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Everything posted by d4dang

  1. go in a wheelchair....works every time
  2. Durian in Essarn? That won't be easy.
  3. The Thai gov't used to have strict rules about TB. I am not sure about the present. For my first Non B I had to get a chest x-ray from a gov't hospital.
  4. quite a few foreign renters do the runner at the the condo I stay at in BKK so maybe Air B&B is a safer investment
  5. transfer the patient to a gov't hospital asap...the bill will be much less. He will remain in ICU as TB requires, once cleared he can be treated in a ward until released or ? The bills from the private and gov't hospital are the responsibility of the patient/next of kin/or anyone who signs. That was my experience a few years ago/pre-covid. The private hospital helped organize the transfer when informed the patient had limited funds early in the crisis.
  6. desperate perhaps drunken overstayed sailor fleeing the Immi boys and the dreaded Smart car?
  7. in some countries the guy would have been shot....disgruntled postal employees can be armed and dangerous
  8. i need a new gf
  9. at least she will not be around for breakfast...a lawyer may help as he has probably had bad dealings with Thai women and would enjoy hassling her...you may end up with some good stories
  10. maybe he having a wake....so he was drinking while mourning in the morning
  11. Could be time to show The Russians Are Coming by Mel Brooks to lighten the mood
  12. shouldn't Chinese passengers be tested before boarding International flights in China?
  13. he was paying the whole time to receive special treatment and real food...I have visited a few foreigners taking them food and medicine since 2002...Sobraj had money or he would not have survived....the armchair experts know more than I ever will....eventually I was barred from entering the prison...I continued to have food and meds delivered by guards that I paid
  14. My maid from Surin hand washed my passport fortunately she removed all the cash from my pockets and went home never to be seen again. I had a replacement passport in a few days and married my caddie. She might have ensure the maid never returned. Merry Christmas
  15. he must have paid beaucoup bucks to get out of prison in Nepal. He married a Nepali princess in an effort to get out but the maoist government didn't fall for it no matter how much he paid/which some officials accepted happily. He lived well while in the prison and his heart condition is more than likely paid for too, A Nepali friend found the bloodied clothes of one of his victims in the trunk of a rental car when it was returned in Kathmandu. It was key evidence when he was convicted years later. Extradition? 100%
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