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Everything posted by samtam

  1. Exactly. What is a "foreign tourist"? Does this mean only non residents of Thailand, (including Thais)? Strewth, clarification of a clarification please!
  2. I have enjoyed episodes 1-3, but at 4 it's starting to go off the boil, with flashbacks as to how the two female detectives explored their personal feelings towards each other. Rose Leslie is positively cringing in the initial kiss scenes. I'm not sure how far it will deteriorate.
  3. No. Just a variation on quarantine, depending on the country you're coming from, and where you received your vaccine. No. Just a variation on quarantine, depending on the country you're coming from, and where you received your vaccine. No. For British Nationals, just a variation on quarantine, depending on the country you're coming from, and where you received your vaccine. Yes. Once off the Red List...Yes, if unvaccinated. If vaccinated in any country other than UK, USA or EU (collective), then 10 days self-isolation, until vaccinations administered in any of the other countries in the world are recognised by the MHRA.
  4. How do you test the "level of immune response"? Serology tests? The thought of another round of testing is mind boggling.
  5. What's the app for this? The Mor Prom app? Sorry. You've already answered in a subsequent post.
  6. I have had 1 dose, and I have a 13 digit Vax ID, which I obtained from the hospital. That, plus my mobile enables me to see the vaccination record, 1 dose on the app. After 2nd dose I will be able to get the digital certificate.
  7. Ring up the facility that administered your vaccination. Quote your Vax ID number, and ask them to add your mobile phone to the associated data. The information required for using the Mor Prom app is: 1) 13 digit Vax ID or 13 digit Thai ID 2) your mobile phone number
  8. I was vaccinated at BNH Hospital in Bangkok, and got the 13 digit Vax ID. BNH were administering the Mor Prom vaccination programme. I'm not sure what you mean by "government organisation". As far as I am aware, all vaccinations are recorded through the Ministry of Public Health, (to enable them to gather the statistics published daily), whether it was administered at a private hospital, or a vaccination centre in Emporium, or Bang Sue station.
  9. No number, or as more recently, percentage of testing. I'm not sure what the new percentage figure for testing is supposed to represent. But it's obvious that the decline in cases correlates to the decline in testing, from the two graphs.
  10. What nationality is she? As far as I know, only British Nationals can enter UK at the moment, and with 10 days quarantine at an official quarantine hotel facility.
  11. Nothing to do with where made, it's where ADMINISTERED. Pfizer administered in Thailand, and presumably made in USA), is not currently accepted for quarantine-free entry to UK, (and bars you completely, if you're not a British National). Ergo, AstraZeneca made/manufactured in S Korea, Belgium etc, if administered in Thailand is not currently accepted.
  12. I didn't get a QR code on the appointment (next dose) slip. Only my name, date and time of next appointment. Accordingly, I first tried using my Thai ID with my mobile number, and then read there was a 13 digit Vax ID, which I had to obtain from the hospital. This worked, the Thai ID did not. Clearly the data given to those vaccinated is not uniform, so I'm trying to give my experience, (and how it worked, after 3 attempts, using different methods), as an option to someone else, in the hope it might help them.
  13. As noted, the certificate is in both Thai & English languages. Installation/set-up is in Thai only; once it's set up, you're good to go. I couldn't do the set up because I don't read Thai, but the dual language may, (and it's a big "may") be applicable for international travel.
  14. No, your mobile number is not 13 digits, it's 10. You should either put in your 13 digit Thai ID, if that was how you registered for your vaccination, or your 13 digit Vaccination ID if you registered with your passport, which is issued by the hospital. If the hospital didn't give you one at the time of vaccination, ring them up and ask them to provide it to you; it starts 600000XXXXXX. I didnt register for the vax using the app...does it matter? No. See above.
  15. Ask your hospital for the 13 digit Vax ID number. Download the Mor Prom app. Put in your 13 digit Vax ID and your mobile number. You will be sent an OTP. Insert it. Your 1 dose vaccine will be recorded. If you don't read Thai, you will need a Thai to help you to install the app and the data aforementioned.
  16. Do you know anyone who can read Thai, like say a Thai person?
  17. Two ballot, single ballot doesn't really make any difference to the outcome; the existing government will continue to rule ad nauseam.
  18. Sounds promising, so I hope it works that way. Yes, of course I would prefer not to travel for another year (it's 2 1/2 since I last left Bangkok), but I do have a a time related issue which I need to sort out before the end of the year, which requires me to travel internationally. The opportunities to do so have gone from good to better to worse, and may become impossible again. Believe me, I would prefer to wait until things sort themselves out, as the hassle is immense, and the cost huge, (USD25k to Hong Kong and back with the 5 week's of quarantine). I'm not sure whether the Thai digital record is internationally accepted yet.
  19. Did you get your vax using your passport? (I registered using Thai ID, but somehow the hospital converged that registration with their own, using my passport, which resulted in me having to call the hospital to get the Vax ID); I've only had the first jab, so I can't get a certificate yet, but obviously it would be useful if it showed my passport number, when travelling internationally.
  20. The certificate is in both English and Thai. Installing the app is in Thai only. Once that's done, you can click on the certificate icon.
  21. If you ring the hospital, they will provide you with a 13 digit vax ID number. I too did not receive one when I was vaccinated, but after the introduction of the Mor Prom app, and in order for it to work, I called the hospital, (BNH Bangkok), and they gave it to me. In fact they only gave me a slip with the next appointment on it, with no other details, other than my name; no passport, no Thai ID, no hospital number etc. Hey presto, it works. (Originally my Mor Prom booking was using my Thai ID, but the hospital used my passport, and as a result, had to issue a 13 digit Vax ID.)
  22. So if the airline in Thailand accepts your proof of vaccination when you check in at BKK, and when you arrive at destination they reject your proof of vaccination, will they deport you? I think there must be co-ordination between the airline carrying you upon departure, and the country of destination.
  23. I have my old WHO Yellow book, issued in the Federation of Malaya (!) in 1965. The last vax recorded was for Cholera in 1977, since which time it has been dormant. There is obviously no page for Covid vaccine, but if I stuck in a hospital certificate, I don't know whether that would work, and where. Herein lies the problem - a lack of uniformity and universality. You need to put in a Vax ID (13 digits)...starts with 600000, not your personal ID number. You can obtain from the hospital/place of inoculation.
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