It's a good start to be intellectually brilliant, which he was and nobody can deny his predictions came true. Many cities in the UK became over run with immigrants and changed the nature of them without the host population ever being asked. The present state of lawlessness is unprecedented and it's almost always foreign names as the guilty. Added to that the burden of immigration on housing, schools, NHS and social care is unsustainable, blaming the government for not building enough houses etc is to ignore the obvious. Yet still they come, even on boats escorted by the RNLI, people paying 4-10k are not poor or asylum seekers but the betrayed UK taxpayer has to fork out for these illegals to be put up in 3 star accommodation and looked after forever, just because they are better off leeching off Brits than they would have been back home. Powell was right when he said we must be mad, literally mad.