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Posts posted by stuandchris

  1. Why come to Thailand and moan about the face issue? Surely you realised what it was abiut before you came out. FYI face is not a Thai issue but is throughout Asia, always has been, in the seventies I was on merchant ships plying trade in Asia with a Cinese crew, try being in charge of a bunch when the face issue is always there.

    You live here now, learn the correct way to get what you want without making people lose face, that is a last resort, it isn't that hard if you understand the concept and try.

    When in Rome do as the Romans do.

  2. In the UK I was on 4Mbs 10 years ago and it wasn't as costly as anyhting here then. Never stopped and always got the full service offered.

    I know this isn't 1st world but this was 10 years ago for gods sake, other Asian countries seem to be able to offer good sevices for the home consumer, why not here?

  3. Rather than offer a new super fast service at a ridiculous fee, they would be better concentrating on getting the existing service offered up to scratch.

    Interent here is a joke and one on seems to give a rats a**,

  4. From my own observations and talking to bar owners, longtail people etc etc they all say it is quieter this year and people that are here are spending less than usual.

    I am sure some hotels and most of the larger ones are doing well but there are also very well run ones that were full last year and nowhere near full this year, indeed a lot of hotels are dropping their rates already.

    There is always a need in business to 'talk up' how well things are, I am sorry to say it goes against what I have been told and seen.

  5. Honda Zazz from new is a cute little car, great for nipping in out of traffic on the by pass road but if you are intending to be here a long time there are limitations.

    If it is auto you will be riding the brakes down the hills all the time cos auto drivers never change down, there is little power up hill so the auto box is always changing, lots of wear.

    If you are here for good get a 4x4 with manual, you can get some for less than a jazz and will last a lot longer.

  6. what used to be a beautiful fishing village is now an eye-sore and very user unfriendly place.

    Needless to say I advise all friends and acquaitances to avoid it like the plague.

    Patong hasn't been a fishing village in over 30 years. You must have been here a long time. Fishing is a hard way to make a living. I doubt the local people would want to go back to what you consider the good old days.

    Patong is a great place to visit for a night out, but, I wouldn't want to live there.

    I won't even go for a night out, the place is a complete sh*thole, no regulation, no commonsense, just a dump to seperate tourists from their cash asap.

    Fancy falling for an 'amzing Thailand ad and ending up in Patong, omg!

  7. Good afternoon. :D

    By the middle of this year will be shipping over from the UK, around 8 - 10 tea chest size boxes, filled with various items to Pattaya. Tools, books, PC, clothes, ornaments. Would have been three times the amount but keeping only family and sentimental items.

    Does anyone any firm that can pick up at the door (UK) and deliver to my door in Thailand. This to include the 'tea money' I have heard about.

    At one point arranging to ship my old BM over until advised "NO", "NO" and "NO" in the strongest terms. Can anyone advise or should I leave everything behind???

    Best festive wishes to you all

    TMD :o

    We brought the same things as you want to do, sold the car though far too much hassle. We used a company from the UK called seven seas international, no problems, no backhanders etc. Took abouk eight eight weeks to get here going through Melbourne.

    Phone number is 0800 21 66 98

    Your fun will start if you want to bring your dog with you, that is a different story!

  8. for me I do like Kamala in a small way although it does resemble a dirt town on the main road, it is also ripe to be over developed the same way as Kata /Karon and Patong.

    Rawai will be the next but the advantage is that we are still thought of as a bit posh without a beach, load of crap but I would not even think of anything north of Kata.

    The south is the last vestige of anything Thai in Phuket and that is not too Thai

  9. I am repeating myself from another post here but farangs have to get real in a big way, I first came here in 1975 and went all over asia, you think it's bad now it was the wild west then.

    Just before I left the UK a black lad got an axe through his head for no reason except that he was black, imagine the posts here if this was a Thai expat web site for the UK.

    Stay calm in all things, smile and learn to shrug your shoulders in that order.

    This isn't our country and you can't put western values on any asian country, if you want it to be little Europe or North America you really need to evaluate whether this is the plsce for you.

  10. These conversations really confuse me, why can't people here understand that we are guests in Thailand and we don't have a divine right to live in any country we chose because we are rich farangs.

    Everyone goes on about about how easy it is for foreigners to move to the first world but you try getting your Thai girlfirend a long stay visa and you will find that Thailand is not really that strict in comparisn.

    This will probably get a vitriolic response but regular guys who have Thai wives such as Living and Dan will never go wrong investing in land. Those that have a Thai wife/girlfirend as a business arrangement shouldn't even think about it.

  11. Hi guys an gals

    December is nearly with us and the ball and chain is banging on about Xmas trees [false ones], so far I haven't seen any.

    Has anyone spotted any yet or if they haven't which places usually sell them?

    Many thanks

  12. Could we add our thanks to Dan, Nikki and Gerd. The trip was a great day, Fantastic hosts, Gerd's chilli was to die for. The company was really entertaining, great to meet such nice people. As a couple of people said it is good for people to get together and chew the fat while pottering around.

    July 15th would be great for me, it happens to be my Birthday!

    I think I even managed to cadge a crewing berth for the Phuket race week eh Wolfgang!

    The only downer was livinginkata ran out of Jack Daniels, something I am sure will never happen again lol

  13. Hi

    Sorry I haven't been on for a while, busy trying to get my contractor to some bloody work for a change!

    I have been on Dan's boat and it is the bees knees.

    Count on me and the ball and chain to be there.


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