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chiang mai

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Everything posted by chiang mai

  1. Wasn't that the shock news very recently that money sent during those "off years", still didn't escape tax? Tbh I wasn't paying close attention to the discussion because of vacation planning. And now on hols, I'm not going to look it up but I do think there is still a tax liability. Perhaps others can chip in?
  2. But it is pegged to a very similar basket of currencies to USD, which is very similar to being pegged to USD.
  3. The yuan is not pegged to USD, it managed to a basket of currencies
  4. They are weak on enforcement but they are pretty good at detection and capture. Just because you see traffic violations go unpunished every day, don't be lulled into thinking there is no effective system of policing here.
  5. Moderator and lead on all things electrical in forum.......have you been living in a cave!
  6. Would you hire Crossy for electrical work, assuming of course you could afford his fees?
  7. 10% variance or even 15% is not going to deter holiday makers or visitors, if people want to come here, they will come.
  8. Yes he would, as would anyone else who has studied the subject even moderately.
  9. I'm sorry I don't but I can ask around and will come back to you if I hear of any.
  10. Keeping rates high when inflation is low, constraints economic growth. USD will only benefit from high rates if inflation remains high.
  11. In defense of the OP, medical costs in Thailand have increased at over 15% per year for the past few years.
  12. What utter tosh this is! The idea of taxing other than the native population is not a new concept, it's something that EVERYONE who works in tax above a medium level will understand. It didn't take some pesky American lawyer to whisper in the ear of the TRD to reveal this hidden secret, guess what, they will have thought of it all by themselves! And then you chose to group all tax experts into two groups, Thai's and foreigners and if they're foreigners, they are all to be regarded as the enemy for gods sake. My question of you is, what's wrong with you!
  13. I've lived in a few places around Thailand and have visited loads more so I can make realistic comparisons. I don't know about others but I didn't move to Thailand to live in a farang ghetto and associate with farangs, I could have stayed home and done that. I was horrified to read that some of the farang ghetto's have buses into town, jeeze, a complete farang support infrastructure. I'd move to Hua Hin in heartbeat except I like where we are in the North. We visit HH twice a year and have for many years. The aiur is usually cleaner than other places, especially during the burning season. Shopping is good, facilities are good, location is excellent but for goodness sake, don't restrict yourself to farang ghetto's. Go find an area that you like and live there, probably not right at the beach since that's become very pricey nowadays. But there are plenty of nice none farang areas, go check them out and make Thai friends.
  14. I can't imagine a scenario where you will be allowed to open any form of account here, without a long term visa or similar. Thailand is not an offshore banking center and has even tightened rules on non-resident foreigners currency accounts, even they need documentation in order to open an account.
  15. The following is not PIT related but instead describes changes to corporate tax as a result of GMT Pillar II implementation. It's interesting because it looks at the bigger tax picture but also discusses development to BOI incentives from a corporate perspective. https://mahanakornpartners.com/overview-of-thailands-implementation-of-the-global-minimum-tax-gmt-under-pillar-ii/
  16. I agree with the OP, the cost of a doctors visit has increased hugely in the past three years. Plus each specialist has certain tests they feel obliged to perform which double their consultation fee. I saw a chest doctor last week, 700 of his fee, 400 for the x-ray, 250 to read the x-ray, 700 for the endoscope up the nose test. A simple consult turned out to be 2,400 by the time I was done, five years ago it would have been 1,000 max..
  17. I'm not surprised at all and I think the US is/was a great country with some great people.
  18. Icing on the cake....:) Thank you Richard, Sai Keaw Beach Resort looks the most likely choice.
  19. Many thanks for all of those things, that's exactly what I was hoping for. I'll let you know how it goes. Cheers
  20. How's the beach? Is one beach better than another and if so, which is regarded as the nicest?
  21. Yes and no. The UK personal allowance does not carry across but is instead replaced by Tax Exemptions and Deductions (TEDA) within the Thai system. For a person over age 65 years, TEDA can be a very close equivalent.
  22. Bump, anyone?
  23. "The few people in charge make the rules in order to control the many others", If you believe that and that it's some sort of evil plan, you've got a vote, use it. Out
  24. Sorry but I don't go along with these conspiracy theories but I'm happy that others do if they wish.
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