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Everything posted by samtam

  1. Ever since Grab took over Uber it has dramatically increased its prices and in the case of Grab car, removed the points (unless you pay), added in a new 3% "foreign payment" fee, (a charge when the card you have registered is not issued in Thailand). It seems obvious to me that the Grab car sector of their business is not really of interest to them, having demolished the competition. The usual business model, I suppose. What I find objectionable is that changes only manifest themselves when you spot a change in billing or activity, through a plethora of information. All rather sneeky. Sometimes the quality of the car (in Premium) is so dire, it's just not worth it. They ask you to rate, but "this is certainly not the Grab experience we want you to have!" when you provide the reason for not giving 5 stars, I'm sure it goes straight into the file marked "bin". Such a pity. Businesses thrive on a good reputation, but cynical loyalty programmes are a complete con. Rant of the day.
  2. I have three "Christian" names as they used to be called, "first" names now. Back in the day I used to buy tickets with the name I am called by which is the second of my 3 Christian names + surname (or "family" name in today's parlance). All my airline memberships were also in this one name + surname. But now I have changed everything to my 3 Christian names + surname (as shown in my passport), with some difficulties with airlines making the change. It makes for some silly reproduction of the passenger name on tickets either self-print from online booking or boarding pass, so that the three Christian names are combined into 1, (no capitals), plus the surname. I imagine it must be a similar issue with long names, like Thais have, or Middle Easterners.
  3. Can someone please send this to the outlets that will shame the Thai government into actually doing something effective? Top of this list for Thai government policy is "how will it affect tourism?". Bottom of the list is "how will it impact on the ordinary people who inhabit this once and sometimes beautiful land?".
  4. Yes, too many uncertainties to make applying for LTR wealthy pensioner visa, not given definitive approval by RD to all the BOI / LTR responses. As above. Need RD definitive comment. As above. Need RD definitive comment. As above. Need RD definitive comment. As with others who have inquired directly to BOI about tax, I received this reply, (obviously translated from Classic Greek). Mangling the English so badly made me have to re-read this several times: your overseas income will be subject to Thai personal income tax only when you are a tax resident (staying in Thailand 180 days or more in a tax year) and have brought such overseas income into Thailand in the same tax year that you are a tax resident and have received such overseas income. Is that then contradicted by the following in the next paragraph: If those conditions are all met and you have been granted a Long-Term Resident Visa for Wealthy Global Citizens, Wealthy Pensioners, or Work-from-Thailand Professionals, you will receive personal income tax exemption on your overseas income under such Royal Decree even if you have brought overseas income into Thailand in the same tax year. Or does the second paragraph say that if you have an LTR for Wealthy Pensioner, then the old tax interpretation (pre September's announcement in 2023 from RD) will apply? I'm just struggling with the way it's written in English, and also that BOI/LTR are giving their interpretation. I would rather wait until RD gives a definitive ruling. I have read all the posts from page 75 (RD's announcement of their change in interpretation) to the latest, and was in the process of making an LTR application. But the uncertainties make this move seem premature. I can see the benefits of LTR for Wealthy Pensioners, but without definitive clarity on the RD position, I am reluctant to make the switch, (from Extension of Stay based on Retirement).
  5. Spoiler alert....re Jennifer Coolidge.
  6. Let's hope they can use CGI to pretend the sky is clear.
  7. Yes, stay here and get a hacking cough!
  8. The AQI organisation data is frequently not working properly. Had similar issues with their reportings in November. I reported the inaccuracies (on the website). They shut off the ones that were completely out of whack. Typically, none of these things work properly, unless they are professionally monitored.
  9. Agreed.....Greed. There is no political will to do anything. "Let them eat dust" as Marie Antoinette might have said from her ivory Petit Trianon. The billions of visitors to Thailand that TAT and the Thai government want to attract are simply not coming to be gassed...unless they're having a gas.
  10. Yes, this "impending haze" just now @ 10.27 am AQI 176, down from 186 first thing.
  11. Until they want it officially translated. Tax exempt LTR under Royal Decree, until it's not.
  12. Thank you for this. Whilst I do not doubt your intentions, and you qualify all of what you write under Clause 3: it would be really really really helpful if RD could, after their promised "extensive discussions with stakeholders" issue something like this, and one of the tax companies you quote could refer to that. As far as I am aware none of these entities have done so. I realise you also acknowledge this. I have not yet hired a tax firm, but I am sure they are itching for business, which may be derived from this change in RD interpretation. Until they satisfy the foregoing, (a definitive guide), it would seem pointless, and costly. I also realise that the law has not changed, just the interpretation, but it is unclear whether the changed interpretation can be implemented without a change in the law.
  13. In my case my partner and I have overseas joint accounts for everything. As our partnership is not recognised in Thailand, we will each file tax returns. As we're over 65, we will each have THB500K which is not taxable, (after allowances and zero rated sum). How RD view co-mingled funds, on top of fungible capital accumulated over 40 years of partnership is beyond my ken. If you get a definitive answer on that, I'd welcome knowing it.
  14. Traffic lights are a year round Christmas decoration. Just a set of pretty lights in three colours.
  15. Who did the "staging" for this photo? Lampshades in the wrong direction, (displayed differently in another photo); bed looks as though someone has just sat on it; a "throw" atop aptly named. Seems an unusual choice of room of his official residence to showcase. Also, good choice to "live above the shop" and avoid worsening traffic by having a motorcade. How about improving traffic congestion whilst he at it? Hardly a PR success.
  16. Then we would have to be called "sads", (with apologies to Private Eye). That's exactly the detail that those of us in (UK) Civil Partnerships (or same sex marriages) want to know, but I suspect it will only apply to Thais with Thais or foreigners with Thais.
  17. On my last 2 visits to the hospital, (BNH Bangkok), I declined their request to check my BP, as I check it every morning, and when I go to the hospital I photograph the monitor, where it is normal, (as in 120/83 with pulse of 63). In the hospital it is nearly 200/120 because of my white coat syndrome. Secondary attempts to check it makes it worse. Whether it's in the nursing fee or not, I don't care, as long as I don't have to go through this procedure, (even at the hygienist for teeth cleaning, or the physio)...it's a national obsession.
  18. What is it with this "hospital fee"? I too pay a "service fee" at my hospital, (plus the doctor - 500, 800, 1000, 1200, depending on the phase of the moon), also plus a nurses fee to take my blood pressure, which by the time I'm more than completely effed off, is verging on the stroke level. Of course, as new Thai taxpayers, all of these foreigner fees will disappear...
  19. It is possible the coalition will have fractured by then, as the Digital Wallet scheme scam is highly contentious, Thaksin may be PM, the economy has gone into a deep dive, and the constitution re-write has raised some unpalatable issues (for some) etc.
  20. Or in Scotland: "June & Winter".
  21. ...and then presumably translating it. Whatever "narrative" (the technical term used by a bank when it annotates a transaction on a statement) would not be clear to RD. Hell, when I try and check the "narrative" list in the back of my bank passbook savings, even that is not comprehensive, and even the bank's own staff do not know what some of their "narratives" mean. If banks here employ people of that level/standard and they have the equivalent in RD, this will never amount to a hill of beans, (aka "HOB" in a bank narrative...)
  22. Is that a lady farm?
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