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Everything posted by Wrwest

  1. Now over the hill and settled with my Thai girl but … it was certainly an attraction to bring me to Thailand over a decade ago …
  2. Why do I get the feeling you are being so facetious? True, I arrived in Thailand in 2009 after living in the USA for 62 years. And after visiting four times, for a month each time, I decided to retire to Thailand in 2011. Yes, I was a fat boy in a candy shop. Ha! Sorry if any have an issue out of being trapped into the thinking in their own culture. I have been much more at home culturally in Thailand. As long as it is a voluntary work decision (not slave trafficing), I have had no issue with a girl wrapping her legs around me in embrace. OK, I have reached my fill at age 75 and am very happy with my Thai wife but .. I have only fond memories of the "evening stars".
  3. Agreed. I can dream that legislation calling for equal earned retirement medical benefits be placed on an equal basis for military and cilvilian earned benefits when required to pay the ongoing monthly Medicare premiums.
  4. You are replying to the wrong guy. I am fine, he was asking if he could live on 50k baht a month.
  5. Thank you, well done.
  6. I am only aware of the existence of American expats with addresses outside the USA and receiving their SS benefits in the foreign country receiving letters asking for, I believe, annual confirmation of life. My SS deposits are made to my US bank, then combined with additional funds are transferred monthly to Bangkok Bank. So, thinking this would not affect me or others in the same situation.
  7. Allow me to thank you for your reply as I continue to gather information to compare fully earned military retirement healthcare benefits and compare it with fully earned civilian Medicare healthcare benefits. Both groups are required to continue to pay the monthly Medicare, Part B premiums, however only military retirees receive global healthcare coverage through the Tricare program. Working middle class Medicare coverage does not cover outside USA territory (rare exceptions). My desire is to see equal treatment for both sets of American earned benefit retirees expats.
  8. Not looking to split hairs here but rather seeking your thought. I will be using the monthly income method as I switch from "O-A" Visa (already using income method for over a decade) through the needed steps to gain an "O" Visa within Thailand. Thus, I need to demonstrate a total of 800,000 has been brought in from abroad over a year's time. So, not 65,000 baht a month but 66,666 baht a month? It will not be an issue for the total of 800,000 but monthly amount, in this case is not required to be at least 66,666 baht each month?
  9. Just sharing my outlook and reasoning concerning your question. I continue for one more year on my O-A Visa for reason of retirement (for over a decade now). But I use the 65,000 baht monthly income method. In this, I follow your reasoning about parking, in my case what would be 800,000 in a Thai bank when currently those funds are invested and earning me income. OK, but ... I am married to a Thai citizen so ... I could change to a marriage visa (yes, I know = for reason of marriage and the Visa would be an "O"). In the case of the marriage route, as you point out, 400,000 in a Thai bank or 40,000 baht brought in every month. For me, the reality is we spend the 65K baht every month so 40K baht income does not work. However, at age 75, I want to have some security for my wife when I croak so I am slowly building up a savings for her, currently in excess of 400,000 baht. Why not switch? The 65K income is needed to support our family of 3 and the marriage route requires more paperwork, home visits ... Hope sharing my thinking might aid your choices.
  10. I can no longer respond as a single male and I am not Australian. My U.S. Social Security is $1385 USD per month. Certainly not enough to live on the USA nor Thailand. But I currently do live on the required imported funds of 65,000 baht a month … for a family of three so do think, if I were single 50K baht a month would be fine … for me alone.
  11. No additional punctuation was needed in the one sentence question I asked.
  12. Sorry, private hospital
  13. Our contract and the owner agrees without issue ... if it is part of the house, he takes care of needed replacement, maintenance (lightbulbs, cleaning 4 air conditioners, etc. I take care). 3 years now and he replaced a shower hot water heater, and an air conditioner. Before we moved in he had already replaced to water pump and two air conditioners.
  14. Not sure about the, “many Americans”. May well be true since the U.S. sadly has no national healthcare program so it is a hodgepodge of private insurance or not. What I would love to see is a wrap around Thai healthcare program bringing retirees into the Thai national system for a substantially higher accident policy for 300 baht. If it works to cover the tourist motorbike accident then that would address one major issue.
  15. No difference between a fetus and a being capable of living as an independent being?
  16. This is Thailand and I certainly respect the Thai citizens right to make and support their right to support their own laws. That said, as an American, I have argued this same issue in the country as a citizen. What follows is my statement I have made on public social media in the US. As I am a resident in Thailand with a Thai wife and Thai Stepdaughter, I believe this statement is applicable here in Thailand. These laws are applicable only on the poor. Bottom line for me? Should I and my significant other be faced with this decision, I would not recognize any law, regulation, disapproval by the right wing demanding that we carry to term, deliver, care for and bear the emotional/financial burden of raising a genetically damaged being. or as a result of rape or threat to the female's health.. Fortunately, I would have the financial resources to seek medical care in an enlightened country. Foolish to follow an absolute stance, based on personal religious beliefs (and trying to force those beliefs on others), and yet refuse to have social systems in place to care (emotionally and financially) for those who choose not to abort.
  17. Chiang Mai RAM where my stent and angioplasties were performed.
  18. Close being from the current US ...
  19. Depending on what state you reside in and if you have financial resources you can have access to needed medical services as regards abortion requirements. The attempt by states to use a like regulation reminiscent of the Fugitive Slave Law remains to be tried through the courts.
  20. Just back from my quarterly checkup with my Cardiologist. A little more blood work than usual along with an X-ray and an EKG, then the meeting with the Doctor. She had set a stent and did two additional angioplasties in 2015. I was very pleased with the care I received here in Chiang Mai. The total bill today? 5143 baht which American Express says $142.75 was charged. Happy camper retired in Chiang Mai.
  21. Yes, then confused. Out of my reach. If I had that sum I would have retired in the states and traveled from there. Medicare would be of some value … outside the US (festival exceptions), it si of no value.
  22. 80,000 baht a month income? Yea … no. I retired to Thailand as a lower cost country because I cannot afford to retire a working middle class standard of living in the USA. I bring 65,000 baht into Thailand each month (and spend almost all of it) supporting my Thai wife and her Daughter (my Stepdaughter). I am benefitted, my Thai dependents are benefitted and the Thai economy is benefitted. Thailand wanting to attract the rich and famous or those, at least still working? Go for it but deal with the documented demographics. Thailand advantage? Potentially great for tourism, for medical tourism, for working middle class retirement at reasonable cost. Overplay your hand and you shoot yourself in the foot.
  23. I often have Da call to get a price. Cheaper than I can get not speaking much Thai and clearly a farang.
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