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Everything posted by samtam

  1. I've noticed that the AQI website that I use has quite a few non functioning data centres, and I have been in touch with them. They confirmed that this is the case, and have disabled the content on their website. The readings were excessively higher than those in the immediate vicinity, (such as the red 151 reading in the sample shown). Nonetheless, there still appear to be few that are clearly out of sync, and I'm wondering if there is a better monitoring website for Bangkok, or indeed Thailand.
  2. @lopburi3 Yes, that is what my doctor told me. The Southern Hemisphere shots were administered in May to tie in with Thailand's 'flu season, and the Northern Hemisphere shots were rolled out in September. Personally I think once a year is sufficient, otherwise I'd be poor within a short space of time, and as you say, there is doubtless some benefit in the lesser dosage, and even those non specific to the season.
  3. @lopburi3 ok, thanks. I'm obviously new to this, as it is my first 'flu vaccination, so I assumed what applies now, always applied. Doubtless there will be more tweaking to the protocols as time goes by.
  4. So we're comparing apples with oranges. I'm no virologist, but I'd rather only put into my body that which might help me in the case of a new infection, and it's clear that there is a misconception about having a THB600 flu jab really being the solution, apart from "box ticking" in one's mind. However, not worrying about it will undoubtedly help you. In which case, I'm wondering why it's worth bothering to have any vaccination at all?
  5. Putin went to China, so clearly fear of being toppled whilst outside of Russia is not immediate.
  6. Thanks for the Mazars piece. I wish RD would get on with "seeking the opinions....and issuing guidelines to provide more clarity". Cart and horse etc. This magnum opus thread has demonstrated the complexity of many people's individual income status, and I cannot imagine how RD propose to address that with any understanding, consistency or fairness, given the track record of Thai bureaucracy in every field. Obviously the confusion is not just confined to those who have contributed valuable and interesting pieces herein, but to all the major accounting firms, and legal firms that deal with Thai tax.
  7. Yes, I think the variation is because of the recipe and dosage. Mine certainly gave me a mild case of 'flu the night of and the day after, mitigated by paracetamol. My doctor a BNH was also pushing Tetanus and Zostar vaccines, (shingles), but I decided to pause, because I get slightly irritated by the sales element that must play a part in these consultations. I think you could spend your senior years being vaccinated ad nauseam; certainly the number of vaccines some of my friends have had in UK, (one has had 8 Covid vaxes!), seems a bit excessive, but it is natural to react that way given the push by Pharma, and when it's free, what is there to lose? (Actually in the case of the Covid vax, perhaps we don't really know yet), but the 'flu one seems to be a proven remedy, and so I thought given the reports I mentioned, and I am now certainly eligible, (66), I have now had my first ever, recognising that my invincibility is a bit optimistic.
  8. I'm delighted to read of these prices, and quite probably you have a longstanding relationship with the hospital or clinic that is giving you the vaccination, but do you know from them whether you are getting the quadrivalent vaccine for the 2023-2024 Northern Hemisphere, and if you're over 65, that you're getting the recommended larger dose, (4 times the normal dosage for those under 65)?
  9. Perhaps they could invest a small part of the promotion in PM2.5 face masks.
  10. The high AQI started already. Noticeable difference over the last week or so as the rains abated. Simple solution: "stop burning things"...🙄
  11. https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/3237942/hong-kong-records-21-deaths-among-37-serious-flu-cases-past-week-more-half-group-unvaccinated https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2023/09/23/japan/science-health/influenza-japan-spreading/
  12. From my friend in Vancouver this morning: If only.
  13. I asked the doctor at BNH about the covid vaccines in Thailand, and he said there were none that are relevant to new variants. He also said that if one had previous vaccines for Omicron, there was no need to have further vaccinations until one was 80 years old. (Obviously this information might vary depending on the patient's state of health.)
  14. Well, having made the booking with Bangkok Hospital (HQ), we turned up at the required time, ahead of the appointment, to register etc. Went through all the vital sign checks, and then waited to see the doctor. Once with him, he informed us that the hospital had run out of the new strains vaccine, (the Northern Hemisphere vaccine being administered there now* as below), and that they did not know when it would be available. So we expressed our dismay as to why this information was not made available when the booking was made, and left the hospital. On the way back, contacted BNH and they confirmed they did have the new strains vax in stock (since mid September) @THB2,500 a shot, so we booked and went and had those administered. A slight sore arm likely. The over 65 dosage is 4x the normal dosage, so that is why the price is higher. Just now received a call from Bangkok Hospital that they actually do have the new strain vax in stock, and their stock record was not updated at the time of our appointment. Piss up and brewery. A lovely 4 hour excursion in the medical hub of Thailand.
  15. Yes, thanks. This seemed the least expensive, and is inclusive of doctor, nurses, and all the add-ons. BNH was THB4,000 for the same. I've booked Bangkok Hospital. There are one or two clinics around, but they're at around THB1,500 plus the add-ons, and I'm slightly wary of knowing what I'm getting. The hospitals are a monopoly or if not directly associated, they control the market price.
  16. Well my name is not Deloitte, Ernst, Young, Price, Waterhouse, Peat or Marwick, but I expect they are making those very same remonstrations, and my comment is simply to support their effort.
  17. This is a dose for over 65s, (apparently a higher dosage level).
  18. My maid hardly falls into the mafioso, triad or criminal class, as far as I am aware. She does fall into the income tax bracket of taxpayers living in Thailand, although she is not a Thai citizen. If the Thai RD wants to enforce the law, it should be across the board. And if the law is not appropriate, (thresholds etc), it should be amended by legislation.
  19. And...my point is the stupidity of the new interpretation. Jonny Foreigner might also have imported money from several sources, many of them falling into the so-called grey market economy.
  20. Given the reports of higher incidents of 'flu cases in some countries in the region, (e.g. Japan and Hong Kong), with recorded higher severity and deaths (primarily amongst the elderly), I decided to book a 'flu jab. The various hospitals I checked with for over 65s "extra dosage" were quoting prices of THB2,200 to THB4,000 (including all the bells and whistles these establishments add on). This seems excessive, and another gripe related to the proposed taxation of retirees, many in this age group, who would be receiving this at reduced cost, or free in other countries. I don't especially want another one, but covid vaccines are also doubtless very overpriced, and, as far as I can gather, not suited to the new variants BA.2.86 or EG.5 or XBB, take your pick.
  21. Except 90% who fall into this category, (say a maid who earns THB12,000 per month, or THB144,000 pa) does not pay a satang, because she gets it in cash.
  22. This one?: Just got back, with a Tax ID, same number as on my Pink Card. with assurance that, in my case, transferring 40k per month = 480k per annum, after 190k + 60k + 150k all at 0%, I shall have to pay Bht4000 for the year. There was some mention of 100k being deductible for expenses. As we are not married, I cannot claim 60k for my Mrs, but possibly some for the school fees I pay for my Mrs's son, he will let me know. Where the money comes from, pension, interest, sister's immoral earnings, is of no matter. It is simply how much is/will be transferred from UK to Thailand in the specific tax year. As I am only getting UK State Pension @ £170 per week = £8840 and a small one from Norway, my total UK income is £10400, below the Tax Free Allowance, so no tax due in UK either. I am happy with this.
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