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Everything posted by proton

  1. True but at least you can make supporting Chinese companies as minimal as possible.
  2. I thought taxis were all corolla and used gas? Yaris are far too small for 3 in the back
  3. MG are Chinese so definitely would not even consider one no matter how cheap
  4. Friend has a hybrid Yaris in Spain part ev part petrol. Starts in electric mode, does the first few kilometers in it then switches to petrol. Never seen one of those here but that would do us as our usual trip is 20k to the shops and back. No plugging in as it charges up while running somehow, not a silly price either.
  5. This never gets repeated on TV does it!
  6. The smart phone is a curse, asking the Mrs to come out and look at the colosseum when in Rome she said no have to update facebook with her food pics! She even takes them of cups of coffee and walking about big C. can get really annoying, she just never knows when to stop.????
  7. As well as idiotic teeth braces still, dyed hair and worst of all Tattooed up
  8. French gala apples are the only produce from there I eat, French wine and cheese are far too expensive
  9. Just watched Chariot made this year just a recommendation not to bother, it really is dire. Kept watching as I thought it might get better but it got worse. Allegedly about reincarnation.
  10. They worship a man who married a 6 year old and who had sex with her when she was 9, according to their own scripture, haddith of Bukhari
  11. Think what you like, the fact remains the Thais there made no real difference, but if there had been no foreign divers and who found and got them all out along with the Australian Dr they would have perished. The cave spirit would no doubt have been blamed!
  12. My current fav, Lamyai saw her this week at Imperial World Samrong and tomorrow nearer the house. Roi Et babe
  13. Many pharmacy sell Ultracet, even Boots, 145 baht for 10 but has about 350 mil paracetomol in it. Taking 2 does not seem to have much more effect.
  14. sentimental twaddle which the Thais love, without the foreign help they would all have died.
  15. Was not the original decision based on a woman lying she had been raped?
  16. Other presidents lost the popular vote but were still elected, that's not the system.
  17. They demand the utmost tolerance and respect, and even the 'right' not to be offended, But appear to give very little tolerance or respect back and when in control human rights go out of the window.
  18. Many are opposed to halal certification, its even on water bottles, little girls swathed in hijabs and burkas, polygamy, child marriage and their jihad in southern Thailand. Opposed to progressive laws, no surprised when they are ruled by 7th century ideas and myths.
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