So you swallowed the nonsense hook line and sinker?
According to the perpetrator, he was turning into a housing estate. He suggested that that annoyed his victim and that the victim “blared his horn, cursed him and then “followed him and bashed his car”.
Followed him into the housing estate?!
Do you see where I am going? It’s quite possible that because Apichart stopped in the middle of the road and nearly caused an accident, that a rider behind might hit the horn and let off an expletive. There is almost no chance that the victim followed him into the housing estate and bashed his car. Zero. There would be witnesses.
Bottom line is that he is telling stories and hopes that his family connections(uncle was deputy mayor) and his twisting of the truth would get him off lightly. It is likely that because of his connections that he acted in such an arrogant manner in the first place.