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chiang mai

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Everything posted by chiang mai

  1. It doesn't matter which year it was earned prior to 31/12/23, only that it was all earned prior to that date.
  2. There's a small nucleus of luddites who are hoping it will all come to nought, flat earth types. I hope for their sakes nothing does come of it but I wouldn't wager a single satang at any odds.
  3. And your plan is what, generate a TIN using your Mr TIN Maker kit from Hasbros!
  4. If you're saying it's nothing, that clinches it for me, it must be fact.
  5. I got one 15 years ago, because I have Thai income and a business here, It's difficult to pay tax without one, how retarded is that, bright boy!
  6. So tell us oh wise one, what are your realistic options? You won't lie, don't wanna pay, you going to try debating the issue with them!
  7. You can continue baiting until the cow's come home, nobody pays any attention any more, we've all come to understand it's all you ve got and the best you can manage.
  8. Makes me wonder how some people actually survive here, day to day. Don't want to lie, don't want to pay an agent, have you considered writing to your MP!
  9. Ok, don't lie, go pay an agent/tax advisor instead, I really don't care what y'all do. Far too many drama queens and nervous Nigel's for my liking.
  10. You can make your demand palatable if you try, it doesn't have to be confrontational, that's something else.
  11. Lister was right about one thing.....don't try and give members tax advice when you're not qualified and don't know, just give out information and let members decide things for themselves.
  12. Once again, the tax rules are very clear. You are required to obtain a tin, within 60 days of exceeding the assessable income threshold, if you don't do that, you don't need a tin and you will be rightly refused.
  13. I added after I posted initially, subject to assessable income. If you have zero, why are you even in the debate!
  14. Well, they're lying to you by saying you don't need one, the tax rules are crystal clear on this poin, assuming you have assessable income above the threshold
  15. Tell them you want to talk to a supervisor and that you're going to escalate things. Tell them to put their refusal in writing for your overseas bank that has requested the number. Jeeze you have so many choices
  16. Go back and demand one or escalate the matter to region or hq
  17. Actually, thinking more about this, if you're not smart enough to get yourself a TIN, you deserve what happens to you later and you probably shouldn't even contemplate living in Thailand.
  18. No! Give me a TIN please should be the only thing that needs to be said, no 20 questions games with variable answers based on the phase of the moon
  19. What you know about my Thai tax returns of the past 15 years is zero.
  20. Your excuse of, "they wouldn't give me one", or, "they said I didn't need one", won't go far in a tax audit. But hey, give it shot, you especially should, especially knowing how difficult and complex it is to obtain one!
  21. Staff at many offices are lazy, if you give them an excuse that allows them to avoid work, they will take it. A perfect excuse is asking them if you need a tin. ...of course you don't, silly billy you, they will say. They are taking the piste and you're allowing them to do it. Tell you wHat, ask if they don't mind being recorded telling you that and then see how quickly your tin is issued!
  22. It confuses me that some members are unable to obtain a tax id when the law requires that one is issued to you. I get that staff at some offices may not want to give you one but is it really beyond members abilities to manufacture a story that convinces staff they must issue you with one! Really? I mean, you could say you have a lot of money on deposit and you want to reclaim tax on interest, which requires a tax id. You could also say you have rental income and have to file a return, which also requires a tin. Tbh I'm not sure how some members manage to put their pants on in the morning and avoid a drama in the process.
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