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Everything posted by proton

  1. Sometimes all there that's left is ridicule ????
  2. Yes, I think that this personal pronoun lark is the biggest woke joke yet ???? mine is grrr as I identify as a badger!
  3. She was not outed she made it public, or is it her/it/meow/woof? ????
  4. So you agree it's in the public domain, the person concerned talked about it first. The rules are mis used to shut down dissent on anything not approved of. Conservative views, opinions on CRT, Islam, Trans, and abortion etc. They just say you broke the rules but never say how.
  5. If it's in the public domain already it's no longer private.
  6. who was harassed? making a factual statement without any comment or judgement is not. It would be defamation if the physician had not been guilty of a crime.
  7. But he did not break the rules did he, that's the point. Like YT they ban what they do not approve of, so these places have becomes cesspits of intolerant liberal offence to anything that goes against their insane woke beliefs.
  8. James Abroad in Nonthaburi this week risking life and limb! Starts at 13.50, criminal negligence!
  9. Chang, down from 6.4% over the years to 4.8% they are taking the pee ????
  10. nearly won the Euro millions in April, did the right numbers on the wrong day ???? won here only once but hardly ever do it. Mrs went crazy one time going on on on about winning- 4k baht!
  11. Last week got a transfer in 7 seconds, maybe it depends on the country it's from and your bank here rather than wise?
  12. They can get tiny holes in after a few years. Bloke across the rd did ours with a bit of welding 300 baht. You can buy new tanks apparently
  13. Though a tradition even Thais don't bother with outdoor movies these days, it's usually a couple of soi dogs and 3 drunks from what I have seen. Boat racing is boring unless you know what is going on, nobody ever seems to. I would suggest some of this, everybody likes Lamyai, saw her three times in the past week. Has a lot of foreign fans.
  14. Hardly any know the highway code here so would not make much difference. We were slammed into on a junction by a bike riding completely on the wrong side of the road. Policeman said he could do that and it was not a real junction anyway!
  15. 8 years of service, sacrifice and devotion to the nation, what a paragon of virtue and Thainess ????
  16. I am reluctant to drink this so called beer if free, i'd luckily never buy it ????
  17. Trendy must have dog and not cheap so why is it wandering about? We had a St Bernard near us, panting all day in the owners yard, it did not last long!
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