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Everything posted by proton

  1. Nothing compared to road construction chaos on Rama 2 Bkk which has been going on for years with another 3 to go.
  2. What has it got to do with his mother, surely if he launched an appeal he's the one to withdraw it? He should do 20 years at least.
  3. Why isn't monopoly money doing better, it's worth as much as bitcoin. Bitcoin is not regulated and has nothing behind it except hope and greed.
  4. AA is the last place he wants to go for help
  5. Started watching the Great, a rather laughable tale of Catherine Empress of Russia, no she did not have sex with a horse. However, a few minutes in we have words like 'd head' and the almost obligatory black Africans turning up in an 18th c royal court! I think deleting the whole series would be easier than watching any more of this rubbish.
  6. At least it's not as bad as The Thaiger so it could be worse, even Tim Newton left that.
  7. I would not call any of it bread, more like cake
  8. Booked direct with them, first they agreed a refund then weeks later reversed it. If they had given me another window seat I would not have been bothered ,but they did not. 2900 baht for nothing. I did get a window seat but only checking in 5 hours prior in person. Never go again with them anyway, the food was worse in biz class than their economy, disgusting actually. Drinks were good though.
  9. Why not try again, easy to miss spell something
  10. You can get those loads of places ie Bangsaen just up the road with a better beach, don't see many recommending that.
  11. Or somebody no one has ever heard of recommends living in a seedy, notorious sex resort as a good and cheap place to live, I wonder why ????
  12. Keeping the bike as evidence of what? surely an autopsy is the evidence they need.
  13. I see it's come up on the record, but under the cancel column there is a red cross. Does this mean it's been cancelled, or do people click this cross if they want to cancel it? It does say pending as well.
  14. Like Hillary you mean? how many years did she go on about it and crying she won the popular vote. Trump was cheated by the anti media assault on him and lies by the Democrats for 4 years.
  15. Nothing to address unless you are obsessed with the topic after years of trying to pin something on him. Meanwhile the media continue to divert away from the disastrous present non President, his joke VP and very dodgy son.
  16. Mrs friend round the corner always moaning about what her husband spends on his birds, worse is the gambling as he often loses 100k in bets. Cocks are a terrible addiction! ????
  17. Filthy station for a filthy place seems about right ????
  18. Booked business class with them this year and paid for seat reservations. After 2 plane types changes and 3 departure time alterations they changed plane again at the last minute. This meant seat on one leg was not available, so without notice they changed my window seat to group one in the middle. I asked them for a refund initially they agreed and sent an email saying after processing the refund would be received within 28 days, it never arrived. Now they say after a review they are not giving a refund as the seat I eventually got was similar to the one booked, only in the sense they were both in business class. I have been in contact with them through the resolver website, is there somewhere direct I can take it up with them, nothing on the website seems to lead anywhere apart from contact the local office at exchange tower in Bkk, who just ignore emails. Not a lot of money, but I would have expected better service from the so called top rated airline.
  19. Just done mine but when pressing submit after page one a TM47 form appears with part of my info filled in.. does this mean it's not been submitted? not seen this before. Pretty sure all the info was correct.
  20. I expect it's more like indoctrination than education
  21. Should LGBT be a subject in schools at all?
  22. Got, the greatest male classic luktung singer ever IMO, seen him several times, great concerts.
  23. Where else can you get 6 hours of free entertainment (actual cost at least 400k) at your local train station, yesterday and today. Where else would the toilets be inaccessible in the gleaming new edifice resulting in people having to stumble over 4 rail tracks and down a 4 foot wall to get to one over the road at the old station. Thailands unending quirkiness is always engaging, no chairs at the concert either! Morlam band Boy Sivachai with singer Ann Oradee
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