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Everything posted by d4dang

  1. He will have time to come up with a better scam.
  2. Looks like he had lots of spare time to get inked up. Sounds like he will have time for more ink but not enough skin.
  3. two big commies cashing in on a monopoly
  4. more visits to casinos and duty frees and bad buffets
  5. most of the girls have more class than the politicians sadly they get paid less
  6. users will be rounded up and locked up and pay up before court or after...big cash flow. for traffickers/producers disrupt the supply of precursors which for years seems to be impossible
  7. leave a full bottle for the cleaners and they will honour you and may attend your cremation at a nearby temple or the government will do the honours
  8. get some legal advice. In Thai couples the male child generally goes to the father. Visitation and support agreements are rarely enforced. Hopefully your ex will put your child's future first.
  9. there will be some groveling
  10. The unnamed hotel is conducting business as usual. Someone either got lucky popping the safe after trying a few rooms or someone learned about the cash during his stay. Nice score regardless.
  11. Being overweight can complicate surgery and recovery. Hopefully you are relatively fit.
  12. He was a cadet at the Police Cadet School and joined the RTP in 1973, He received a Masters in Criminal Justice in 1973 at Eastern Kentucky State University and a PhD in 1978 from Sam Houton State in Texas. He would rise through the ranks ending up a Lieutenant Colonel. He was a bureaucrat in the Planning Division. He married the daughter of a Police General. He served from 1973 to 1987. He was going to rise through the ranks due to family connections.
  13. Taksin has a degree in Police Sciences (a MA?) from a US university. He served with the Royal Thai Police before going into politics and business.
  14. I met Taksin at a temple in Essarn. He has a degree in Police Sciences from a university in the US. he was a serving policeman before going into business and politics. While studying he worked at MacDonalds.
  15. yes an ex sergeant who was in court facing drug charges, Why was he sacked? It seems that he had used drugs since high school and his mother said he used drugs. I am probably misinformed.
  16. He may have been using while he was on duty before being transferred, He was at court before the incident. As a former officer his actions reflect poorly on his former commanding officers who were not aware of his drug problem.
  17. much better for BIB as their colleague was not under the influence?
  18. time to screen police officers for drug use on a regular basis? Sounds like he had meth induced psychosis after using drugs after his court appearance. A horrible tragedy involving so many innocents.
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