2019.
  7. I lived here for 16 years, went back to the UK, claimed settled status and had my pension uprated. I returned to Thailand six months later, the following year I visited UK for two months, I have not returned to the UK since 2019. My pension is currently paid directly into my Thai bank account and is still at the uprated amount.
  8. Wow BM, even for you that's a stretch! Civil disobedience by foreigners, do you have any idea how many nano-seconds that would be tolerated. " My VISA extension is good until Nov 2025, what can they do to me before that?" Cancel it and kick your arse out, that's what. "The more compliant you are, the worse it will be for everyone!" Translated into English that reads, the more you follow the rules, the more difficult it will be for you not to!!!
  9. This is not the USA, it's Thailand, things are very different here....get used to it.
  10. Yup the Thai National Curriculum says at p.252: The foreign language constituting basic learning content that is prescribed for the entire basic education core curriculum is English, while for other foreign languages, e.g., French, German, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Pali and languages of neighbouring countries, it is left to the discretion of educational institutions to prepare courses and provide learning management as appropriate. The whole shebang can be downloaded here: http://act.ac.th/document/1741.pdf. It's a beautiful world! "Every high school graduate studies English for 12 years".
  11. Yes. There's plenty of free software you can download to do that, somebody will be along shortly to tell you which is best.
  12. You decide, using some pretty well established parameters. Income that is exempt, according to the Dual Tax Agreement, is, well, exempt! Savings are exempt. Income earned before 1 Jan 2024 s exempt. Everything else is pretty much assessable income.
  13. You've become paranoid about what I might think....the right choice will vary from person to person, based on their personal circumstances. Try and relax a little bit.
  14. Not everyone is going to be happy that there might be an answer to the questions that have been batted backwards and forwards for the past year, especially if it's a different set of answers from what they expected. Expect accusations of being in the employ of the TRD, the tax consultancies or the devil himself....it was to be expected. My wish is that none of you pay Thai tax and that none of you make the wrong decision about filing a return or not, inevitably there will be those who make the wrong choice, sadly.
  15. I think if I was the TRD I would want everyone in the country to file a return, tax due or not. That way I can build a database easily and implement global taxation or Negative Tax, easily and quickly. It would also mean that I can cross reference / verify all the wage/salary inputs at an employer audit. The list of potential benefits to the TRD will be lengthy. At a minimum, the desire to tax the grey economy will be a huge driver in all of this, it's worth 50% of GDP or thereabouts.
  16. It's been a useful debate that hopefully everyone has learned from.
  17. This is not a win or loose debate, it is an evidence based debate that attempts to determine the correct answers. The only person who looses is the person who takes the incorrect advice and decides to do the opposite of what they are required to do. If as you say, TRD is using the banks as their agents that falls in line with BOT doing the same thing for foreign currency exchange and more.......the bank is the point of customer contact and can see the picture more clearly because they are closer. That would help explain why my Bangkok Bank branch made such a big deal out of obtaining signed photocopies and the original of my US SSc IDD form that went to Manilla, BBL knows those US SSc payments are tax exempt hence they can disregard them for tax reporting purposes.
  18. Grasping at straws and hope is what it is, sadly, some people will buy into it and may well get in trouble later as a result. This may be opinion in a discussion forum but Rule 5 it pretty clear on this topic.
  19. US this, US that, the US tax rules are not relevant to the debate. I have no doubt that if you search long and hard enough you can find a phrase or two in another country's Revenue Code that supports your theory....so what, the TRD Code is all that matters. So let me ask you yet again, where is the supporting evidence, not the emotion or common sense or I think, evidence? ...I've shown you mine, now you show me yours. You've chosen to ignore the TRD Code and all the other sources of information that disagree with your theory, but now you've decided to latch on to K'Bank because some of the verbiage in their Customer Support flyer can be made to loosely fit what you think....jeeze, Jim, give it up will ya, put up or shut up!
  20. "Once again, this argument, which will never be solved believed with our current info from TRD, comes down to common sense". So there you have it chaps and chapettes, ignore the Thai Tax Revenue Code, ignore the Revenue instructions to obtain a a TIN, ignore the various law firms, ignore the AN members posts quoting discussions with the Revenue, ignore the Big 4 Accountancy firms, ignore the tax consultants, ignore the media reports and just use your common sense......er, isn't there a dichotomy in there somewhere!
  21. Wake me when you uncover year 2024 PND90 and PND91 forms in English, till then, do not disturb.
  22. It's kinda pointless posting links to forms that aren't in English that nobody really needs, don't you think!.
  23. The page is translated to English but the form is not.
  24. As it happens Simon was a rocket scientist but was not able to renter his old field of training here in Asia.
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