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Everything posted by proton

  1. Last time I looked they were not taking bookings on the day, will not last for ever though
  2. If the nervous type just tell them you lost it, cut corner off old one and hand it in to Immigration to transfer stamps to new. Any problem bung them a thousand over the misunderstanding it was ever 'lost'
  3. Easier to get a postal address in the UK surely, then no life certs at all. If you are going to lie go the easy route.
  4. But they will want an address in the Philippines to send these life certs to. Best never tell them anything.
  5. Moroccan zero zero, Afghan black, '<deleted>' black, red Lebanese Moroccan zero zero was some of the best, along with Afghan and Pakistani black, red Lebanese etc, better than this weed around now. Somebody gave us a lump of brick weed at the weekend, tried it but not impressed, rather have a tramadol and single malt.
  6. The self elected all male representatives of 5% of the population putting pressure on the government. ???? How about the 95% of non muslims pressuring them to give up their jihad in the south, demanding little girls are not made to wear hijabs and to drop the opposition they already have to drinking? If there is one group who do not practice live and let live it's this lot.
  7. None, but there is a clause saying an IO can ignore the requirement at their discretion.
  8. Here we go again, yes it's legal for an IO to ignore money in the bank rule. But as they only do so when bribed to do it the legality is questionable. What is not is when the agent gets the extension from a province you are not living in, no question that is illegal. OK everyone looks the other way, but if you have to go into your real immigration office with such an extension you might have some explaining to do.
  9. what happened to their covid 19 vaccine?
  10. I only got round to doing that last week at my Krungsri branch, took them one hour and 45 minutes to get it to install and sign up for the app to work! In between got sent to AIS something to do with mobile data.
  11. Has there been a worst woke ad than this patronising load of manure?
  12. when did illegal immigrants become 'migrants' ?
  13. Last train journey here was torture, an 'express' which took over 12 hours from Ubon. Stopped at almost every station for vendors to get on selling water and food on a stick, window jammed wide open and doors dangerously tied back. Last carriage with the back a gapping connection space with just a bit or string across it. Never again.
  14. Still waiting for a refund from their so called seat selection. Paid 6k baht for flight in May and they changed them without notice due to changing plane type. Bad service for biz class, food was worse than their economy class as well!
  15. Won't get this repeated on the BBC, no black actors in it!
  16. Yes we know most items are assembled by cheap labour in China but I don't think that is an excuse for supporting Chinese owned phone companies, who use the same sources. My next phone will be Samsung, I don't want all the profit to go to a CCP supporting outfit.
  17. Why support the Chinese companies?
  18. Media still obsessed with Trump after all this time, now racking up the anti Trump hysteria just because he might run again. That is the real deflection from the abysmal failure in the White House now.
  19. Meanwhile liberal outlets ignore the whole country laughing at 'President' Biden ????
  20. Anyone got a link for a water pipe of some sort not a silly price, preferably lazada or facebook?
  21. Like these? almost 2 billion views
  22. Just because you criticise the country and it's many inadequacies does not mean you hate the place. Hate has become an over used word like racism, toxic, sociopath and transphobic.
  23. Last 3 concerts I went to in Bkk recently were 140 and 170 baht, 12k for a view 100 yards away no thanks.
  24. Can't see any there, maybe sold out?
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