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Everything posted by samtam

  1. Slight misunderstanding here. The MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare Products Healthcare Agency) only recognises vaccines ADMINISTERED in UK, EU & USA. Nothing to do with AstraZeneca manufactured in Thailand. Pfizer, Moderna, J&J etc are not recognised by MHRA if they were administered anywhere other than in UK, EU & USA. I have heard this recognition may be given on 4 October, but my source could be as reliable as a Thai government official.
  2. I expect they're working out the pros and cons of that "nice little earner" versus having gazillions of tourists pouring into Thailand. TAT will be on it, with their magic calculator. Money is the only motivator; healthcare and social welfare don't even feature in the calculation, it's merely a facilitator to shake the money tree.
  3. Mor Prom app is now showing full certificate with dates of each of the 2 AZ doses, name, passport number etc, and I understand this is acceptable to Cathay Pacific for travel on that airline, although I will confirm with them, if I can get to their office. Calls to the Cathay enquiries elicit unhelpful answers, such as "you will know when you check in"; before you check in you have to buy 21 days at a quarantine hotel in Hong Kong, which is only refundable 5 days before in some cases, and it ain't cheap.
  4. Who are "authorities"? Nothing is set in stone except the brains of the announcers. And, as usual, vague on all other details, like COE, insurance etc. I don't want to be Debbie Downer, but we've been through a plethora of these announcements, only for them to be walked back in steps, large and small.
  5. Yes, encouraging, except for these words... "This needs to be approved by the cabinet tomorrow, and published in the Royal Gazette a few days later. But it seems certain." If there is one certainty in Thailand, it's that nothing is certain. Until it's actually published in the RG, it has not come into effect. And will the governor of Bangkok overrule the government? Don't count your chickens before they hatch.
  6. I have had mixed experiences with the two hospitals I have used for check ups. BNH is my usual hospital, but I preferred Bumrungrad. Both however have poor depth of field machines, (which I think are redundant now when the back of your eyeball is photographed). I am a potential glaucoma sufferer, as my father had it, so I need to check every year. In UK I have never had any issues with the ophthalmologist, who tests everything personally, but here, the depth of field machine is operated by a nurse, who does not appear to be very skilled. Can anyone recommend a top class ophthalmologist in Bangkok?
  7. Province: Bangkok Date: 27 September 2021 Location (name of hospital or other) BNH Bangkok Are you over 60/chronically ill? (Yes/No) Yes: over 60/ No: chronically ill How did you register? Mor Prom Vaccination received (yes/no) Yes: 2nd dose If yes, Type of vaccine : AstraZeneca If no, Reason not vaccinated: N/A Received 2nd shot of AZ this morning, after 1st shot on 19 July, (10 weeks). Managed to get 2nd shot appointment brought forward by 2 weeks. Greatest relief was not having to do BP test before being jabbed, as this caused my inherent "white coat" syndrome; did not anticipate this, and had been observing strict preventative measures ahead of it, including no caffeine for 7 days, and no alcohol for several weeks, with brief exceptions. Also ate high potassium foods like bananas and avocadoes etc. MOPH certificate issued afterwards, which should be updated on the Mor Prom app; so far only "history", not "certificate" is showing, but will check later. QR code (on hard copy certificate which shows all details) links to MOPH, but in Thai. Mor Prom app digital certificate should be accepted for international travel, (eg Cathay Pacific for Hong Kong does, per their website). Second great relief is to be finally "fully vaccinated" after 6 months of waiting, and bemused that my friends of a similar age in UK and USA are now getting their boosters. Unusual experience to dress properly to exit my condo, get in my Grab, and see a few people after 2-3 months of self imposed isolation, except for my 3/4 times weekly swim at my pool. House arrest is over; parole begins????
  8. Dire, I thought. Only managed about 10-15 minutes of it last night, followed by 10 minutes of The Guilty with Jake Gyllenhaal. Finally settled on Crisis, which was good...7/10
  9. We normally go through about 250g a week. In the freezer it would last "fresh", once opened, for a month or more.
  10. I always keep my ground coffee in the freezer after I open the bag. Keeps it fresh during its lifespan, which is about a week for a 250g bag.
  11. You're assuming all foreigners are married to Thais, or you want land ownership to only be available to those who are?
  12. Absolutely. I still see inane tone deaf IG posts of young healthy Thais with their "V" for vaccine (or victory?), smirking (I imagine, as they're wearing masks), as they get their second jab...months ago, and still today. Age, and with comorbidities, was never part of the rollout "plan".
  13. ...vaccinated in EU or UK. Until the UK MHRA changes its stance, even Moderna administered in Thailand will not be accepted, (without quarantine for British Nationals [BN]), and not at all for those who are not BNs.
  14. Only vaccinations ADMINISTERED in UK, EU or USA are recognised by MHRA in UK. Anything else administered outside of these 3 areas only, will require either quarantine, (if Red List, like Thailand), and in the case of Red List, only British Nationals can enter.
  15. I think it costs THB60....and a few hours/days of your life, including in my case a lawyer @ around THB10k, (I can't remember). I think I must have signed about 50 pages of documents, (all in Thai), hence the need for the lawyer, to get my title deeds transferred to a Blue & Yellow Book, and the card was the child of this production. But if you already have the Yellow Book, it should be straightforward, if you apply to your Amphur, at THB60.
  16. Well the Governor of Bangkok has poured cold water on the 15th October re-opening touted by TAT...(oh, I like that, "touted by TAT"), yesterday or the day before, on the basis of needing 70% of the population [fully] vaccinated, which seems sensible. Currently only 40% are, but 70% will be by 22nd October, (not sure why it's so specific). So, the question mark dangles over any dates between 22nd October and the end of Neverember.
  17. I have been "looking" for the same thing, basically acid free tissue, in which to wrap silver. With no maid for 5 months, and probably not for another 2, I decided that my big passion will have to go under wraps. Anyway, I couldn't find any, basically because either the stores were closed, or I am still self-isolating until I get my second jab, so was not looking, per se. Wrapped pieces in soft cloth, and put into sealed bags. Really slumming it here.
  18. That notwithstanding, Chinese are not coming for their long holiday, when they have to return to China with 21 days quarantine. 21 days plus the as-yet-to-be-decided, [as it's a massive 2 weeks away, maybe 4 weeks away], before anyone knows what the quarantine is for arrival in Thailand...21 + 14, or 21 + 7. Either way, China's long holiday is not that long. At best it's 14 days.
  19. ...and we're back to one dose being OK, subject to antigen tests every 7 days. Covid will of course pause for those 7 days between tests.
  20. American Crime Story: Impeachment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impeachment:_American_Crime_Story ...when presidential crimes were really serious!
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