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Everything posted by BonMot

  1. Everyone is for sale. FTFY.
  2. With that degree what you should be hoping for is to skirt the licensing requirement and just have it granted to you. You'll have no difficulty getting and keeping a job. Bangkok is the place. If you hold out you can easily start at 36-40k and maybe that 45k with a desperate agency. I would not recommend working for any agency. Plan to make a jump to 50+ at the two year mark and when your waiver dies. People here teaching English with freaking f/Art degrees for SFF!
  3. Just have to know how to do it. Obviously we disagree. Costs me about b100 a day to and from work. No petrol, insurance, maintenance, accident, purchase of scooters.
  4. Quitting is a very real option. I always feel sorry when I come across another article about American teachers leaves by the thousands. It's not your decision. If a person feels like they are not valued and underpaid why should they stay? American teachers is BA/BS, two years credentialing and a bunch of tests. That's heartbreaking to walk away from. Some joker running a listening speaking class in provinces... Hours 8 to 230, no grades, homework not so much.
  5. Here's a tip for noobs. Asian people do not display outward signs of affection. If your date is holding hands and especially kissing or anything remotely like that - she's sinking the hook in you. Another hot tip: don't do this in public as you'll look like a dope being taken for a ride. It's already obviously you're paying her by hour. Don't advertise how desperate you are for affection
  6. The woman in the file photo is as scary as the man. The first photo shows a man with a pub girl. These photos do not follow the narrative! Men that marry women and especially poor ones from issarn are often bound for problems. Make that a poor woman under 25-30 and double that. The same with poor, lazy family and that's some serious pressure against you and your marriage. Half your age plus eight has been a good rule of thumb. Id say no more than fifteen years younger unless it's a purely financial transaction. Visa + sex + chores = care + money. If a marriage is going to succeed the couple nerds to have things they enjoy doing together. Must be fine with each other's company long term. The man needs to remain entirely in control and in control of his finances. No kids unless you want one. No houses most certainly. I love my wife. She's not a glamour girl but still looks good at 46 with a bit of makeup weighing in at 42kg. I see younger guys in BKK with hotter women but they are either rentals or gold diggers looking to set the hook. Most of all we share common interests and generally speaking life goals. Married / together 12 years. I'd not do it again at 65. But the question is who will care for you when your health deteriorates? Everyone ages I think we need to remember that. Look at that one old geezer in the photo. I bet he's dead now. When your this old do you need love and care or eye candy (that can be had here for less than b1000)? You don't gain anything here by properly marrying here save for a visa at 400k. It will give your wife peace of mind assuming you have some assets to leave her. Another stupid article. Maybe ramp up for the prospective high season as punters file in country.
  7. This is why I teach in Thailand. I make half the wages but in the end I love my students they are sweet and sane and worth my efforts. With Thai social security and a good salary I'm alright Jack.
  8. Unless the students are really problematic and they're certainly are those types of students and those types of schools... A teacher should really have their classroom management down after two and 1/2 years. That doesn't mean that new issues won't come up and mistakes won't be made but the teacher should be able to conduct a class without chaos ensuing.
  9. This is why businesmen make lousy teachers. Teaching is extremely complicated. Not only navigating the administration and all the petty personalities especially in Thailand but the classroom itself is complex. You simply can't go in like a bull in a china shop take everyone's phone and start dictating this and that. If you get too much on the wrong side of the students you'll lose them and they won't work for you. I see this all the time on this board - old men with nothing to do will post somewhere something like I need a work permit and I want to teach. It doesn't work that way at least on a real and serious level. In fact, it's lunacy. While I entered the profession in much the same manner as a bored retiree I always had wanted to be a teacher and took it seriously from the first day forward. Teaching is no more like business than business is like teaching. I have brought a lot of my professional attitude into the schools I have worked and even the classroom but I really need to temper it. At times the lack of efficiency and even laziness not from the students but the aadministration and foreign teachers is a real issue. The way that many teachers shuffle around and their Inefficiency makes me a bit angry just looking at it. Nevertheless, you have absolutely no control over many of these things especially in Thailand. In the end the best thing you can do is everyday work on the best teacher that you can be. To regard the short time that you have with the students in the classroom as gold and as best that you can with how you have trained yourself provide them and education.
  10. Yeah, there's absolutely nothing to say positive about the education system in the country. The fact is nothing is going to change. With that in mind you just deal with it. Your proposal is to fire and hire new teachers? Except they're very well might not be any replacements for that provincial school at 11,000 pm. Fixing a system is extremely complicated especially when there's so much vested interest and corruption. I don't see how you've really proposed anything that would solve the problem. For instance, I've long been an advocate for math and science students to be allowed to travel to the provinces spend a few years and work off their student loans. - instead - cite
  11. Typical Thai food. Lunch at school is always Thai. Food courts are mai aroi but cheap in BKK. I'd eat much more in street but many vendors are gone. Wife cooks at home. Spaghetti would kinda be a luxury. Pizza a few times a year. When we go out it's always sashimi. White riv6gets boring but I'm living in E Asia, married to a Thai woman. Absolutely love noodles! I can eat typical Thai food 5-6am. I've pretty much adjusted.
  12. Bill Barr? You mean throughly disgraced Bill Barr? The person that we must add disgrace on to of disgrace? Oh, ok righto. https://www.chicagotribune.com/opinion/commentary/ct-opinion-bill-barr-disgrace-steve-chapman-20210630-7pb7qtdkqzg27cg27ezvr3yhqu-story.html
  13. Please review my post above. Mind you that is only related to the Russia hoax and not the myriad of other supra judicial criminality or interlinking Hunter Biden schemes and scams. DOJ under Garland and subsequent three equally dysfunctional
  14. Investigation Espionage lol. I smell another Jan 6 show trial .That is an absolute farce. Let the Dems wear it like a sword of Damocles Mid term elections.... How convenient. Too lol. A president charged with espionage. It's laughable on it's face.
  15. Try and keep up Liberal VOA https://www.voanews.com/a/usa_former-fbi-lawyer-involved-russia-investigation-pleads-guilty/6194438.html Criminal he was found not guilty. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/durham-sussmann-put-his-lie-to-the-fbi-in-writing/ar-AAVST6x https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/13/politics/peter-strzok-fired-fbi/index.html https://nypost.com/2019/10/08/anti-trump-fbi-agents-lisa-page-peter-strzok-lied-about-affair-book-claims/ https://thenewamerican.com/why-mccabe-was-fired/
  16. I'm no fan of Trump. He's a clown but what's going on and the conspiracies against him are both wrong and legion. We either have the rule of law or don't. Apparently, under Biden and from day one we do not. Carter, a mediocre president but our last statesman. The rest military industrial complex criminals and that very much includes Obama. Agenda driven politics is cheap, low IQ and ever present in US and on this board. Card carrying members of the FSA.
  17. Substitute Secy of State and you'd be dead on. Hillary Clinton was found to have broken several federal laws. Trump not a one.
  18. Just keep them out of Bangkok and I don't care. Off the BTS, off Sukhumvit. I'm glad I live on MRT work on BTS line - but quite happy if they just find another country. My comments definitely include westerners. GBH PS extending this will only allow Russian and Ukrainian hoors to settle in.
  19. If you are familiar with what great coffee Moccona green box coffee was 250gms at b97-107 online (b107-113 BigC) that's what I'm aiming for. Please don't recommend Lao, Viet coffee - the strength is fine but there's no oil, body and the flavor is flat. If you drink black coffee you'll understand. Okay so we have inflation and crop destruction in Brazil but I'm down to my last ten boxes of green and it's totally unavailable everywhere. I'm looking for french roast / espresso full bodied, flavorful. The grind should be dark and the coffee somewhat sticky from the oil. Dry coffee is usually bitter. Happy to pick up central Bangkok or order online. I'll pay more and probably will have to but trying to find another diamond in the rough. Needs to be ground I'm done messing with grinders. Thanks
  20. Lol So you're blaming gun violence on those with carry permits OR the street gangsters and random unbalanced people? Sounds like the former.
  21. It's still fine if you have serious money and income. The proles can suck eggs.
  22. I used to think I was fed up with Thailand and harbored desires to return. After Biden presidency, inflation all the other stupidity I'm really happy I'm here. I'll never go back. Most of my bridges burned anyway. What a shi++y life there
  23. It's poison. Look at the obesity in US and UK. Processed food no matter if sold in a restaurant or brought home in plastic bags from supermarket. Active conspiracies to poison the population. It's not a matter of choice if that's all there is to eat. Bless Thailand. The animal industry aside take away the palm oil and msg and it's very healthy. Even with it it's healthier than anything in the west. I always laff people live here, don't like Thai food. Never eat it.
  24. 1. Every Thai school has its issues as US, UK or Russian schools. It will never be perfect but you can mitigate by surrounding yourself by smarter, better ecucated teachers and admins snd smarter, more motivated students. How to find the schools? Educating yourself on it. There's a old top 50/100 list/s floating around on the internet. It's not perfect and includes private schools it shouldn't and if comprehensive also includes others it should. Consult Wikipedia on some schools, see how some interlinked. There are some somewhat secret schools as well Dek-D might help if you can read Thai. Bangkok is it and while they are about 25 good schools outside BKK they may still lack. Finally, regionally - ask your students. I will say I know of a public school with a very good student reputation, extremely competitive but is horrible to its teachers. A few others that use agencies. In the end you just need to feel it out and if possible speak with teachers at the school. Never ask to speak with them though as if you decide against the position it may come back to bite them. As for the 60% i would ask you for some evidence. Ive heard its 10-20 and school dependant. Surely the better, highly competitive schools bound by none of this. I know this from first hand knowledge. I've also worked at top 1-10-20 schools. Two or three arguably on top five. I've dealt with many aggravating issues and continue to do so but it must be light-years ahead of some half broken school in Nakon Nowhere. The provinces are not cheaper. You just need to learn to negotiate Bangkok. Things cost the same in the provs you just get more of it. More space, more food, etc. No need to have a scooter, insurance, petrol.
  25. Why would you stay in a situation that you find stressful, unrewarding and difficult to manage? I will state that it is ridiculous in that leaving one school for another a teacher often encounters similar problems but not necessarily. Also, hopefully the teacher is that much wiser and can see the signals more clearly. It's Thailand, all non international schools are poorly managed to a greater or lesser degree but there are dozens of schools that are tolerable. In US the bureaucracy and students are also known to be hugely stressful and problematic. Nothing new. Find a different career. I would never teach at a school that wasn't attractive, well kept and had proper and functional AV. In fact, I'd never teach at anything less than the best schools in Thailand. Period.
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