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Everything posted by Wrwest

  1. Not everyone, just the overwhelming majority. And most important those who are empowered to bring charges …
  2. American retiree resident in Thailand. I have watched the 2nd and 3rd Jan. 6th Committee Hearings. My judgement is that the Committee is doing a fine job of stating the issues to be addressed in the hearing, presenting the documented factual evidence, including sworn testimony and addressing the implications of the hearing. I hold final judgement until all hearings, evidence is concluded but … thus far, those who support The Donald and his ilk are not going to be happy with the judgement of history.
  3. Sorry, only overnight hospital stay in Chiang Mai was heart attack. As far as government hospital, only Doi Saket Hospital as a result of skinning myself in a motorcycle fall. In that case, ambulance, wound dressings, tetanus shot, Doctor fee and ambulance back to residence for a total bill of USD $10.00.
  4. Quote concerning Somoza in Nicaragua attributed to before Nixon. Just for the historic record.
  5. As an American citizen, I will await the complete Congressional Hearings to be completed before a final judgement. The Committee is doing a good job of explaining the issues to be addressed, the witnesses are presenting sworn testimony, factual documentation is presented from those tied to the issues. It is public for all to listen, watch. The preponderance of fact will forever condemn those involved for all times through the documented history.
  6. Agree. In this case, not an issue for me but ... well, I come from a nation of immigrants. I only disagree with covering the face ... not due to religious reasons but rather public safety concerns. Same as not wearing face coverings (including motorcycle helmet) into banks, etc.
  7. Chiang Mai. I have used agent for over a decade and it costs me less than half that service price. Renewal 1900 baht, so about 5000 baht to "handle it". I use monthly income of 65K baht.
  8. Yes, just around the corner from RAM. So, especially farang retirees along Huay Kaew lose theit Tops supermarket. We have also lost a Rimping supermarket when Promenada Mall closed.
  9. My wish list would include raising the cap on required contributions, top down military realignment which would reduce both the global policing stance and the accompanying budget, and treating earned civilian Medicare on the same basis as earned retired military (currently military retirees get global coverage while civilians get no coverage outside U.S. territory).
  10. Na ... I'm thinking the thought is to provide a preponderance of documented evidence so compelling that there will be no one in their right mind (note this allows for those who will continue to support Trump) who will be able to dismiss the evidence as only politically based.
  11. Not surprising at the government flipflop without thinking things through. But ganja, like early Coca Cola product, while not curing other problems ... just make those problems of less importance.
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