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Everything posted by BonMot

  1. Pot, kettle Kettle, pot Lol. Tell it to the Palestinians.
  2. You didn't even read it. You came to this thread in your superman underwear and slapped that up there trusting Brookings liberal and highly dubious think tank would CYA. You didn't read that. You didn't quote anything nor did you have anything specific to state about it.
  3. I totally agree. Calling someone out with an disparaging epithet to their face is uncouth and generally speaking ungentlemanly. Trolling morons using gender pronouns not so much.
  4. Virtue signal much? I'd say every post on this thread. In twenty years whites will be a minority in the US, probably less time in UK and Sweden. What then? Whites are clear minorities in East Asia with laws even protecting the natives. Not a week goes by and someone is whining about racism. This week it was *racism in the NPs*. I'm so aggrieved ????
  5. That's the way men behave. Of course there is no honor in thuggery and brawling but seeing as I had to point it out - it's a lost cause. That's what keeps the nonsense in check. Not whining and certainly not laws.
  6. I just don't care. I don't care what others think of me or any racist names they ascribe to me. I want to allow everyone to think, act as they so desire. I'll do the same. I don't believe in social engineering, especially wokeness and anything that failed thinking might remotely embrace.
  7. False equivalency much? Insulting and possibly true stereotype racial or not - especially a one off only constitutes s *abuse* by the groups that whine and hunt it out to later use it as a weapon. Spousal abuse Child abuse Verbal abuse I see what you did there but I'm not buying it for a second. Calling people off-color names, use of stereotypes is not abuse no matter what woke trends indicate.
  8. Is that supposed to be some deep wisdom you're imparting?
  9. Verbally abuse lol. Woke much? File charges? An insult is no more than that. Children and bullying aside - words do no physical harm. If it's a real issue - settle it the way humans do... with a fight. Could be fists or pistols at dawn.
  10. The last ten years in developed countries?? To my mind that's gone entirely wrong. I'll live with the farang sleights from the Thais for the extended liberty not living under wokeness.
  11. That's why I don't have banking apps. I don't even have cards on my larger accounts. Your phone irresponsibility, your security breach and your problem.
  12. Last breath (or gasp) of fresh air. But even Asia has caught the disease. Oh, the humanity!!!! I'll take freedom of speech over some simp concern of being offended. It's racist wah wah wah... you're a bigot boo hoo hoo. Bunch of Karen's.
  13. Age old adage Stereotypes (still) exist for a reason
  14. Not half as costly as not getting your deposit/s back when you vacate a rented condo. Not all apartments are serviced. Serviced apts are always a rip. Our utilities are high but the most I've ever paid was 8200b rent/utilities one month. That was blasting AC during covid lockdown day/night. 650m from MRT. Central Bangkok. Unless the condo owner allows you to put the power in your name they can ask anything (maybe even inside scam from agent)
  15. Can anyone identify what university she's headed to? Perhaps in M6 she doesn't know (until next year).
  16. 555 All of you are such simple folk. Do you think any of the Thai players care anything about this? Unless each little mafioso gets his indulgence it's worthless to them. So, it will be a Thai casino, owned by Thais, Thai financial backers or it won't be at all. There are dozens of possibilities to create partnerships, raise GDP, create jobs and a future for the nation but none of it will happen as it has not. Look at the Philippines, Cambodia, Bangladesh it's the same mindset. Gambling... even worse for a nation than a bunch of weed heads.
  17. My rent for 32sqm flat is 5800b, 600m from central MRT stop (on Sukhumvit in less than 10 mins). Electricity b6. 5 unit. I can walk less than ten minutes to a traditional wet market or walk to Big C. Total cost round trip to work, back is less than 100b. Maybe you can specify precisely why you believe Bangkok must be more expensive to live than Nakon Nowhere?
  18. Smooth criminals running money into their pockets is more like it.
  19. What were the damages? Oh yeah, this is Thailand. Extrajudicial fines. Meanwhile on the Airbnb site....
  20. No vax stops it? Then it's not a vaccine is it? Think that's a canard, red herring and logical fallacy there bud. ...and the younger ones seem to be dropping like fleas after a dog's tick bath.
  21. Why? They don't work. CEO Pfizer 4vax has covid Biden 4vax covid 2x Fauci 8 think twice now as well. Loads of negative medical info about mRNA vax. Why????
  22. With women looks are only one factor. With men it's largely everything.
  23. The nice thing about being HERE is that you as a couple can live in your own bubble. Who cares about those stupid (fat, jealous, depressed people) *at home* think?! You've become an adult when you live by your own rules and under your own terms.
  24. That was my old saying! You don't lose the girl just your place in line.
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