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Everything posted by NextG

  1. 400 baht is too much these days ???? 200 baht gets you unlimited at a speed good enough for anything other than 4K streaming.
  2. If she already has a phone, is she likely to want to change her number? If not, you’ll either have to add a plan to her existing number. If AIS, you can pay for her Internet access for a year by applying a Marathon pack to her existing number costing 1890 baht. This will give her 100 GB per month for twelve months ???? 1GB is not enough for video calls. Plus there has to be headroom for everyday usage such a YouTube music etc Alternatively, you can port her number to a new network for the best and cheapest deals.
  3. The issue is the price point. All manufacturers have different policies for their lower end phones. You’ll have difficulty finding one at that price point that gives the guarantee that you have suggested. Try finding at least one model that fits. Wild goose chase?
  4. https://gsmarena.com/samsung_galaxy_a21s-10239.php Sorry to burst your bubble, but your phone is not 5G capable. There is no 5G variation. If you can post a link to one, I will happily donate 1000 baht to the charity if your choice. If you cannot, may I name a charity for you to contribute?
  5. Lol I cannot imagine the average female with a smartphone gives any consideration to whether it has two years or three years of security updates or whether it’s on Android 12 or 13. It just needs to look good, take good pictures, do the things that they need smoothly and stand proudly amongst the phones their peers might have. What happens after three years? Throw away and buy a new one or keep using? I say for 5k get a phone that will impress, rather than an embarrassing clunker that she refuses to remove from her handbag. Post is tongue in cheek of course. I’m sure I have to state that here. There are some over sensitive people.
  6. We are discussing Android boxes here. I don’t know anyone who uses VLC on an Android box and by your reply, it seems neither do you. I use VLC everywhere else.
  7. Not at all necessary and it limits the specification available at that price point. For example, a particular user might be far more interested in the quality of the picture taken and the quality of the screen, than whether they can still use their banking application in eight years time.
  8. Maybe. So much confusion that someone reported my post for deletion. Odd.
  9. Seems someone is a little too hasty in reporting posts. I cannot see my original post to which you replied. There is no Samsung A21s (Ram 6gb / Rom 64gb) with 5G. It seems pointing that out leads to your post being deleted here. Are Samsung sponsoring this thread? Did I miss something? ☺️
  10. You are dreaming…. that your phone has 5G capability.
  11. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/redmi-note-10s-15-8128gb-i2682102984-s9663235079.html ?
  12. Yes. VLC is great. You can probably install it to the box. KODI is often installed as standard. Yes, you can access a 4TB HDD via an Android Box.
  13. Are you referring to Android boxes? I am.
  14. Translation? It shows USB 3.0 clearly within the graphic. The 2TB limitation is if you want to add storage to the box. But you are wanting to connect external storage from which to play media; a completely different proposition. That’s not an issue. With regard to streaming, it’s almost impossible that your connection is to slow for streaming. Even if you are limited to free condo WiFi, it is all too simple to rig up your own WiFi network from a data connection for a mobile phone, once you have ascertained which network is best at your location. You can stream 720p media using a 4Mbps connection and 1080p in a 10Mbps connection. Both accessible inexpensively via mobile data pack. Perhaps 200 baht per month or less for unlimited access.
  15. First tip? It’s all you need. They come with standard remote controls, but you can buy an ‘air mouse’ and/or Bluetooth keyboard to pair with it. Max. 400 baht per item. The box will play most formats natively. Most people will use KODI as opposed to VLC. I use it to stream my library that sits in the Cloud, in addition to playing media downloaded to a portable drive.
  16. Have you ever seen a portable 5G router? I am guessing that you have not. Are you willing to pay Truemove H 1200 baht per month PostPaid for unlimited 5G to download movies and music vids? ???? Get yourself a normal 4G router(Cat.6) and an unlimited data pack capped at 30 Mbps. Router around 1200 or less. Annual data pack 1800 or less
  17. Pray tell us how you can “send the movies to the Samsung using IMDB”? Do you think the posters here know the models being sold at “Tukcom Pattaya Tai”? Buy an Android box. Something like this will be fine for you: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/4k-android-9-amlogic-s905x3-hk1-1080p-1000m-5g-wifi-streaming-set-up-tvbox-i2488084979-s8775679950.html
  18. Songthaew? How long have you been in Thailand?
  19. Try Foodland or buy here: https://shopee.co.th/product/42805439/7553216588 or here: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/ms-pea-protein-isolate-organic-2lb-whey-i2841674124-s10370470995.html
  20. Since you already have both networks to hand, you can add a full speed day pack to your current DTAC SIM in order to run tests using the router, including which bands you need to use for Carrier Aggregation. It won’t affect your current monthly package. DTAC use Bands 1,3,28&40. You’ll be able to pair any combination of these. But you may need to check what is available at your location. If just Band 40 for instance, you may choose Band 40 + Band 40 as a pairing. DTAC upload is often considerably lower than it’s download offering, so check that at the same time. You can do the same with your AIS SIM. AIS uses Bands 1,3,8 &41. Same as Truemove H.
  21. Indeed, most people enter via Thep Prasit, but there is another entrance at the other end which is closer to Rompho.
  22. He didn’t suggest anything in the first place…
  23. Rattanakorn is just around the corner from Rompho..
  24. The market is closer to he than Makro. Today, green peppers 80 baht per kg, red and yellow peppers, 90 baht.
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