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Everything posted by proton

  1. Not sure, over 100k at least Thais tend to be a bit secretive about the details, just boast about the total cost, 240k in this case
  2. Me too at 71 would be quite happy to go tomorrow, always found life to be over rated and boring and I have never been any good at anything anyway, apart from being on time.????
  3. They did 13 pieces for one pile altogether, home pile.com seem to know what they were doing, apart from reversing into out car leaving us without one for a week!
  4. widely discredited, as usual takes very few examples, and expands those to attempt to make out mass diversity. To quote the woman 'Kaufmann laments the scarcity of complete evidence:' So without evidence she just makes it up, exaggerates or lies. Some of the people she lists were not even black. These characters have always been known about.
  5. 1804 was what comes up here https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/inappropriate I wonder when the word pedantic was first used ????
  6. If all were removed who were not fit to wear the robes there would not be many left. Then rules forbid them from having money and a mobile phone is not on the list of permitted possessions!
  7. Negative for me, I like sci fi but seems to be difficult to make original material with engaging characters, as with horror films most of the output is mediocre at best.
  8. I noticed the word 'inappropriate' used in Elizabeth a word not invented for another 400 years. While you don't expect the language of Shakespeare such modern language makes the dialogue look ridiculous. The lazarus project should have been called the Diversity project!
  9. Probably the worst value lottery in the world considering what you pay and what you can win. I have nothing to do with any lotteries after missing out on the Euro millions in April ????
  10. proton

    spanner size?

    well she did not get up until 1.30 and does not know how the TV works after 5 years, so I have some uses!
  11. proton

    spanner size?

    well that was embarrassing, after posting this went downstairs and the mrs had done it with pliers and put the new tap on! Better get one of those adjustable anyway
  12. proton

    spanner size?

    Not got one of those either
  13. proton

    spanner size?

    Got to replace kitchen tap but do not have the spanner size to to get the nut off. Have size 17 but too small, so would it be 18 or 19? I assume these are all the same size.
  14. The Barking murders is a very good mini series, true story of gay victims and Police incompetence in London a few years ago Not so good is Becoming Elizabeth about the early years of Elizabeth 1st. Painfully slow with some poor acting it features an African fighting as a knight in Tudor England in the 15th c. We know Henry V111 had a black trumpeter- he must have been promoted!
  15. It does not continue to grow but is being pushed on people who do not want it and have no need for it.
  16. Pretty sure the police did that and were satisfied it was self defence after reading the murdering pimps confession in his bag. I'd certainly buy David a drink if I ever met him!
  17. Soidog do gooders have done less than 100 a day in almost 20 years, and the numbers still rose. Extermination is the answer.
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